Signs of a fuckboy

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by TxOgal on Friday, June 25, 2021 and has 1 replies.
It could be the first time (or not) for me to encounter a fuckboy. I'm sure many of you ladies met them, so this thread is dedicated to expose fuckboys and save ourselves from the heartache/disappointment

I will share what I know so far. Feel free to share yours too!

- He will always repeat a certain sentence to you like a broken record. It could be a compliment or something that he knows would make you feel like he understands your vulnerability.

- You will know something is off about him, but his other "too good" qualities outweigh this gut feeling. No, if you feel something is off, most probably you are right, don't fight your intuition.

- He shows off himself, talking about how everyone likes him or does him favors. Everything screams out that he loves himself too much (he may even say it) and you get the feeling that he means you are lucky you found such a gem like him!

- He keeps reassuring you many times by something that you didn't even ask about (like he doesn't talk to/flirt with other girls). It is a lie that he wants to believe/make you believe.

- He doesn't respect your boundaries that you made clear to him, claiming that he is doing whatever he does to cross them "out of love or admiration".

- The well known "his actions speak louder than his words"