Posted by MissLibracookieYes not very often like $ 20 here or there and I always pay him back, but someone told me that was wrong because he lives with his girlfriend so it is like taking their money. But he wanted me to move here and I am 15 hours away from all of my family so if I needed money they would have to send money orders where as my ex can just send it through mobile transfer or drop it off.
I'm confused. Are you borrowing money from your ex that you have a child with?
Posted by GetMistedOut arrangement is he pays half of my son's daycare and medical bills and I pay the other half and we take care of our own household. Plus I feel like if I put him on child support I'd never be able to leave this state.
why isn't he paying child support if it's his child?
Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?
Posted by ladylibra21It is very intruding for people to have an opinion on a situation that does not impact them.Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?click to expand
Posted by GetMistedomg I know..
Relationship or not..
As father, it is his responsibility as a grown ass man to help financially with his child.
Posted by ImpulsvIt's not your money unless you are a wife!!!Posted by nikkistarIt is the gf bussinessPosted by ladylibra21It is very intruding for people to have an opinion on a situation that does not impact them.Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?
If your ex, you, and his current significant other have no issue with the arrangement, than the situation is fine. And anyone whom volunteers their opinion on the situation that is not directly part of it can, essentially fuck off.
But seems she doesn't Mind which I applaud her cuz I'd be pissed to give away my our money
Orhe does it without her knowingclick to expand
Posted by ImpulsvPosted by nikkistarIt is the gf bussinessPosted by ladylibra21It is very intruding for people to have an opinion on a situation that does not impact them.Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?
If your ex, you, and his current significant other have no issue with the arrangement, than the situation is fine. And anyone whom volunteers their opinion on the situation that is not directly part of it can, essentially fuck off.
But seems she doesn't Mind which I applaud her cuz I'd be pissed to give away my our money
Orhe does it without her knowingclick to expand
Posted by TaurusBull1977
It's not a problem now because he doesn't LIVE with the girlfriend, he lives with roommates.
Your child's father and his girlfriend are not sharing household finances.
But in the near future, if things were to get serious between those two, my advice to you would be to start asking your boss for a raise.(engagement)
Posted by ladylibra21
He does live with her she is one of the roommates
Posted by Gemitatieven if she was a wife, the man has children and when you get involved with someone who has children those children must come first.Posted by ImpulsvIt's not your money unless you are a wife!!!Posted by nikkistarIt is the gf bussinessPosted by ladylibra21It is very intruding for people to have an opinion on a situation that does not impact them.Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?
If your ex, you, and his current significant other have no issue with the arrangement, than the situation is fine. And anyone whom volunteers their opinion on the situation that is not directly part of it can, essentially fuck off.
But seems she doesn't Mind which I applaud her cuz I'd be pissed to give away my our money
Orhe does it without her knowingclick to expand
Posted by nikkistarPosted by ladylibra21It is very intruding for people to have an opinion on a situation that does not impact them.Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?
If your ex, you, and his current significant other have no issue with the arrangement, than the situation is fine. And anyone whom volunteers their opinion on the situation that is not directly part of it can, essentially fuck to expand
Posted by TaurusBull1977Were they dating when they moved in withPosted by ladylibra21
He does live with her she is one of the roommates
Still no real committment.
She's ONE of the to expand
Posted by MontgomeryHe has A house his best friend lived with him then she moved in like 6 months into the relationship. But I don't know what their arrangements are he probably would have never told me she moved in if I had not just walked in one day to pick up my son which he would do at my house and he asked me not to do that anymore because she lives there. But we live mostly separate lives so I don't know a lot about their living atrangementPosted by TaurusBull1977Were they dating when they moved in withPosted by ladylibra21
He does live with her she is one of the roommates
Still no real committment.
She's ONE of the roomates.
each and the third person?click to expand
Posted by TheLibraMudraWe try to split it mostly 50/50 I probably have him a couple more hours or days out of the year when you added up but we don't have a legal contract this is just something we set up ourselves when we broke up. And I promise not to move from the state unless my family needs me or I absolutely can't afford to live here. Which I probably should just go home now but I'm trying to see if I can make it another year and my son is very happy having a relationship with his dad and I don't want to ruin that for him but I don't want to run my credit either because I can't get ahead quickly enough here.
Does he have your kid 50/50 with you?
You can leave the state.
Posted by ladylibra21No. And despite his new girlfriend. It's your and his business alone. You will always be in his life because of the child/ren you share. Until he marries whatever girlfriend he is with and starts a new family it's none of her business either.
OK so my ex, who is not on child support, Is in a relationship but from time to time I will ask for $ 20 here or there and pay him back it is very early but it is easier to pay him back then my parents back over 15 hours away. Someone was saying that it is not fair to ask him because he is in relationship but he doesn't pay child support yes he paid his half but he makes more money than me and has 2 roommates so I honestly don't see anything wrong with asking him for money as long as I pay him back.
Posted by ladylibra21Okay then, I'll stand by what I said.Posted by MontgomeryHe has A house his best friend lived with him then she moved in like 6 months into the relationship. But I don't know what their arrangements are he probably would have never told me she moved in if I had not just walked in one day to pick up my son which he would do at my house and he asked me not to do that anymore because she lives there. But we live mostly separate lives so I don't know a lot about their living atrangementPosted by TaurusBull1977Were they dating when they moved in withPosted by ladylibra21
He does live with her she is one of the roommates
Still no real committment.
She's ONE of the roomates.
each and the third person?click to expand
Posted by MontgomeryI know I guess because I hate feeling like I owe people. I don't want anyone to hold something over my head laterPosted by ladylibra21Okay then, I'll stand by what I said.Posted by MontgomeryHe has A house his best friend lived with him then she moved in like 6 months into the relationship. But I don't know what their arrangements are he probably would have never told me she moved in if I had not just walked in one day to pick up my son which he would do at my house and he asked me not to do that anymore because she lives there. But we live mostly separate lives so I don't know a lot about their living atrangementPosted by TaurusBull1977Were they dating when they moved in withPosted by ladylibra21
He does live with her she is one of the roommates
Still no real committment.
She's ONE of the roomates.
each and the third person?
It's not a venture they went into together.
Not her business.
And I agree with @mystarsshine--
You're being *entirely* too to expand
Posted by Gemitatii know right? lol jeeeezzz.Posted by ImpulsvIt's not your money unless you are a wife!!!Posted by nikkistarIt is the gf bussinessPosted by ladylibra21It is very intruding for people to have an opinion on a situation that does not impact them.Posted by nikkistarTrue I just never thought of it as intruding but aparently some people would see it that way.
What is it anyone's business what happens between you and the father of your child?
If your ex, you, and his current significant other have no issue with the arrangement, than the situation is fine. And anyone whom volunteers their opinion on the situation that is not directly part of it can, essentially fuck off.
But seems she doesn't Mind which I applaud her cuz I'd be pissed to give away my our money
Orhe does it without her knowingclick to expand
Posted by TheLibraMudraPosted by ladylibra2150/50 ish is tricky especially if he has half medical bills and day care. Not sure they would do much as far as child supoort anyways. Is he good to you? As in... is it a conversation you can have with him without blowing over the top about going home?Posted by TheLibraMudraWe try to split it mostly 50/50 I probably have him a couple more hours or days out of the year when you added up but we don't have a legal contract this is just something we set up ourselves when we broke up. And I promise not to move from the state unless my family needs me or I absolutely can't afford to live here. Which I probably should just go home now but I'm trying to see if I can make it another year and my son is very happy having a relationship with his dad and I don't want to ruin that for him but I don't want to run my credit either because I can't get ahead quickly enough here.
Does he have your kid 50/50 with you?
You can leave the state.
It is not wrong to ask for $ to expand
Posted by ladylibra21Posted by TheLibraMudraPosted by ladylibra2150/50 ish is tricky especially if he has half medical bills and day care. Not sure they would do much as far as child supoort anyways. Is he good to you? As in... is it a conversation you can have with him without blowing over the top about going home?Posted by TheLibraMudraWe try to split it mostly 50/50 I probably have him a couple more hours or days out of the year when you added up but we don't have a legal contract this is just something we set up ourselves when we broke up. And I promise not to move from the state unless my family needs me or I absolutely can't afford to live here. Which I probably should just go home now but I'm trying to see if I can make it another year and my son is very happy having a relationship with his dad and I don't want to ruin that for him but I don't want to run my credit either because I can't get ahead quickly enough here.
Does he have your kid 50/50 with you?
You can leave the state.
It is not wrong to ask for $ 20.
I think he would fight dirty if he felt like I didn't have a valid reason to to expand
Posted by TheLibraMudraTo free him from all obligations and be poor somewhere else?
Does he have your kid 50/50 with you?
You can leave the state.
Posted by TheLibraMudraI am sure they sell hubs in Ireland! ?Posted by ladylibra21I am going through similar things with ex scorp. Complicated shit. I get you. If I left, it'd be for Northern Ireland with my hub but couldn't do that to my girl. Kinda makes you wish they didn't give af LOL. But at least we have dad's that care about their kids.Posted by TheLibraMudraPosted by ladylibra2150/50 ish is tricky especially if he has half medical bills and day care. Not sure they would do much as far as child supoort anyways. Is he good to you? As in... is it a conversation you can have with him without blowing over the top about going home?Posted by TheLibraMudraWe try to split it mostly 50/50 I probably have him a couple more hours or days out of the year when you added up but we don't have a legal contract this is just something we set up ourselves when we broke up. And I promise not to move from the state unless my family needs me or I absolutely can't afford to live here. Which I probably should just go home now but I'm trying to see if I can make it another year and my son is very happy having a relationship with his dad and I don't want to ruin that for him but I don't want to run my credit either because I can't get ahead quickly enough here.
Does he have your kid 50/50 with you?
You can leave the state.
It is not wrong to ask for $ 20.
I think he would fight dirty if he felt like I didn't have a valid reason to to expand
Posted by ladylibra21Only thing wrong with this is that you have to ASK. He should be offering and making sure his kid and baby mamma are well taken care of, imo.
OK so my ex, who is not on child support, Is in a relationship but from time to time I will ask for $ 20 here or there and pay him back it is very early but it is easier to pay him back then my parents back over 15 hours away. Someone was saying that it is not fair to ask him because he is in relationship but he doesn't pay child support yes he paid his half but he makes more money than me and has 2 roommates so I honestly don't see anything wrong with asking him for money as long as I pay him back.