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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1921 · Posts: 17000 · Topics: 108
I never show sadneto people in my life. Idk why. I can easily feel sadness, but find it almost impossible to show. I’ve helped so many people in my life feeling sadness, but can’t help thinking how great it would be to find a person I could be 100% open with about how I feel. To just feel safe with them, and not feel like I’m being judged or annoying.
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Jan 08, 2017Comments: 41 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 41
It can be a turn off if you are always sad, but regardless, be you and don’t hide it.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
I can't relate the emotion to arousal. I don't see a connection. I don't run from or avoid people feeling sad. I'm a mother, wife, etc. So, I deal. I'm married to a brooding Cancer Moon. His emotions are extraordinary.
To me, sadness is not weakness, vulnerability, or turn-off. It's just sadness.
Cause, I've seen sad people do some amazing things.
Now that I think about it. Hubby seemed seemed sad when I met him. I thought it mysterious. It made me care for him. We all acted sad back then whether sad or not. We were all sad, angry, or nothing. And, then came grunge, alt rock, and gangsta rap. We were all cool with sadness. If we remember our youths... As an artist, I saw my emptiness as muse and his sadness was something-ness.
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Nov 27, 2015Comments: 379 · Posts: 2442 · Topics: 172
Everything negative is a turn off and may be judged by others from their own lens of perspective.
But fuck that anyway, you do you. Be the real you. ❤️
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Dec 11, 2018Comments: 863 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 10
Yes it’s a turnoff. I’m not a nurturer. Anyone who finds it attractive is probably also in a dependent/toxic relationship where they are relied heavily on for emotional support or vice versa.
Humans and their fake captain save-a-sad-hoe rhetoric will start to exhibit resentment, at some point. Why? They get caught in a cycle of trying to save someone and build someone up and forget about their own emotions and self.