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Aug 11, 2020Comments: 10 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 49
Real love is a trip into the both the light and the darkness of your very soul and the soul of another human being. You find that there are things worth fighting for. Things worth arguing for. Moments where you have to stand up and confront the person who tugs at your heart strings. It’s as inevitable as breathing deeply after a morning jog.
What most people fail to understand is that love is an emotional roller coaster which challenges the very fabric of your beliefs, the fabric of your world, and it for some reason never truly feels like a choice. It cannot be always happy. Being human isn’t always a happy experience, but what comes out of the sadness, the fury, and all the emotions are stronger bonds when both parties sincerely care.
In my experience, love is only happy for extended periods. To really bond to a person, emotional highs and lows are required. Bad times which challenge the very foundation of what has been thought to be established. You see who you are and who you are truly with during difficulties. When things are far less than perfect and it’s so much easier to just walk away than hear another word from that person. When you can clearly see the toxic behaviors and the red flags that are deeply hidden from your partners past experiences.
Physical abuse is intolerable. Do not accept that, but most of us in our lives have accepted verbal and mental abuse in the name of love. Why?? Because when in love, we only see the good that once was there. The happiness that once existed and blinded by those moments we endure very sad and extremely hurtful situations hoping to mend the situation and heal the situation to get back to the love we crave.
Unfortunately, I find it truthful that when you love someone you experience extreme bads along with extreme goods as part of the package. The highs and lows become the very glue of the relationship. We find ourselves tolerating what we once thought intolerable. And we whole heartedly forgive against our better judgement possibly because the heart feels a need that must be satisfied. Bottom line is real love isn’t a perfect happiness or perfect situation and the tolerance of all societies have become so minimal that I doubt most people will experience real love anymore.
My definition of love is a selfless sacrifice for another human being. What does that mean exactly??? It means you are no longer looking to how this person benefits you. There might not be any benefits from being with that person at all. Nonetheless, you give freely nurturing words and sincere actions to help this person grow into whatever they so choose to be. Time teaches us that all growth is painful and uncomfortable. And usually, most people see the actions of love towards them, but fail to acknowledge the changes which occur in them. There will always be a fight and a struggle. A resistance of some sort because we are individuals who desire simply what we want, regardless of whether what we want is beneficial or not. Growing people is a painful process a.k.a seeing the best in someone who truly can’t see the best in themselves is a painful process.
The reason why I’m writing this is because often at times you will argue with the person you love and you will come to moments where it’s easier to walk away, but what you choose to do at that moment truly displays what you feel for that person. We walk away and come back, break up to make up. How deep is your love and how selfless??? To love is to know that your heart will break eventually and the tears will fall like the spring rains, but you endure for the eternal summer you have envisioned in your mind.
In the end, there is no right or wrong of how to love or what to sacrifice for it. All that exists in any love is what you will sacrifice for it and what you will forgive so it can endure. Love is proven by what it’s willing to endure. But just like any river in a land with no rain season, the waters of love if abused one day will simply dry up. This is the moment a person realize that they have already given their all in sincerity and truth. When there’s nothing left to give and your heart can endure walking away because you gave it all you have. Love is an adventure for your emotions and character. It will challenge the depths of both. Be happy in the love that finds you and let it be worthy of your sacrifice for it.
Just thought love needed a voice in the ends of summer… Comments are welcome below…