Did you all come off as possible future psychopaths or is it just this one? I know it's more than sun and environmental influence. Just curious.
I really dislike these placements in my chart.
My little boy was very punctual and came on his due date. He was born on Nov. 1 at 5:57am. Of course he is completely perfect in every sense and beautiful. I was wondering if you had any insight on his Natal Chart. I would greatly appreciate it. (Xpost Le
Our little boy was very punctual and came on his due date. He was born on Nov. 1 at 5:57am. Of course he is completely perfect in every sense and beautiful. I was wondering if you had any insight on his Natal Chart: Asc. Libra Sun Scorpio Moon Canc
Please tell me how can a Scorpio sting if you reject them?
I have been dating this leo (7/27/73) Moon in Leo, Mercury in cancer, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Aries. We have been on and of more than I can count (dating 2+ years). But he always comes back. This last time, we had a 4 month break. I asked him if he was a
Are we doomed to just go around in circles until one of us gives up? Its like he always knows when I am going to give up and pops right back up and I do the same. drives me insane. All I want to do is love him! Why does he make it so hard for me to love h
Every time I try to upload a photo, it says YOUR BROWSER DOESN'T HAVE FLASH, SILVERLIGHT OR HTML5 SUPPORT.", my computer has that on it so I'm not sure what else I can do. Can anyone help me figure that out? Thank you so much, :)
Hey, i am aries 21.03.1990. I am 25 yo woman who doesnt know what to do in my life. I mean people think I am focused on my career and so one, but i dont have a boyfriend. I dont know what is going on wrong with me that I dont have a boyfriend. Am I to