Posted by TastesOfChaos
Sorry for not having a penis to answer this thread....
Posted by TastesOfChaos
Na, its a huge cock...
You interested?
Posted by TastesOfChaos
You never heard of that one?
Posted by TastesOfChaos
Haha, no drinks tonite. I've had a good week.
I only said ONE dumb thing this week, at 4:52pm Friday... ALMOST had a clean week. It was epic.
A minga is an uggo... fugly person, feral fucker... etc
WTF? You didnt know what a ranga was?? Yes, a red banger, fanta pants, ginger ninja... etc
Posted by TastesOfChaos
I got told this once too, I think its my Aries rising.
My friend said when I go out I am in my own lil bubble and I only focus on what and who is in my bubble... whoever is outside this bubble, I behave as though they don't exist...
What is your rising? Do you even know?
Posted by TastesOfChaos
I was talking about a rooster?
WTF were you talking about?
Seriously though, maybe you give off an aloof vibe?
Which is actually attractive to most men, but maybe you arent PAYING ATTENTION?
You could have men googling you, but you're too much in your own world?
What is your rising, asshole....
Posted by dofacc
Perhaps it is a combination of "I am busy, what do you want?!?!? and "I know what I want!!! attitude. Maybe a bit of "I been down that hurt road before, I don't want to go back again" added in.
I can't really say for sure, cause I don't see anyone breaking through to the real you here on DXP.
Posted by sweethearts
You would come off as unavailable to anyone that you are unavailable to, this was a friend wasn't it?
So why would you give off an available vibe to him or anyone else that you aren't remotely interested in? When someone comes along that you find intriguing trust me that vibe will change for that person!
Posted by AybLynk
(YAWN)------ My Cancer Rising is telling me to ignore this,
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