Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowI am a woman! We age you know...
I've waited for years to fuck a particular guy's brains out........still waiting. I'm big strong Ironman, can handle anything.
Posted by EvoxxxscorpioYou mean after arrival and exchange pleasantries like hello how are you?Posted by GemitatiYou have to wait a few minutes atleast after the first date
I said it before but it keeps popping and it
drives me nuts!
What is all this about when is it ok to have sex? Nino said last night he can wait for months...with swallen balls?
I think I slept with all of my guys on a first date. Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days to have sex and never meet again? For grandmother story? Well...
From my huge experience first date sex can be last. Or he will call for second date. And then relashionships can start and you do the same thing you did on a first date for a months...but this way you listen to grandma story laying naked satisfied and he can tell anything he wants...he earned my ear time!
So sex or no sex - if you click
- you are couple! If you don't - second date will not make it any different.
You will just clog your brain with useless info about his boss, ex gf, family members etc.
Do you have that much time to
waste? Really?click to expand
Posted by GemitatiUnless your name is Adara Michaels. She's naked when she leaves her hotel room.Posted by EvoxxxscorpioYou mean after arrival and exchange pleasantries like hello how are you?Posted by GemitatiYou have to wait a few minutes atleast after the first date
I said it before but it keeps popping and it
drives me nuts!
What is all this about when is it ok to have sex? Nino said last night he can wait for months...with swallen balls?
I think I slept with all of my guys on a first date. Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days to have sex and never meet again? For grandmother story? Well...
From my huge experience first date sex can be last. Or he will call for second date. And then relashionships can start and you do the same thing you did on a first date for a months...but this way you listen to grandma story laying naked satisfied and he can tell anything he wants...he earned my ear time!
So sex or no sex - if you click
- you are couple! If you don't - second date will not make it any different.
You will just clog your brain with useless info about his boss, ex gf, family members etc.
Do you have that much time to
waste? Really?
That's the thing every decent people will
I am not walking up to you already naked BEFORE I say HI!
I know to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowShe is older than me!Posted by GemitatiUnless your name is Adara Michaels. She's naked when she leaves her hotel room.Posted by EvoxxxscorpioYou mean after arrival and exchange pleasantries like hello how are you?Posted by GemitatiYou have to wait a few minutes atleast after the first date
I said it before but it keeps popping and it
drives me nuts!
What is all this about when is it ok to have sex? Nino said last night he can wait for months...with swallen balls?
I think I slept with all of my guys on a first date. Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days to have sex and never meet again? For grandmother story? Well...
From my huge experience first date sex can be last. Or he will call for second date. And then relashionships can start and you do the same thing you did on a first date for a months...but this way you listen to grandma story laying naked satisfied and he can tell anything he wants...he earned my ear time!
So sex or no sex - if you click
- you are couple! If you don't - second date will not make it any different.
You will just clog your brain with useless info about his boss, ex gf, family members etc.
Do you have that much time to
waste? Really?
That's the thing every decent people will
I am not walking up to you already naked BEFORE I say HI!
I know manners...
click to expand
Posted by pisceanlovesSo I guess you haven't met your first date man! Keep going. He is waiting.
I can have it on first date,if you are extremely hott. I would do anything to grab your panties but in this case
there won't be any more dates or anything serious, I'm gonna just dump you. My Pisces Venus I guess
Posted by starwarsWhat?Posted by Gemitatiwell I'd feel the same way if talking about my grandma is all I do n 1st dates
Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days ?click to expand
Posted by TeenaJust send me his credentials!
Lol!!! So do I just go for it with the next man????
Posted by starwarsSo you ya ass of with me without any understanding of what I am saying?Posted by Gemitatime @ all your postsPosted by starwarsWhat?Posted by Gemitatiwell I'd feel the same way if talking about my grandma is all I do n 1st dates
Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days ?click to expand
Posted by GemitatiHaha. How can I not read it?Posted by TeenaJust send me his credentials!
Lol!!! So do I just go for it with the next man????
I didn't know you reading this, Teena!!!
Lolclick to expand
Posted by TeenaNext guy? Not ANY next guy!!!Posted by GemitatiHaha. How can I not read it?Posted by TeenaJust send me his credentials!
Lol!!! So do I just go for it with the next man????
I didn't know you reading this, Teena!!!
And yes, I'll send all the credentials if at all..but I kinda have a feeling it's just gonna happen with the next guy.. Let's see ?click to expand
Posted by starwarsSober up and see where I said...ass!Posted by GemitatiI get ass, am I supposed to be offended or notPosted by starwarsSo you ya ass of with me without any understanding of what I am saying?Posted by Gemitatime @ all your postsPosted by starwarsWhat?Posted by Gemitatiwell I'd feel the same way if talking about my grandma is all I do n 1st dates
Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days ?
That's smart!
Or is it a trick?
Are you many tricks pony?
Lolclick to expand
Posted by MontgomeryAre you talking to me?
And you told your kids this was a good idea too?
Posted by VenusAquariusAverage? Said who?
Had it on first "date" with my Virgo husband. The "date" lasted 4 days straight.
I was fine if I never saw him again. And, thought that I wouldn't. Just to have had that moment... I was in la-la land.
According to all the "aesthetic" posts and comments, observations on his appearance over the years, he's "fine." He's obsessed with me and I'm average.
Posted by GemitatiOfcourse not any guy!! I won't throw all of myself away just for any random idiot ..NO!! What's the point if at all lolPosted by TeenaNext guy? Not ANY next guy!!!Posted by GemitatiHaha. How can I not read it?Posted by TeenaJust send me his credentials!
Lol!!! So do I just go for it with the next man????
I didn't know you reading this, Teena!!!
And yes, I'll send all the credentials if at all..but I kinda have a feeling it's just gonna happen with the next guy.. Let's see ?
I won't talorate it! Lolclick to expand
Posted by pinkbird03No.
Do you at least ask him if he has stds?? That's my biggest concern with sleeping with someone too soon.
Posted by EvoxxxscorpioWhat if it wasn't a date?? But it was The first time you met ?Posted by GemitatiYou have to wait a few minutes atleast after the first date
I said it before but it keeps popping and it
drives me nuts!
What is all this about when is it ok to have sex? Nino said last night he can wait for months...with swallen balls?
I think I slept with all of my guys on a first date. Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days to have sex and never meet again? For grandmother story? Well...
From my huge experience first date sex can be last. Or he will call for second date. And then relashionships can start and you do the same thing you did on a first date for a months...but this way you listen to grandma story laying naked satisfied and he can tell anything he wants...he earned my ear time!
So sex or no sex - if you click
- you are couple! If you don't - second date will not make it any different.
You will just clog your brain with useless info about his boss, ex gf, family members etc.
Do you have that much time to
waste? Really?click to expand
Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Posted by VenusAquariusIt sounds like you haven't had good sex forever!Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Wasn't and still am not thirsting after men. So far, so good. Never been dumped, heart broken, married young, divorced, gave my husband a 2nd chance, ran them streets, boss at work, make a lot of ?...
I like fun and fantasy... Hard to get serious to match up but, hey I'm a Venus dominant, Venus Aquarius...
I think my main appeal, even in my marriage, is that idgaf. Forever the mind fuck, forever a to expand
Posted by VenusAquariusCondoms were invented centuries ago!Posted by pinkbird03No.
Do you at least ask him if he has stds?? That's my biggest concern with sleeping with someone too soon.
If a condom doesn't take care of it, we're all screwed.
Can you imagine how it was before the invention of condoms? Poor ladies.
But still, they didn't have HIV to deal to expand
Posted by GemitatiIt's really good...sorry. Never mediocre.Posted by VenusAquariusIt sounds like you haven't had good sex forever!Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Wasn't and still am not thirsting after men. So far, so good. Never been dumped, heart broken, married young, divorced, gave my husband a 2nd chance, ran them streets, boss at work, make a lot of ?...
I like fun and fantasy... Hard to get serious to match up but, hey I'm a Venus dominant, Venus Aquarius...
I think my main appeal, even in my marriage, is that idgaf. Forever the mind fuck, forever a to expand
Posted by VenusAquariusNever? Lucky you! LolPosted by GemitatiIt's really good...sorry. Never mediocre.Posted by VenusAquariusIt sounds like you haven't had good sex forever!Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Wasn't and still am not thirsting after men. So far, so good. Never been dumped, heart broken, married young, divorced, gave my husband a 2nd chance, ran them streets, boss at work, make a lot of ?...
I like fun and fantasy... Hard to get serious to match up but, hey I'm a Venus dominant, Venus Aquarius...
I think my main appeal, even in my marriage, is that idgaf. Forever the mind fuck, forever a to expand
Posted by GemitatiLuck? Maybe. Mostly good instincts.Posted by VenusAquariusNever? Lucky you! LolPosted by GemitatiIt's really good...sorry. Never mediocre.Posted by VenusAquariusIt sounds like you haven't had good sex forever!Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Wasn't and still am not thirsting after men. So far, so good. Never been dumped, heart broken, married young, divorced, gave my husband a 2nd chance, ran them streets, boss at work, make a lot of ?...
I like fun and fantasy... Hard to get serious to match up but, hey I'm a Venus dominant, Venus Aquarius...
I think my main appeal, even in my marriage, is that idgaf. Forever the mind fuck, forever a to expand
Posted by VenusAquariusI say good instincts don't always serve..Posted by GemitatiLuck? Maybe. Mostly good instincts.Posted by VenusAquariusNever? Lucky you! LolPosted by GemitatiIt's really good...sorry. Never mediocre.Posted by VenusAquariusIt sounds like you haven't had good sex forever!Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Wasn't and still am not thirsting after men. So far, so good. Never been dumped, heart broken, married young, divorced, gave my husband a 2nd chance, ran them streets, boss at work, make a lot of ?...
I like fun and fantasy... Hard to get serious to match up but, hey I'm a Venus dominant, Venus Aquarius...
I think my main appeal, even in my marriage, is that idgaf. Forever the mind fuck, forever a to expand
Posted by RindarooHe can say anything!
Well if he really likes you, it doesn't matter. My problem is not doing it on the first date, but trusting whether he's sticking around or not. Cuz I hate that have sex, and then he's nowhere to be found. So how to know how that's going to go? Easier to wait til he's convinced me he wants more than a piece of ass.
Posted by TeenaDo you go on dates with random idiots?Posted by GemitatiOfcourse not any guy!! I won't throw all of myself away just for any random idiot ..NO!! What's the point if at all lolPosted by TeenaNext guy? Not ANY next guy!!!Posted by GemitatiHaha. How can I not read it?Posted by TeenaJust send me his credentials!
Lol!!! So do I just go for it with the next man????
I didn't know you reading this, Teena!!!
And yes, I'll send all the credentials if at all..but I kinda have a feeling it's just gonna happen with the next guy.. Let's see ?
I won't talorate it! Lol
click to expand
Posted by piscesmoon2Smart! I am married to one I slept on a first date for 23 years!!'
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Posted by GemitatiOf course I am.Posted by MontgomeryAre you talking to me?
And you told your kids this was a good idea too?click to expand
Posted by GemitatiLOL!! I don't date Gemi...let alone go out with idiots?Posted by TeenaDo you go on dates with random idiots?Posted by GemitatiOfcourse not any guy!! I won't throw all of myself away just for any random idiot ..NO!! What's the point if at all lolPosted by TeenaNext guy? Not ANY next guy!!!Posted by GemitatiHaha. How can I not read it?Posted by TeenaJust send me his credentials!
Lol!!! So do I just go for it with the next man????
I didn't know you reading this, Teena!!!
And yes, I'll send all the credentials if at all..but I kinda have a feeling it's just gonna happen with the next guy.. Let's see ?
I won't talorate it! Lol![]()
There is your answer! Don't!click to expand
Posted by Gemitati...Or, my simple love of flesh and touch...Posted by VenusAquariusI say good instincts don't always serve..Posted by GemitatiLuck? Maybe. Mostly good instincts.Posted by VenusAquariusNever? Lucky you! LolPosted by GemitatiIt's really good...sorry. Never mediocre.Posted by VenusAquariusIt sounds like you haven't had good sex forever!Posted by piscesmoon2Yeah, I'm very independent spirited. I do what I feel like.
Woman that don't want a man to take them seriously have sex on the first date. Simple as that...
Which is why they are no ally single and passed around in social groups until it becomes awkward.
Wasn't and still am not thirsting after men. So far, so good. Never been dumped, heart broken, married young, divorced, gave my husband a 2nd chance, ran them streets, boss at work, make a lot of ?...
I like fun and fantasy... Hard to get serious to match up but, hey I'm a Venus dominant, Venus Aquarius...
I think my main appeal, even in my marriage, is that idgaf. Forever the mind fuck, forever a to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio?? lol I know and mine is true story.Posted by Aerazolol I was just teasing your ok ?Posted by EvoxxxscorpioWhat if it wasn't a date?? But it was The first time you met ?Posted by GemitatiYou have to wait a few minutes atleast after the first date
I said it before but it keeps popping and it
drives me nuts!
What is all this about when is it ok to have sex? Nino said last night he can wait for months...with swallen balls?
I think I slept with all of my guys on a first date. Why to waste time on walking in the park talking about your grandmother for days to have sex and never meet again? For grandmother story? Well...
From my huge experience first date sex can be last. Or he will call for second date. And then relashionships can start and you do the same thing you did on a first date for a months...but this way you listen to grandma story laying naked satisfied and he can tell anything he wants...he earned my ear time!
So sex or no sex - if you click
- you are couple! If you don't - second date will not make it any different.
You will just clog your brain with useless info about his boss, ex gf, family members etc.
Do you have that much time to
waste? Really?
He was drunk, I was sober... He says he wasn't sure if we did or not -_-
I left his house at 1230am realizing what I had done.
In my defense, It was inevitable. I couldn't keep him away and I didn't want to. =/click to expand