Should I trust my Virgo man???

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Sonia2010 on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 and has 7 replies.
K people, pls advice.
I have been with my virgo man for 8 yrs. I am a Libra. In 2006 he cheated on me and I left him. He even became engaged to the sl*t but the whole relationship lasted only 5 months. He ended up back with me. He tells me he loves me, but I have never forgiven him. I don't babysit him...meaning I don't check his phone, email I'm not even his friend on FB. I think its my way of protecting myself from "finding something"
How do I know when to trust him??
We never got engaged. He never asked me to marry him. We spend alot of time together, but we don't live together.
I now question, should I continue with him? I don't think he will ever commit to me.
What should I do?
Tough one...8 years and he cheated and you haven't forgiven him, what a burden to carry around on your chest, not only did he cheat he almost married her and yet he's short changed you, hasn't asked you to marry him, hasn't even offered you an engagement ring, it's almost like he got cold feet and took the easy route by running away from the woman he was going to marry because he knew you'd settle for less, he knew he wouldn't have to marry you, he felt you were content with being the girlfriend so he came back to you.
This may come across as a lame suggestion but definitely communication needs to open up between the 2 of you, maybe consider seeking professional help like a relationship counselor to help you sort out your feelings and maybe you both can talk to a counselor together.
I'm just curious why you took him back if you can't forgive him?
Posted by Sonia2010
He ended up back with me.

He didn't end up back with you.
You took him back.
There's a difference.
For him to end up back with you, means, he chooses for you.
You are a living, breathing, individual in which has free will, to decide for yourself ... so this means, you choose for yourself, and you CHOSE to take him back.
NOT - he eneded up back with you, as if you have no sound mind to make your own judgement calls.

Posted by Sonia2010
I now question, should I continue with him? I don't think he will ever commit to me.

NOW ?????

Posted by Sonia2010
What should I do?

click to expand

Wow ... is this the hope for our future? People who cannot even recognize that the reality of their own life choices, and just let shit happen to later, say: "omg, look what happened"?

Forget that he is Virgo, it really has the least to do with him cheating, but in my opinion,
He will cheat on you again.
Remember we only get older as time goes on and us men, even at age 50, still like what we liked at age 20.
You know the answer to your own question
If you've even got to ask if you're in the right relationship, that oughta speak volumes within of itself.
In his defense, if you don't trust him, you shouldn't be with him. You should've never gotten back with him if you weren't prepared to forgive & attempt to move on. That wouldn't be fair to him if he kept getting punished & no longer respected all b/c YOU didn't have the guts to leave him. That's not his fault that YOU can't leave him so don't punish him for something that's out of his control.
Stop comparing yourself to the other woman. It doesn't matter what all he did for her in comparison to what ring or lines he presented to you
The truth is he played you BOTH. And if he cheats (which he more than likely will) again, the next woman during AND after you will be played to
Some relationships rebound from cheating. BUT no relationships work out after cheating IF the trust was never restored. I have yet to see it & I'm sure you haven't ever saw a trustless relationship survive either
I get that you guys have alot of history & it's hard to just throw it all away But ask yourself these questions:
1. Are you staying b/c he's worth it, b/c he's changed & b/c he's worth it OR are you staying b/c you fear being alone?
2. Are you staying not b/c you truly still want him but more so b/c you just don't want another woman to have him?
3. If you cheated on him & had the nerve to get engaged to the man you played him for, would he take you back? (If you're thinking yes, you're in denial)
If you've gotta be in denial just to keep a relationship going, what should that tell you
Dude, relationships are not for 2 people who just can't handle being alone. Relationships should actually be enjoyable or else it's pointless to be in 1. And it's almost impossible to enjoy something you don't trust
Let go. You have much more to lose by staying, only to end up regretting that you chose him over your own self-respect & esteem.
Really P-Angel??? I guess I'm the first to get cheated on as per your comment "IS THIS OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE"
I never said I didnt take him back. I am fully aware of my FREE WILL.
Thanks for the no advice and your mean comments.
Thank you Krysrenee 7, Thats probably the best advice I've gotten. I guess I stay because I do love him.

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