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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
Is this stuff about people being in different leagues for real? I used to like this one girl, and she said she thinks she is out of my league because she has a degree, a career, and is cute. It sounds like some sort of upper class crap like they used to have in the UK.
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Aug 19, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 128 · Topics: 12
You said she told you that she thinks she is out of your league?
Maybe she sees herself in her own eyes. Love dont have no league. Real love. Real love lifts you up and never puts you down. It's rare but it's there. I make alot of money. But you know, I find the most pleasure in the things that do not cost a thing. Someones time with you is more valuable than anything. Your best memories with someone dont usually cost anything. (think about it) If a girl says that kind of crap to you- move on- because you are playing on different fields.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Basically it was her way of saying she thinks she can do better.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Just because you want a girl does not mean the feeling is returned.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
LS, when did I say that I thought feelings were automatically mutual between men and women?
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
Yeah I dunno, it just pisses me off. I really liked her, mostly because she's so different from me, but there's nothing I can do.
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Sep 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 287 · Topics: 19
work harder, where is will there is a way.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1857 · Topics: 45
Where is this girl coming from ???? (does she thihk she's an xtra from the movie Dirty Dancing!!!!???)...... in my humble opinion, anyone who says this to another is just plain ignorant, dam ignorant and extremely rude.....OK so we may all think some poeple are not suited for us (WAY!! not suited!!) but all we have got to say and say it nicely is ..."sorry my pal....we are not meant for each other!!!! you are going in one direction and me in another"......leagues etc. make me sick to the bone! is better than! or not good enuf for! "another"'s all in the duo-chemistry!!!
A x
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* LS, when did I say that I thought feelings were automatically mutual between men and women?
Wasn't talkin' to you sweetcheeks. (pats your bottom) I was talking to the man claiming she was a prostitute because oviously anyman who expresses interest in her should be worshiped. Implied. Not said.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
well she pretty much said we were going in different directions too, which we are, but I mean, I don't care. That doesn't bother me. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about? I don't know. Maybe going in the same direction really is important. But I feel like she won't let herself be interested in me.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* we were going in different directions too, which we are,
* Maybe going in the same direction really is important. But I feel like she won't let herself be interested in me.
Why would she? If you are going in different directions that means you want different things and fundamentally are incompatible. The reletionship won't work out and heartbreak invenvitable.
You have to be on the same page for things to even be worth trying. You guys aren't so you aren't compatible.
Life is so much easier when you partner wants the same things you do.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
I don't know that what we want really is all that different though, more than she just thinks it is. I mean, yeah, my dream is to make a career as a comedian/actor, and get into films and music, and whatever else I feel like, and she wants to get into politics by working her way up at her family's insurance company, and having a poli sci degree. But, I like politics, and she likes movies and music and art and stuff. Honestly? I don't think it would work as a romantic relationship, but as a friendship I think it would be fine, and she won't even consider that because I'm not in the league or better or whatever.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* mean, yeah, my dream is to make a career as a comedian/actor, and get into films and music, and whatever else I feel like, and she wants to get into politics by working her way up at her family's insurance company, and having a poli sci degree.
Been there pumpkin. His political career took all our time and stifled me creatively. I was constantly judged by everything I thought and did as it was a reflection on him, so I couldn't be myself at all. Plus, his friends were some of the biggest assholes I have EVER met.
It is too bad that she won't consider even a friendship with you.
To be honest, I find my creative friends, the filmmakers, comedians, musicians, and performers are my support system and where I feel most comfortable. We just seem to relate better. I miss some of my old friends. But now when we get together, there is a lot of awkward pauses. We no longer understand each other.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
Everything that you guys are saying is pretty much true. I just want to get to know her so I can find out why she is the way she is. I mean, as a comedian, how people are, and why, is really interesting to me. Learning about different people, and almost, especially people that don't get me, or don't like me, is interesting. Sure, there's the idea that people like that should just be ignored, but isn't that being ignorant? They're just people, and if they're acting that way, it's because they're frightened, or unsure or something. Maybe they feel threatened. It's not their fault if you really think about it. And thats why I want to be her friend. I just have to figure out how to communicate why I want to be her friend in a way that makes sense to her.
It's not about her being worth thinking about. I think every human being is worth thinking about.