Major turnoff, or No big deal?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by jru2 on Friday, November 12, 2010 and has 27 replies.
So, this is a game, you answer the last one and make up a new one...
After a couple of dates, your new lover has you over and is preparing a nice dinner for you. BUT, they have a big pile of clothes on the couch for you to fold while you wait. Major turnoff, or No big deal?
Unmade bed,no big deal.nasty thank you.

You've been dating a realize every time your there the person's mother stops by.....she's nice though.
accept it as just part of the deal,or get worried?
I'd get a bit worried. I'd really depend though on whether or not she was stopping by unannounced all the time and how the guy handled it. Did he say, 'Hey, Mom! Come on in and join us!" or did he seem to feel like our private time was being invaded.
So you're dating a few months and you finally decide to have your friends and your new boyfriend meet. There is an awkward silence when you introduce them all because as it turns of your friends dated him a few years back and it ended badly. Is that water under the bridge or do you jump ship?
If the mom didn't catch the hint the 1st time she caught me chasing her daughter around the house naked ... I'm worried ... have to call major turn off on that one.
1st time you sleep over on a work/school night, your partner has the alarm set early, and proceeds to hit snooze every 9 minutes for an hour or so.
lol @
Posted by ellessque
I would reach over him, turn it off and give him a reason to rise and shine Winking

I think I like you already Winking
"If the mom didn't catch the hint the 1st time she caught me chasing her daughter around the house naked ... I'm worried ... have to call major turn off on that one."
I was going to ask what if her mom is hot....but at our age,that would be a long shot. smile
"So, you've been dating for a few months and your hanging out watching the football game on a sunday afternoon. You hear a knock on the door and he/she opens it and it is the ex with the kids. She/He needs to run an errand and wants them to keep the kids for awhile. You've not met the kids yet. She/He gives you the evil eye. Do you stay or do you gracefully exit stage left?"
I'd giver her an even more evil eye,and most likely stay.
actually,I wouldn't return the evil's much more fun to give the"I'm going to sleep with your ex later" grin.Winking
HA! Major turn off! If I saw that pile of clothes on the couch while yet he's staring back & forth at me & those clothes, I'd say, "Oh, I was aware you had hands too! Clothes can't get up & wash themselves!"
When you 1st meet your partner, they tell you all about how oh-so-busy they always are. They try to impress you with this big work/school schedule in the beginning, BUT yet as you keep spending time with them, you notice that they always seem to be at home and/or free when you want to see them. All of the sudden & as time goes on, they will start getting less & less UNbusy. No, it's not always b/c they decided to fit you into their schedule! No, they were ALWAYS free and/or had time. It's just that in the beginning, they wanted you to believe that they were Mr. Big shot b/c for some reason people hype up how much they've got going for themselves in the beginning sometimes.
MAJOR deal breaker! Here's my thing: If you're unemployed, just keep it real. Don't pretend like you've got to break the date or like you aren't answering b/c of some imaginary work schedule/demands. Just be real. Don't pretend like your life is fast-paced & always busy only b/c you think it'll turn me on and/or make me think you're more of a good/motivated person than you really are. If you claim you don't get off until 5, don't think I won't notice that as time goes on, your azs seems to be home waaaay before 5!
Posted by ellessque
lol....krysrenee7 must have dated a capricorn at some point in her life.

LOL how'd you know?! ;~P
I'd take over cooking the dinner and HE can fold.
Posted by krysrenee7
When you 1st meet your partner, they tell you all about how oh-so-busy they always are. They try to impress you with this big work/school schedule in the beginning, BUT yet as you keep spending time with them, you notice that they always seem to be at home and/or free when you want to see them. All of the sudden & as time goes on, they will start getting less & less UNbusy. No, it's not always b/c they decided to fit you into their schedule! No, they were ALWAYS free and/or had time. It's just that in the beginning, they wanted you to believe that they were Mr. Big shot b/c for some reason people hype up how much they've got going for themselves in the beginning sometimes.

So funny, yet so true!
haha Turn Off! And liar. I could have been turned on by the real him anyway even if he did have allot of time on his hands. But realizing that you tried to impress me with BS then I'll be turned off even if you are hot and charming.
Ok lets see...

You're dating about a month or two and you both have sexual intentions but just haven't gotten there. Touching and fooling around. Hanging out and dating and all that good stuff. And then one day you're in the music building on campus and you enter a hall full of practice rooms. You guys pick out one with a lock and he starts playing a bit and the you guys fool around and then pull out the condoms. BUT he's super cautious about getting caught and being seen through the window on the door AND on top of that: it didn't work out. Tried a few positions and he almost misses the right hole and we almost gave up but you wanted to continue after you both dressed back up again and then you're like screw this and take off his pants and get on the floor and then when being penetrated it hurt even though you know you're not a virgin (though you've only had sex once) and then he freaks out and then the whole this was a big disappointment and unsatisfying... And he's so not spontaneous either!
And that's all obviously based on a true story lmaooo so... grrr ..
Would you keep trying or just stay friends instead?
Ya, sounds like both of you could use the practice ... maybe have your next jam session someplace that's more relaxed and comfortable for both of you. Haha, couldn't resist all the puns that where just sitting there waiting...
P.S. ky is awesome, and so is keeping things slow and simple at first.
^^^^^^^ TURN OFF
This has happened to me and I didn't like it all. I mean, I'm trying to get to know him first, meeting parents and family members before I know what I'm really dealing with is wayyyy too much.

Here's one:
You've been with your boyfriend for a couple of months but there's been no sex involved. One day, he asked for you to give him oral Winking You agree and you discover that his crotch reeks of FOUL odor -- but the mood is set and he's ready for you to do it ...
Is his smell a turn off or no big deal ?
(I already know my answer lol)
^^^^ Lame
Lol xD
Posted by ellessque
I would tell him he smelled funky in a nice diplomatic libra rising kind of way. I would also feel uncomfortable if we haven't had sex after a couple of months and he randomly wanted me to give him head. that is just weird.
so, you are on your first date and things are well. conversation is good, lunch/dinner went well. he's articulate, has great ettiquette and hot as hell. you decide to take a walk down town. you come across this art display of pregnant women. your date tells you "Wow, you would look gorgeous pregnant carrying my child!". Will that be your last date? (this really happened to me, another thread reminded me of the experience).

(Ditto on the weirdness of asking for head after dating for a couple months with no sex. I mean...?!)
Wouldn't bother me in the least. Within the first week or two of dating, I, for some reason, usually end up hearing something along these lines anyway, so it happening on the first date wouldn't phase me. I don't know what it says about me that THAT is the kind of man I attract...
You've just been out on the greatest date of your life. Everything clicks, your date is incredibly attractive, and because you don't want the night to end, you decide to go back to your place to curl up with each other and watch a movie with a bottle of wine (no sex implied or intended). Your date removes their shoes, and the room fills with an acrid, putrid odor, and your date becomes visibly embarrassed. You both know that it's their feet that are the culprit, and you look over to check on each other's expressions...
Do you: hold your nose, grin, and bear it? Make a joke? Kick 'em out? Would you date them again? What if their feet continued to stink you to high heaven?
...substituting all the he's with she's and "random cute girl" to "random cute guy" ... no big deal. I'd just be proud that I was about to score w/ such a hot, outgoing woman.
Ok, so you just spent the 1st "weekend" sleeping over w/ your new love. After you're back to work and sleeping in your own bed, they casually ask you how you slept last night. Then after you say, "well, fine I guess," she/he starts acting mopey and says how they got used to having someone to cuddle with and can't sleep alone.
Scary? or No big deal?
If it's really a "new love", and not some guy that I've only been dating for a week (who I shouldn't be sleeping with anyway after such a short period...) then I'd find some of that endearing, and see it as his attempt to express the closeness he feels to me. The mopey-ness, not so cute.
You start dating a new guy, and you two really click. Then you start revealing little kinks and proclivities to one another, and you find out that he has a penchant for his women dressing a particular way in the bedroom that you find uncomfortable and embarrassing. You want to have sex with him because everything else is good and he's smokin' hot, but do you dress up even though you hate it and feel absolutely ridiculous and mortified at the thought of your body in that outfit, or do you chalk it up to a mismatch and move on?
Posted by spaggiescorp
Posted by ellessque
I would tell him he smelled funky in a nice diplomatic libra rising kind of way. I would also feel uncomfortable if we haven't had sex after a couple of months and he randomly wanted me to give him head. that is just weird.
so, you are on your first date and things are well. conversation is good, lunch/dinner went well. he's articulate, has great ettiquette and hot as hell. you decide to take a walk down town. you come across this art display of pregnant women. your date tells you "Wow, you would look gorgeous pregnant carrying my child!". Will that be your last date? (this really happened to me, another thread reminded me of the experience).

(Ditto on the weirdness of asking for head after dating for a couple months with no sex. I mean...?!)
Wouldn't bother me in the least. Within the first week or two of dating, I, for some reason, usually end up hearing something along these lines anyway, so it happening on the first date wouldn't phase me. I don't know what it says about me that THAT is the kind of man I attract...
You've just been out on the greatest date of your life. Everything clicks, your date is incredibly attractive, and because you don't want the night to end, you decide to go back to your place to curl up with each other and watch a movie with a bottle of wine (no sex implied or intended). Your date removes their shoes, and the room fills with an acrid, putrid odor, and your date becomes visibly embarrassed. You both know that it's their feet that are the culprit, and you look over to check on each other's expressions...
Do you: hold your nose, grin, and bear it? Make a joke? Kick 'em out? Would you date them again? What if their feet continued to stink you to high heaven?
click to expand

lmao I'd do what I usually do for myself: grab the nearest good smelling stuff and spray. When ever my cousins around and I had for some reason forgotten my deodorant I'd ask for his Ax because he always has it. Once I had him take my shoes off while I was laying on his bed with him at the end of my feet (he was playing some video game with my brother and other cousins and I usually lounge in the middle of my male family members like I'm a princess) and he jokingly said that my feet stink so I jokingly put my feet in his face
Posted by spaggiescorp
If it's really a "new love", and not some guy that I've only been dating for a week (who I shouldn't be sleeping with anyway after such a short period...) then I'd find some of that endearing, and see it as his attempt to express the closeness he feels to me. The mopey-ness, not so cute.
You start dating a new guy, and you two really click. Then you start revealing little kinks and proclivities to one another, and you find out that he has a penchant for his women dressing a particular way in the bedroom that you find uncomfortable and embarrassing. You want to have sex with him because everything else is good and he's smokin' hot, but do you dress up even though you hate it and feel absolutely ridiculous and mortified at the thought of your body in that outfit, or do you chalk it up to a mismatch and move on?

Yikes. Umm.... If it was something that was sexy even though it wasn't my style I'd go with it. IF it was like super weird like me dressing up like a man or something than.... ewww! gross. No way! If it was like a baby with a diaper and everything, again NO WAY! If it had to do with dressing up in an alien costume or a nasty zombie or scary movie creep then EWW! It all depends on WHAT he asks me to dress as.
You're in the car at the end of a 1st date making out. Then your date makes a prrrring noise when you were running your fingers through their hair ... not fake, and not even a noise that they were aware of.
Creepy? or no big deal?
I'd find it hot, pleasure noise. I'd give a wicked smile and do it again just to hear it.
Posted by jru2
You're in the car at the end of a 1st date making out. Then your date makes a prrrring noise when you were running your fingers through their hair ... not fake, and not even a noise that they were aware of.
Creepy? or no big deal?

lol WTF? haha
Wow how did I ever overlook this gem?