Internet dating is for the birds!

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by ariesgrrl on Saturday, August 26, 2006 and has 4 replies.
I give up! I really do. I thought it might be fun, might meet some interesting people-but, no. All I get r smiles from balding, old men, or ones that include the stupidest lines like "i'll be your big teddy bear", bullshit like that. or else, go out on dates, with guys moderately passable, and find out they are like walking zombies with no umph, or pazzaz. I'm suprised they still have a heartbeat or they don't even dress up for a first date. no, I've pretty much given up on the idea of finding a decent guy, who is mentally, and physically stimulating. I give up. f-it!
Is that a treat..??
aries, if you are referring to, it's not a quality site. try a site like it costs more, but you might get less losers.
Ahem though.