[ Question just for fun ] If You could .....

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by ~mystic_fish on Friday, December 8, 2006 and has 17 replies.
...be the 'opposite gender' for just (one day) ...how would you spend that entire day, and what do you 'think' would be your *biggest* revelation???
I would spend the whole day listening to my thoughts and asking questions of other men(since I would be a man). That way I could find out if men are really as mentally and emotionally inferior to women as they seem.
But since I *would* be a man, in actuality I would probably just spend the day staring at women's breasts, scratching my balls, and farting freely.
I think my *biggest* revelation would be finally understanding the compulsion men have to watch sports all day. And scratch their balls. Winking
I'd beat up all the bitches I hate smile My biggest revelation would be how easy it really is to beat up a girl.
I would hit on my friends since I know all about them Winking Hahaha that would be funny.
I would become friends with the guys I find attractive and ask them about myself.
I would drink until I got drunk to see how much more beer it takes for a man to get drunk. My suspicions would be confirmed... he's not *that* drunk lol
Ha! VERY FUNNY!...but OMG! sports! other than the odd game of hockey, the rest is pretty darned boring..LOL* hmmmmmm, i guess for me, the first thing i would do is lock the doors, turn off my phone, turn out the lights, nooooo keep them on, yessss!! Winking Muuuch better..! i would then sit in front of a big ole mirror and let nature takes its due course... Then i would go to some 'red light' district and see what all the fuss is about over there..then maybe a strip joint with my tongue hanging out, and a nickel in my pocket...*then i would come home, sit in my recliner and my 'superman boxxers, order a greasy pizza and a big warm beer...while watching re-runs of *THE ROCK* in all his primitive head-pounding glory; finally slapping my belching beer gut to sleep ...& the rest as they say is history...
my revelation would be...*the jeans 'ARE' MUCH harder to zip!!!.. Winking
Mystic Fish: LOL If you can manage to place both breasts into separate cups whilst reaching behind your back to squeeze 2 or 3 tiny little eye-hooks into tiny little loops to get a bra on, I'm sure zipping up jeans and avoiding getting the dangly bits caught should be pretty easy. smile
P.S. When I read your question I thought about testing out said dangly bits, just to see what the big deal is and if some guys are justified in acting like they're going to ***DIE*** if they don't get off. But then I'd be worried that I would be completely insensitive once I found out that it's all in their head(the somewhat bigger one Winking ).
"I would become friends with the guys I find attractive and ask them about myself."
Haha. I love that idea =)
I would probably pick a chick up at some bar and find out whether male orgasm is any different from female's.
My biggest revelation? I don't know, I came up blank on that one =\
LOL* ..that was too funny leo/virgo75!! wheeeeew! it should've been easier, but those dangly lil bits were a cause for grave concern, as i was reclined a lil too far baccckkkk ...and well, you know what 'gravity does..!! 'OUCHHHH! Sad
ahhhhhh well, how's the saying go 2 heads are better than one..*or was that 1 head??? Winking
Hey merc...! i think you need a maid and a good massuese for starters... Winking *peace!
MercInAries - LOL
"If you were men you'd see how hard it is."
You think women don't work and go home? A lot of women that I know work and then go home and have *more* work to do by taking care of children. And sometimes they also have a "guy" who whines about going to work and coming home every. single. day.
If you're single and don't have kids, why don't you just go out once in a while? smile
As a woman....
I'll be a Ellen Degrenes wanna-be and squeeze, pinch, and rub myself day in and day out (ahh yeah). When it comes to "that time of month", getting that pill (i forgot the name), or the surgery, will CERTAINLY be in favor. Now THAT will cease all the non-sense.
5 hour hair styling will be a thing of the past, just cut it off!! Sports bras, sneakers (& vans), and cotton panties will be right up my alley. TO HELL W/ THE DAMNED HEELS, WIRED OR ANNOYING ASSED BRAS, AND UNCOMFORTABLE PANTIES.
Since whatever my actions (good or bad) will be disreguarded by authorities, the term ?what-ever? will be be in my vocabulary when it cames to kicking some slut's ass.
Ahh?being a woman *drinks Budweiser*
LOL! no time of the month & doesn't want to wear heels! now that's a spoiled 'broad' in my book! Winking ...now what would be your *biggest revelation* at the end of the day, a4 gemini; if you have one, that is???
I just say..er...typed it.
"Since whatever my actions (good or bad) will be disreguarded by authorities, the term ?what-ever? will be be in my vocabulary when it cames to kicking some slut's ass".
And I even drunk a Budwieser afterwards, representing it a 'Done Deal'. Dude/Dudette, were the hell were you?..lol

If i was a women, i'd do it too. I mean, I didn't eat the forbidden fruit, so why should I suffer?
You get what I'm saying?
AHHHHHH!! the elevator hath finally reached the very top...! i do get what you are saying...sorry there, i must have been sleeeping..LOL! Winking
...Lazy is so much better than spoiled, how i never distinguished the two is beyond me!.. smile ...anyway the forbidden fruit is definately off the table.., i mean where's the mercy & all; however if you really want to evade the authorities, the heels and wire bra may have to be reconsidered...'just a passing thought.. *i know..."talk to the hand!"
-mystic (dudette)