Saw my ex today and..

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by virgowithasoul on Friday, January 2, 2015 and has 12 replies.
All the feelings came flooding back, the hurt, the love, the hate and the anger. And here I thought I was doing fine without her. I never thought a woman could do such a thing to me. I still can't bring myself to behave like a single man in front of her. I have this urge to fight to get her back even when I know it's clearly done and she doesn't care about me.
I haven't met up with her once even though she said she wanted to be friends, since the breakup. Ugh I hate having all these feels. I get vulnerable when I am in contact with her.
Hate these feels.
What is her sign?
This has nothing to do with signs. Otherwise I'd have posted in the reapestive forum. All I want is a place to vent which is here.
Thanks CC, and Layna, those are some much needed hugs.
I'm not the kind to get through them. I believe and subconsciously accept them as a part of me until I die. If a future partner ever expect me to give up an ex, sure. But the feelings can never die. There'll always be a place for exes in the heart no matter the time.
Join the club... I sometimes still want to smash the face in of my Virgo ex (blame Venus in Scorp for the extremity!) but sometimes I feel ok about it all... Less contact the better... I do contract work with him so I'm slowly reducing contact so he can just send me the email with the work on it... He hasn't noticed the gradual fade in contact... The thick twat...
I'm waiting for the time where I don't feel anything at all or very little... Must find another tall, dark haired, handsome single fella to get busy with... Until then I think I'll have the booze and closure sex weekends as suggested by Tiz! Sounds awesome... I think they should do a range of stuff like that... I'm sure there's a market for it...
Closure sex ain't cheap (worth it) here. The girls here are kinda smart at gold digging and I find men losing out more than women. I'm constantly busy but the moment I saw her everything come like a surge. With my plate full and this sudden event it overwhelmed me today. It's also not helping that I'll be seeing her again soon.
Ok sorry don't know what to tell you. I am an unemotional detached type so I can't empathize with you, and won't tolerate some guy I like and then they tell me I still like or love my ex.
Even though there was some backstabbing, lies, or simply not compatible reasons you split in the first place.. this is why I stay single and I am mortified of what's out there. This is a real life forum and shit happens all the time here. It's a real eye opener..
True, there will always be an abandoned space in your heart for those you once loved deeply, but as time goes on, their influence over your emotions and actions lessen dramatically.
In 5 years, trust me, you won't freeze up as much when you see your ex. You'll never forget the feelings you HAD for her, but at least you won't have feelings that are active. Well, hopefully you won't, especially if she's moved on long ago
It's supposed to hurt when you separate yourself from someone you love. But I get it, just b/c we all know that pain is a part of life doesn't mean that it's easy to accept and deal with it when you're enduring the storm in the present moment. That sh***t is hard & at times overwhelming especially when you equate the breakup with other things that also just so happened to go wrong at the time you got your heart broken.
I feel the most sad for those who lost certain friends, jobs or things at around the same time they had a breakup b/c they'll always associate the heartbreak with the loss of other important things too, which just magnifies the pain & almost makes a person wanna go running back even to an evil ex, if anything just to see 1 thing go right again. If not, you go from trying to get over the loss of 1 thing to trying to get over the loss of 5 things added to that, including ego, certain friends, confidence, jobs, money, etc.
The creed isn't that time erases wounds. It's that time heals all wounds. Big difference. When you get cut/burned deep, oh there will be a scar, but as time goes on, you won't notice or allow it to control your life as much. And before you know it, you're proud of the scar b/c of the strength it bought you vs. cringing b/c it's there
Here, here First Decan,
It is truly shocking at the sheer volume of total crap that is out there, male and female, and this site is an eye opener. How people treat each other is disgusting!
Posted by krysrenee7

The creed isn't that time erases wounds. It's that time heals all wounds. Big difference. When you get cut/burned deep, oh there will be a scar, but as time goes on, you won't notice or allow it to control your life as much. And before you know it, you're proud of the scar b/c of the strength it bought you vs. cringing b/c it's there

Deep down I'm fully aware of it but at the moment I can't control how I feel about her. I enjoyed being affectionate with her and appreciating her for her. So while I'm still the same person as I was, I doubt I'd be able to get over her as quickly as me at a different phase of life. As of now all I know is to suck it up and cut the damn contact since I turn to mush when I see her. I can't imagine what'll happen to me when I see her the next time.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AgentP911
Here, here First Decan,
It is truly shocking at the sheer volume of total crap that is out there, male and female, and this site is an eye opener. How people treat each other is disgusting!

Ya I'd be afraid to meet most of the cesspool of closed minded ignorant people on here. Everyone's personal anonymous soapbox.
click to expand

Gotta love the soap box!!