Meeting New Ppl While in a Relationship...?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by tauruschic on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 and has 14 replies.
What do you guys think of this?
You aren't married, are you closed off completely to meeting other people?
Your thoughts on:
1-Giving out your number
2-Keeping in contact with a potential...
4-Going out on (one) date
5-Denying the fact that you are in a relationship...?
you tell them cancerbuddy!
I think TC mean to say it in a guy's prospective. Knowing that Taurus girls are very faithful when they fell in love, there is only that one and only man in her eyes....I'm head over heels for my cancer cutie smile
there is nothing wrong with flirting though... it is human nature to do so. if you say you don't ever flirt, that is bs...
Oi ! u girls are like so on it. good thinking . team girl . go on !!
vanessa... you have never been overly friendly with someone? ever?
i am sure your boyfriend has (especially since he is a cancer) and you may just not know about it. there is nothing wrong with is harmless.
flirting is natural. people flirt b/c it makes them feel good about themselves. it boosts the ego a little bit. it's all in fun and games anyway. it doesn't mean you have an interest in someone else.
wow...loosen up a little. enjoy life!
CANCERBUDDY:"why then, be in a relationship? GO be single and do your own thing. Are you in an exclusive relationship? If you are, then there is alot wrong with this, and will cause your bf much pain, and yourself as well. You are playing with fire, and trust me, those that keep playing with fire, will eventually get burned. It's wrong!"
WOW! This kind of statement coming from a MAN!!!! CANCERBUDDY, you're the BEST! smile
As a female, if I'm in a relationship I am faithful both mentally, emotionally and physically HANDS DOWN! If I ever to find someone who is just as devoted as I ... that would be an 'Affair To Remember' AND KEEP!!! LOL!!!!!
I will go with cancerbuddy's thoughts.
You had ever right to cut him off totally. Things such as cheating should end a relationship but many people stay with that person for various reasons -- in which still don't justify staying with someone who cheated. Infidelity is a horrible thing to go through -- i just don't understand why people can't just break-off the relationship if they want somebody else. Cheating just creates more chaos.
Not much of a flirt, don't deny my bf or go on dates...
I adore my crabby but am not closed off to meeting new people in all honesty. But so far no one has matched up. I'd go out on a date if I got the right vibes, the attraction was there and I thought he could be more ideal for me... just not so into blind 100% devotion and commitment... unless I was married. Anyway, these were questions for you guys... honestly I do give out my number sometimes but it's never gone farther as I haven't developed any interest for anyone else.
Hey Tauruschic...say your crabby did an about face, got the right vibes from another girl, the attraction was there and he thought she could be more ideal for him...there was no blind 100% devotion and commitment on his part, and he gave out his number. Would you care?
I've experienced Karma in this regard. My ex HATED that I was such a flirt. I would sometimes get myself into trouble, too, with guys who thought i was into them. The only reason why I flirted was because of my ego, i.e., insecurities. My ex dealt with it until I cheated on him. Now, i'm sorda in a relationship w/ someone who does the same. I would find random numbers in his cell, he would flirt IN FRONT of me, sometimes I would call his cell and he would never call back. Yet he swears that it's all innocent and he's w/ me...nothing would ever happen. Well, I've come to the end of my rope and I dont know if something has happened, but his flirtatious ways is something I could never continuously deal with.
My point is can always meet new should never be in a relationship where your social life takes a beating. In fact, sometimes the best thing for a relationship is time a part to do things you like to do. As long as there is respect being assured to the other person while you take off and discover life, it should never be an issue. However, it all boils down to trust and maturity. I don't think your Mr. Crabby would be happy to know that you've give your number shows that you have no respect for him and his feelings, even if it is harmless. When in a relationship, you can no longer be selfish (at least not 100% of the time)...there must be consideration.