My new plan...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by banini on Saturday, September 22, 2007 and has 6 replies.
Is to randomly send her jokes on AIM once in a while. I will send her a joke, and then thats it. No conversation. Even if she responds to the joke, I don't say anything. I think it will be interesting to see what happens over time.
plans are made but who follows in real.
I have tried something similar on a lioness and it didn't work. Lost causes are to be revived only at own risk ...although I don't know even a bit of Ur story.
I don't consider causes that don't have hoped for outcomes to be lost.
She has an interesting sense of humor. I think she has an idea of what she thinks is supposed to be funny, so around certain people, she tries to emulate that. It mostly references pop culture type things like lines from movies and what not, like, I'm so funny because I just referenced that line from that movie that everyone thinks is funny. The problem is, I hate it when people do that, and I don't even think most of those lines are that funny. But then like, say she was just hanging out with me, which will probably never happen, she wouldn't be like that at all. I seen it. She won't even be my friend just because she thinks she shouldn't be "wasting" time with people who don't have degree's, careers, and whatever looks she thinks are acceptable. Personally I think I'm relatively cute and attractive. Basically she's a cookie monster, but there's still something I like about her, and I can't figure it out. It's hella stupid.