Mind vs Emotions

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by iceredrobot on Friday, September 23, 2011 and has 18 replies.
Romantically, which connection is more important to you?

For me mind. And I don??t know why lolSad
wow I've never had both from the same person. It's always one or the other for meSad
It was always mind for me until I met the person that gave me both. It's a magnetic connection that you'll never want to give up.
Ice what type of connection mind wise do you usually have can you explain?
Like twin mindsBig Grin We think the same way, arrive at the same conclusion at exactly the same time.. finish each other's sentences, know what the other is thinking with just a glance. It's creepy lol it's like we're sharing a brain.

I've only had this with Aquas though.
Posted by iceredrobot
Like twin mindsBig Grin We think the same way, arrive at the same conclusion at exactly the same time.. finish each other's sentences, know what the other is thinking with just a glance. It's creepy lol it's like we're sharing a brain.

I've only had this with Aquas though.

Damm just shows different interpatations ok and the emotion?
Posted by ArticleL
Damm just shows different interpatations ok and the emotion?

A good emotional connection is rare for me. I feel comfortable around them, no false pretences or pressure to fill the silence. Just a feeling of safety...I can be myself.
I only have this with a friend, never experienced it romantically.
You know I think your "mind" thing seaps over into romantic and emotion and you get lost in "their" world it's very rare this happens. It's happened to me before as well emotions are a bit harder to explain love and bla bla but when she lays her head on my shoulder there's a sense of complete that for me is the emotion part.
Posted by ellessque
I've only had both, once. That experience made me realize i never want it again. I'll take one or the other, but never again both.
It hurts too much to lose both at the same time. one is more manageable if something goes wrong. Confused

Yeah those two at the same time and losing them........some powerful shit right there don't even want to think about it :p
Mind forsure
Scorps and Aries suck.
^ Both :p
i've got both now, and yeah it is freaky. that kind of reads your mind, knows what you're thinking type of stuff. i can tell him anything and he 'gets' it. plus, the emotions bit is amazing cos i can tell him anything and he'll listen, help out or support me (only now i'm reaising how lucky i am...)
but if i had to choose, mind hands down. it's just sexier
also, i think the emotions connection serves to prop someone up, which is nice enough. mind connection is more challenging because you can't hide from it...it seeks you out and pushes you to deal with yourself.
It all stems from the mind so there you have it. Emotional connections are mental connections.
i don't feel emotions from my mind, i feel them from my soul.
it's like something else dictates the emotions, so 'soul' is the best word for it, but i don't really know what it is
They run hand in hand for me...I don't bother if I don't experience them during the dance.