Relationship Memorabilia?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Chuckcem on Thursday, June 1, 2017 and has 12 replies.
How have you personally dealt with the leftover items that remind you of your ex? Do you keep the items, trinkets, love notes, etc after a relationship ends? Do you give everything back? Do you throw it away or burn it? What has been your experience with this?
Posted by Chuckcem
How have you personally dealt with the leftover items that remind you of your ex? Do you keep the items, trinkets, love notes, etc after a relationship ends? Do you give everything back? Do you throw it away or burn it? What has been your experience with this?
I give back what is wanted the rest gets put into a box and into a closet. I think after 10 years or so, maybe longer I've thrown away the box.

i keep them. pictures, letters, gifts etc.
It depends on how our relationship went. If it went well, I'd keep some things just as memorabilia but if not, I've sold them to make profit out of the experience or gave them away to friends or charity.
For the most part, it never bothered me. I still have a hoodie I wear from an ex of 15 years ago, but he and I remain on good terms. The only time I've cleansed my memorabilia was with an ex where the relationship was toxic. I went as far as doing a wardrobe overhaul because every article of clothing reminded me of a part of that relationship I did not wish to remember. Something as simple as a dress I could pinpoint the event I wore it, where it took place, the people who were present, any pictures associated with it, etc. I have pretty vivid memories.
Bin them, you have to make space for new things. It says so in Feng Shui.
The only letters I keep are from my mom and my current SO. The past belongs in the past. All sentimental items from that past relationship, are no longer sentimental, therefore they are discharged accordingly. Anything that doesn't hold sentimental value, but maybe have a monetary value, I keep.
Posted by CheVirgo
I don't keep shit but a thought and I think thats too much.

Lol, I heard that!!

For me it depends on how the relationship ended. I'll give back items from a bad relationship...that I readily can't use. I generally keep the useful items that I would use on a frequent basis. To me the emotional value may diminish, but the utility is always there. It also depends on the sentimental value too. I've kept pajamas, but have given back hoodies.
My ex husband (Taurus) wanted to keep it all. I left it with him. Except a wedding book that at the time was in a box and couldn't find. He later tracked me down to try and get it. Said he wanted to show it to his new gf?? I don't know...weird

I'd rather just leave it or get rid of it. I'm not the type to hold on to things that I don't need.
I've kept sweaters of theirs. Not cause of the memories but because they are comfy af.
I've pawned jewelry I've gotten. Feels weird to wear something from the past.