Men are cheaters?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by AL4813 on Saturday, May 28, 2016 and has 13 replies.
I was bored so I made a video about why us men are always labeled as cheaters.

Hope you guys enjoyed and cheers.
Great video. Unfortunately I agree with starlover.. many men who are happy in their relationships still look for variety on the sly.

I LOVE your loyal leo ways but there are some dirty dogs out there...

Btw, who are these angry feminists I keep hearing about on forums, utube videos etc.? Most women I know adore their men and even do all the kinky things in bed to make their partners happy.

This is the 3rd time this morning Ive heard about "angry feminists" and even last night talking to my partner "angry feminists" came up.

Is there a face to these "angry feminists," cause right about know they sound like they are on my shit list too... haha.

I just need a face so I am conscious and aware about how I direct my anger, my mind likes to think for itself.
Absolutely right. The biggest thing I hear from my single friends and from what I experienced from my own 10 year marriage was/is lack of initiation from the woman.

When she quits flirting and being sexy for her man he feels undesireable and will go looking to get that feeling met again.
Posted by starlover
Posted by Sssupes
Absolutely right. The biggest thing I hear from my single friends and from what I experienced from my own 10 year marriage was/is lack of initiation from the woman.

When she quits flirting and being sexy for her man he feels undesireable and will go looking to get that feeling met again.

Not always that cut and dried

Some men just want to have the feel of a different woman even if they are having plenty of sex with their woman
click to expand

Sure they do. That's why I said "some"
Posted by starlover
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by starlover
Posted by Sssupes
Absolutely right. The biggest thing I hear from my single friends and from what I experienced from my own 10 year marriage was/is lack of initiation from the woman.

When she quits flirting and being sexy for her man he feels undesireable and will go looking to get that feeling met again.

Not always that cut and dried

Some men just want to have the feel of a different woman even if they are having plenty of sex with their woman

Sure they do. That's why I said "some"

Sorry I didn't see the some?
click to expand

Sorry Star. I certainly don't speak for all men. Your point is valid
Are you from long island? I got a vibe.
Posted by Mohini
Are you from long island? I got a vibe.

From California... San Diego to be exact
Posted by AL4813
Posted by Mohini
Are you from long island? I got a vibe.

From California... San Diego to be exact
click to expand

My game is off. Wth
And you are now pregnant again with the Leo? Did this bring you two together better than last time?

I am not a scientist but i came across many studies that woman are more likely to cheat than man. And there are also studes that guy cheat more than woman, so I dont know i just say Woman are not better than man, assuming that all men are pigs is pure sexism.
Posted by Sssupes
Absolutely right. The biggest thing I hear from my single friends and from what I experienced from my own 10 year marriage was/is lack of initiation from the woman.

When she quits flirting and being sexy for her man he feels undesireable and will go looking to get that feeling met again.

This is a very important observation.

Cheers, Ssupes
Posted by Libsizzler
So @AL4813

If I had to write sex vows for my fiance what should it explicity state?

Btw. I do agree with you

Be spontaneous and dont ever feel like he has to be the one to always initiate. Although we men naturally like to take charge, we wouldn't mind it if you randomly grabbed our butts or something.