just a question

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by sweetscorpio75 on Sunday, June 9, 2013 and has 1 replies.
I met an aquarious man online about 7 months ago. we have been talking on the phone and on facebook quite a bit. it never was serious to me because he always seemed like he wasn't serious. we started talking about 3 weeks ago more frequently. I really started liking him and we are going to meet in about a week, but I was not going to commit to anything until I knew for sure how he felt. I had been talking to him one night on the phone after he got off of work, and stupidly when I went to call him back accidently called an old friend that I hadn't spoken to in a while. at first they sounded very much the same but as the conversation progressed I realized that I had hit the wrong contact..... embarrassed I ended the conversation... and tried to call my friend for the next hour. when he finally called me back, he was upset. I was honest with him. he was understandably hurt at me. what surprises me is that everything that I have read on aquarious males point to being distant and emotionally quiet. but over the next 2 hours he told me that he was hurt because he was starting to fall in love with me...even though we never met. he was also talking about wanting to have a child with me and starting a family. I was so stunned. I don't want to seem like I am trying to close in on him so I am not trying to bring it up to him again.... I am a scorpio woman.... wondering what thoughts are on this..... I could really fall for this man... but I don't want to just be another notch on his belt, and I am not sure if he was saying this to get a reaction. not very schooled on the whole scorpio/aquarious thing.....thanks for any input....smile
ps-he is coming in a week.... any good ideas on what we could do for fun??? he is leaving it up to me for some reason...im 37 and he is 39...thanks!!!