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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283 the 'opposite gender' for just (one day) would you spend that entire day, and what do you 'think' would be your *biggest* revelation???
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
I would become friends with the guys I find attractive and ask them about myself.
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
I would drink until I got drunk to see how much more beer it takes for a man to get drunk. My suspicions would be confirmed... he's not *that* drunk lol
"I would become friends with the guys I find attractive and ask them about myself."
Haha. I love that idea =)
I would probably pick a chick up at some bar and find out whether male orgasm is any different from female's.
My biggest revelation? I don't know, I came up blank on that one =\
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
As a woman....
I'll be a Ellen Degrenes wanna-be and squeeze, pinch, and rub myself day in and day out (ahh yeah). When it comes to "that time of month", getting that pill (i forgot the name), or the surgery, will CERTAINLY be in favor. Now THAT will cease all the non-sense.
5 hour hair styling will be a thing of the past, just cut it off!! Sports bras, sneakers (& vans), and cotton panties will be right up my alley. TO HELL W/ THE DAMNED HEELS, WIRED OR ANNOYING ASSED BRAS, AND UNCOMFORTABLE PANTIES.
Since whatever my actions (good or bad) will be disreguarded by authorities, the term ?what-ever? will be be in my vocabulary when it cames to kicking some slut's ass.
Ahh?being a woman *drinks Budweiser*
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
I just it.
"Since whatever my actions (good or bad) will be disreguarded by authorities, the term ?what-ever? will be be in my vocabulary when it cames to kicking some slut's ass".
And I even drunk a Budwieser afterwards, representing it a 'Done Deal'. Dude/Dudette, were the hell were you?
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
If i was a women, i'd do it too. I mean, I didn't eat the forbidden fruit, so why should I suffer?
You get what I'm saying?