Most faithful starsign? (men)

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by TxOgal on Monday, August 4, 2014 and has 14 replies.
I am a taurus gal and eventhough I find myself attracted to cancerians, I hear some are just not faithful and would cheat or have multiple relationships. Makes me wonder who is really faithful? I am 100% faithful in a relationship and very loyal to my guy and my friends.
Posted by TxOgal
I am a taurus gal and eventhough I find myself attracted to cancerians, I hear some are just not faithful and would cheat or have multiple relationships. Makes me wonder who is really faithful? I am 100% faithful in a relationship and very loyal to my guy and my friends.

I've been in 3 long-terms with Cancers. One only lasted 6 mos. The others went 4+ yrs and they both cheated. I found out one had cheated multiple times. They were loyal in a sense, but ultimately most loyal to their emotions. When things got hard, we had to do long-distance for a bit, etc., they caved.
From my personal experience and my observation, i find libra men the most faithful.
Posted by BrightLights
Leo men.

are you being facetious GC???
Posted by TxOgal
I am a taurus gal and eventhough I find myself attracted to cancerians, I hear some are just not faithful and would cheat or have multiple relationships. Makes me wonder who is really faithful? I am 100% faithful in a relationship and very loyal to my guy and my friends.

Cancer here female would NEVER cheat, never have.
Regardless of what was going on in a relationship leave don't cheat.

Taurus is quite steady also cappies unless unevolved so is virgo.
I think the best of all signs are faithful.
Posted by CreativeCap
From my personal experience and my observation, i find libra men the most faithful.

That's interesting I find libra men are very positive personality types too. Well balanced lol.
It's ironic my ex bf is libra. I broke up in the heat of the moment bec. I thought he was cheating. Deep down I know he was faithful, but well we were so young and it was long distance and he was a BIG flirt, so I normally thought he loved this other girl (which he denied)
Posted by BrightLights
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by BrightLights
Leo men.

are you being facetious GC???

No, not at all.
If they love you, that is.
click to expand

No signs cheats if they really love you.
Hopefully Gemini.
Its funny many say scorpio. My friend's ex bf is a scorpio, were together for 4 years and they broke up cause he cheated and not just once.
About time Leebs got a lil love around here smile
And it goes to show, not all Air signs are cheaters.
I would probably say Scorpio with Venus Capricorn and Taurus Rising. (husband)
I was pushing the idea of a threesome (just to try once lol, with a girl of his choosing), and he was completely appalled by the idea of it.
I had to beg him to go to strip clubs with me (I'd never been), and not only was it a total battle to even get him to do it, he was grumpy and pouting the whole time there, refusing to have any lap dances. And we went to classy strip clubs - many of the strippers were perfect Barbie types.
Never have I even seen him look at other girls, which I'd think would be perfectly natural and harmless.
Thing is, he's probably the most stable, consistent person I've ever met. His mind, heart and body seems to be always perfectly aligned.
Posted by munchkin
I would probably say Scorpio with Venus Capricorn and Taurus Rising. (husband)
I was pushing the idea of a threesome (just to try once lol, with a girl of his choosing), and he was completely appalled by the idea of it.
I had to beg him to go to strip clubs with me (I'd never been), and not only was it a total battle to even get him to do it, he was grumpy and pouting the whole time there, refusing to have any lap dances. And we went to classy strip clubs - many of the strippers were perfect Barbie types.
Never have I even seen him look at other girls, which I'd think would be perfectly natural and harmless.
Thing is, he's probably the most stable, consistent person I've ever met. His mind, heart and body seems to be always perfectly aligned.

It could be due to his taurus rising. I know bulls are faithful smile
Taurean and proud ; )

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