Pet Names/Terms of Endearment

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Reciprocity8 on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 and has 19 replies.
When talking to or dating someone, what do you call them?

Is there meaning behind it or do you just resort to pet names for everyone?
If I'm attracted to him and talking to him: handsome

If I like him and he's Latino: papi

Super duper like him and we're exclusively talking: babe

Love or falling in love: their name or baby

I'm asking out of curiosity. I don't think men put nearly as much thought or meaning into this as we do...but, I could be mistaken.
We call each other dave, davey, davey jones, davey jr. etc. Yes we are weird af.

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BOMBO, zombo, big bubba, boyabi, zombi big bomby, bertha....

It all means "babe" in our made up language
Posted by tctaap

Is this a taurus thing?
Posted by Boots1313

Posted by tctaap

Is this a taurus thing?
click to expand
lol no - I really don't call anyone Bubba - I hate that because it reminds me of a stupid country oaf and I would not be messing with an oaf
Posted by tctaap

Posted by Boots1313

Posted by tctaap

Is this a taurus thing?
lol no - I really don't call anyone Bubba - I hate that because it reminds me of a stupid country oaf and I would not be messing with an oaf
click to expand

Lmao, yup..

I'm also asking because when I first started talking to someone, he'd always call me "beautiful". I hate when they call me that after first meeting me. It's just unoriginal. But when he did it, it felt different...because I know he's extremely selective.

I've been really emotionally expressive with him these past couple of days. Which is completely out of character for a Cap, and me, as an individual. We just don't do that shit in the early stages even if we do feel something. But...I'm throwing caution to the wind, because life is too fucking short not to express your feelings.

So, I noticed since becoming more emotionally expressive, he calls me "baby" now. He's super guarded, so...I don't know if this is progress...or he just wanted to switch it up.
I hardly ever use pet names

I would call him Sir... I also call him by his last name...

I have a nicknam from childhood many ex’s used...
I notice this whole pet name thing when first talking with me it's weird. Pet names to me are more for when a relationship has been established. When someone calls me one....I automatically think they actually dont remember my name and it's easier to call a chick something generic then get the name wrong 🤷.

I'm more surprised when they say my name but not too much...too much to me is condescending.

With that being said...the Sag would call me baby which I hated, the Scorp called me sweetie...meh. the Leo has actually used my name and on a slip up, called me babe..which was more endearing because after saying it ...he had the deer caught in headlights look lol.
Posted by sleepyxo

before we were ever together i called my ex angel / doux ange

bcause he is misunderstood by everyone

but sacred & blameless to me

i used belle âme for him only

which is french for beautiful soul

and when we together we also called

each other with nicknames from when we were young

(his idea)

his family calls him pikachu bcus when he was little he sometimes

drinked perfume without his parents knowing & when he did, his cheeks would turn red

and bcus i am so soft the point where ppl can barely hear me even if they r sitting next to me :' ( one day a friend of my gma pointed out that i was very gentle & quiet in play and she said i remind her of a mouse so she told me to "be brave mousy" & its what my family calls me

so mousy & pikachu were our endearing names =)

+ more

... i give everyone terms of endearment


they all have

their own elevated

& noble (or silly) sentiments/origin
I love this. 💚
My Libra is Dutch, I call her either Schat, Schattebal, Schatteballi, Schatteballina, Schal, Schallie among many many other bizar forms of what actually just means: "honey/treasure" in Dutch (= schat)
Posted by Reciprocity8

When talking to or dating someone, what do you call them?

Is there meaning behind it or do you just resort to pet names for everyone?
1. Babe

2. Baby

3. Hon

Hug cyber hugs!





Mi Lady


Posted by _Dazed

Butt Booger
Mo Mo