Let's imagine you are a male, not a player, but rather a romantic and "fairy-tale" type and "looking the one" etc type of guy (Libra). You have had around a year long relationship and then another, much longer longer relationship. You are 27 when you end your 4-5 years long relationship (so basically you were in this relationship during the time you grew up and developed to a human being). It ends because your girlfriend cheats on you and you discover that she has cheated on you before also. And you realise that there were some red flags already in the beginning etc. So you end the relationship. Then, 2 months later you create tinder profile and then meet with a girl (you did not excpect it to happen at the first place and you did not expect that you would find someone so great so quickly). Then you keep dating this girl and this girl only, spend all your time with her and fall in love and say to her you love her etc - full in relationship. For 9 months already.
Is this possible? To really-really love someone so quickly after such a long relationship? I feel insecure currently, because I'm the "new" girl. I had no idea about his previous relationships, I actually thought he had no relationshops before me based on his slow and insecure but very sweet and romantic behaviour. I actually thought and felt like I am the only love in his life, he makes me feel so special and there is no way I can doubt he loves me. BUT. Then he told me about his previous relationships and I was shocked, I got used to it with a week or two, so it's fine. But know it turned out he finished the longlong relationship only like two months before our first date. And.. though I have no reason to doubt his feelings based on his behaviour, I actually feel so insecure now. Because - I would imagine you would need a lot of time to get over from so long relationship. How can you just jump into another one? I feel that.. maybe I'm a rebound, but he doesn't yet know it himself yet. Okey, he took our relationship very slowly - we hanged out a lot, like 3-4 times a week hours and hours at once, but he kissed me like 1.5-2 months after our first date, we had sex 3 months after our first date etc.
But it made me so cautious now, the fact that he might not be healed or maybe he is the type who just cannot be alone or.. He tells me that he has forgotten all about his exes and he does not compare me to them etc etc, but still. Two months after a 5 years of relationship is so little time.
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Jun 14, 2017Comments: 1119 · Posts: 10883 · Topics: 28
Ofc is possible. Stop worrying!!!!
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Jul 28, 2016Comments: 4222 · Posts: 6474 · Topics: 83
LOL. You asking a "hypothetical" question based on true relationship events.
He sounds sure, you don't. Start with that.
Perhaps you are the one who healed his heart. Stranger things can happen. Go with the flow is my advice.