Signs You Are Curious About..

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by slowdive80 on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 and has 34 replies.
Just knocking the boots with and only doing that. No relationships involved.

For me, I really would love to hook up with an aries girl for the night. Followed by a sag girl and then scorp for last.

But aries is the main one right now because I heard intimacy with them is off the charts out of all the other signs. Same with scorp gals too

Although, I am weary of just trying to do hooking up with a scorp because unless they have lot of sag or air in their astro chart, they tend to confuse good physical pleasure for love from what I have heard from others.

BTW I am not against dating any sign - depends on their chart unless they have a Virgo Moon. I never ever have an easy time of it in regards to relating with them. They are too high strung for me.

What is yours?
I'm most interested in these signs. I think it's really important i don't turn wrong. Also i'm hoping heaven has a back door, becaue i'm probably not coming in through the front one. Big Grin

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You sound like a virgin. How old are you?
Or maybe this is something introverts like to think about. Let me not intrude.
@black773 - You know that people only attract certain signs and not others in their past right?

I've attracted my share of virgs, aquas, libras, capricorns, with a couple of pisces thrown in.

I've never attracted aries, sag or scorp which is why I am curious about them

BTW it's ok if you are making a freudian slip by telling on yourself in reference to the virgin comment.

I cant date right now since I am moving out of town next month so yeah I get bored and think about things like this.

Posted by slowdive80

@black773 - You know that people only attract certain signs and not others in their past right?

I've attracted my share of virgs, aquas, libras, capricorns, with a couple of pisces thrown in.

I've never attracted aries, sag or scorp which is why I am curious about them

BTW it's ok if you are making a freudian slip by telling on yourself in reference to the virgin comment.

I cant date right now since I am moving out of town next month so yeah I get bored and think about things like this.

Oh I didn’t need to know your whole life and dating history. You just sound like a virgin or introverted.
Posted by slowdive80

@black773 - You know that people only attract certain signs and not others in their past right?

I've attracted my share of virgs, aquas, libras, capricorns, with a couple of pisces thrown in.

I've never attracted aries, sag or scorp which is why I am curious about them

BTW it's ok if you are making a freudian slip by telling on yourself in reference to the virgin comment.

I cant date right now since I am moving out of town next month so yeah I get bored and think about things like this.

please dont say we attract signs, because i attract virgos and i really dont want to go there. just saying.
@Black773 - In your attempt to troll, you are making an assumption of which i am clarifying. That's it.

Bottom line, it's slow at work with nothing to do and I am bored that is it.


I attract virgs both sun and moon so I get ya. I am kind of resigned to the fact I will never get out of the current sun sign cycles of virgs, caps, gems, aquas, libras and pisces I attract.

I'm a sag moon and would prefer to date aries, leos, sags or cancers at this point. But Iike I said i seemed to be put in this attraction loop of same signs that has no end...
Posted by slowdive80

@Black773 - In your attempt to troll, you are making an assumption of which i am clarifying. That's it.

Bottom line, it's slow at work with nothing to do and I am bored that is it.


I attract virgs both sun and moon so I get ya. I am kind of resigned to the fact I will never get out of the current sun sign cycles of virgs, caps, gems, aquas, libras and pisces I attract.

I'm a sag moon and would prefer to date aries, leos, sags or cancers at this point. But Iike I said i seemed to be put in this attraction loop of same signs that has no end...

Posted by slowdive80

@Black773 - In your attempt to troll, you are making an assumption of which i am clarifying. That's it.

Bottom line, it's slow at work with nothing to do and I am bored that is it.


I attract virgs both sun and moon so I get ya. I am kind of resigned to the fact I will never get out of the current sun sign cycles of virgs, caps, gems, aquas, libras and pisces I attract.

I'm a sag moon and would prefer to date aries, leos, sags or cancers at this point. But Iike I said i seemed to be put in this attraction loop of same signs that has no end...
whats your sign? Cap?
@stillstillwater - Nope, not a capricorn. Though they seem to like me and I end finding them attractive. Just not sure if we are compatible as caps tend to be workaholics and dont know how to balance work and their social life from my experience.
Posted by slowdive80

@stillstillwater - Nope, not a capricorn. Though they seem to like me and I end finding them attractive. Just not sure if we are compatible as caps tend to be workaholics and dont know how to balance work and their social life from my experience.
so what's your sun sign then? Libra?
Posted by black773

You sound like a virgin. How old are you?

This seems to be the case. His reference to Aries and Scorps seems way off on my extensive research.
In this order:













Romantically I am soo fascinated by Aries men & I love Sagittarian men I think cause they think so differently from me and I’m always trying to understand their perspective... it keeps it interesting to me. & I’m like, dedicated to make it work especially cause it’s “not” supposed to cause I’m a cancer (on the cusp w Leo but still).

My cycle stems from usually Scorpio (m) Pisces (🙄) Capricorn (f) Sag (m) and I attract cancer & Gemini men but never actually dated one & attract Aries (f) but my last experiences have blown up w them so nty.

I always picture myself ended up w a winter/early spring person idk why.
@stillstillwater -

To be honest, I dont divulge my sun sign. I just feel that my moon in sagittarius and mars in sagittarius with leo rising describes me better.

Not all people on here mind you, but there is a significant amount that think people are exactly like their sun sign no matter what else is in their chart.

And then make snap judgements/generalizations. My sun sign is pretty despised, and I can understand it, but I believe you should judge someone's personal character on a case by case basis. Instead of instant assumptions and generalizations.

I would rather not say and just keep it private to avoid being pigeonholed.

Back on the topic though I had more than one friend date an aries girl and despite whatever issues came up they said sex with them was the best they ever had. Hence, why I am intrigued. Or I just like an aggressive take charge gal..
Posted by slowdive80

My sun sign is pretty despised
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A LIBRA then. I'm thoroughly enjoying the below gif because she's also a Libra, and this is what I'd love to do to Libras all day for my birthday. Also because I'm dealing with a hovering thirsty Libra broad who doesn't respect my relationship.

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But to keep it topically-relevant:

I've dated Virgos, Cancers (never doing that again), Bulls, fwb with a Gemini, currently with a Leo.

- a Sag mooner Scorp has definitely intrigued me, too bad for him I'm too loyal.

- sex with an Aries man would certainly be quite the experience considering my own Aries stellium, but not for anything serious.

- definitely down to doing more Leos in the future.

- pretty much every Sag man I've met has either been too ugly or way too skinny so they are disqualified for life.

- I have met a couple Aquas that somewhat intrigued me so I would be open to that, good thing they are the kings of casual sex.

- Capricorns.......I don't know if I'd have the patience to break them down, unless he was a sexual freak who just wants to fuck everything in sight. Many of them have nice strong thick bodies, I definitely like guys with meat.

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Posted by slowdive80

@Black773 - In your attempt to troll, you are making an assumption of which i am clarifying. That's it.

Bottom line, it's slow at work with nothing to do and I am bored that is it.


I attract virgs both sun and moon so I get ya. I am kind of resigned to the fact I will never get out of the current sun sign cycles of virgs, caps, gems, aquas, libras and pisces I attract.

I'm a sag moon and would prefer to date aries, leos, sags or cancers at this point. But Iike I said i seemed to be put in this attraction loop of same signs that has no end...
I’m a Virgo sun sag moon and I wanna date Aries and Leo as well. Sags meh

What’s ur sun sign ?
Oh you don’t divulge ur sun sign.. nvm then... well sure not everyone is as and only will be like their sun sign but even I with as many “contradicting” signs in my chart to my sun have to realize as much as I sometimes do relate to them, I am still very much a virgo.

Hopefully you’ll learn to love ur sun enough that the opinion of what it may mean to others, won’t matter 🤝
@Heavyentertainmentshow -

LMFAO That is funny. Are you a gem or sag mooner?

I'm tempted to clarify your assumption about what my sun sign is but that would put you a step closer and I dont need the pitchforks.

I would definately sex a scorp if they had aqua or sag moon. They tend to be more mellow about doing casual from what I have seen from friends that have those placements.

@SunsetVirgo - I legit just dont identify with the characteristics of my sun sign. I am a different person and when people in my personal life find out i am this sign, they are dumbfounded because I am 180 degrees in personality and outlook from that.

That is why I identify with sag moon for the most part. Minus the cheating because I am faitful. However, because I am faithful I am very particular about certain things I need from a potential partner before committing.

One thing that is non-negotiable is a medium to high libido. Too many peeps Ive dated have been on the low end of that spectrum. I cant help having a high libido and am done apologizing for it. Would rather hold off to find a partner that matches or is close to mine.

I feel that i would click sexually more with fire signs or people that have a lot of fire in their chart since I like aggressive, physical intimacy hence my mars in sag.

I take care of my physical appearance and expect someone to do the same. Which is why I dont date smokers or huge drinkers as they dont age well later on in life.

I believe if you are honest and definate on what you want out of relationships you avoid drama and heartache much easier.
Posted by slowdive80

@stillstillwater -

To be honest, I dont divulge my sun sign. I just feel that my moon in sagittarius and mars in sagittarius with leo rising describes me better.

Not all people on here mind you, but there is a significant amount that think people are exactly like their sun sign no matter what else is in their chart.

And then make snap judgements/generalizations. My sun sign is pretty despised, and I can understand it, but I believe you should judge someone's personal character on a case by case basis. Instead of instant assumptions and generalizations.

I would rather not say and just keep it private to avoid being pigeonholed.

Back on the topic though I had more than one friend date an aries girl and despite whatever issues came up they said sex with them was the best they ever had. Hence, why I am intrigued. Or I just like an aggressive take charge gal..
hmmm i understand you don't want to be pigeonholed but you're providing your sag moon and sag mars info which is enough information to pigeonhole you too so i'm wondering what is it about your sun sign that you're so against.

Our sun signs are where we shine and it makes me a little sad that you don't want that part of yourself/chart known.

I would appreciate it if you told me, may be in a private message, because I'd like to learn more ,and I do understand if you don't feel comfortable though.

Yes on the Aries being take charge. I had an Aries friend/roommate and she was very much a free-spirit, goes after what she wants, and aggressive sexually with men as well. I think if you like the take charge attitude in women, it would be an amazing experience. smile Personally I like take charge attitudes as well.... but of course also gentle/sweet approach (Libra moon preferences here).
I'm curious about Libras. I've been with one but we weren't in a relationship. I wonder what it'd be like to be with a commited Libra (do they even exist??)

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but definitely would also like to try it out with an Aries (with mostly air placements), and Cancer.

I wouldnt say my sun sign isnt known for shining, just a lot of drama that tends to be associated with or that it causes.

For example, I am irish but I dont identify with the culture as I am not catholic, dont drink or smoke. Even though I was born as part of this ethnicity doesnt mean i understand or agree with it.

Or in the words of Albert King, Born Under a Bad Sign.

I'm down to hook up with a Aries Mooner but I rarely attract them. Had a libra with aries moon try to get with me but I wasnt that attracted to her and she was a co-worker. I dont think that counts since it seems libra gals immediately regardless of moon or mars sign tend to like me.

But I think I attract libras so easily because of the amount of sag in my chart.

Other Aries mooner gals in my past that showed interest were taken and that was when I was self-righteous and not looking to get laid.
Posted by slowdive80


I wouldnt say my sun sign isnt known for shining, just a lot of drama that tends to be associated with or that it causes.

For example, I am irish but I dont identify with the culture as I am not catholic, dont drink or smoke. Even though I was born as part of this ethnicity doesnt mean i understand or agree with it.

Or in the words of Albert King, Born Under a Bad Sign.

I'm down to hook up with a Aries Mooner but I rarely attract them. Had a libra with aries moon try to get with me but I wasnt that attracted to her and she was a co-worker. I dont think that counts since it seems libra gals immediately regardless of moon or mars sign tend to like me.

But I think I attract libras so easily because of the amount of sag in my chart.

Other Aries mooner gals in my past that showed interest were taken and that was when I was self-righteous and not looking to get laid.
Didnt know u were looking for aries mooners
Posted by slowdive80

@Heavyentertainmentshow -

LMFAO That is funny. Are you a gem or sag mooner?

I'm tempted to clarify your assumption about what my sun sign is but that would put you a step closer and I dont need the pitchforks.

I would definately sex a scorp if they had aqua or sag moon. They tend to be more mellow about doing casual from what I have seen from friends that have those placements.
Actually that's closer than you might think lol. Virgo moon, Sag rising. But my Fish sun is in the III house (Gemini house). So I've got some Gem qualities.

- Technology relaxes me so when I'm stressed, I can hop on the pc and do some reading or work on music.

- My mind is very restless, always racing (which, combined with my Virgo moon, makes me a neurotic freak). I find it impossible to do yoga, which frustrates my yoga-friendly boyfriend to no end lol.

- I got a motormouth and I had a stuttering problem when I was a kid because my mind was way faster than my mouth. It took me a while to fix that.

- I thoroughly enjoy physical touch through my hands (the Gemini's main erogenous zone). Doesn't have to be sexual, I just like to touch bits of my man that I love the most, like his belly, face, biceps, ass, legs or pecs. I'll just put my hands on him when we're chilling.

And the Sag mooner Scorp in question is VERY casual about his intentions lol. And he's such a sweetie, looks like honey personified, he'd just melt in your mouth. With that nice slick blond hair and those huge sad-puppy blue eyes. And he laughs his ass off at my DXP'ing. I guess it's true what they say: the quickest way to anyone's between-the-legs is by tickling their funnybone.

Too bad for him I'm extremely faithful. Sex is easy enough to get.......

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but I'm too old to be rolling around like weasels with randoms, even with my Aries stellium. I want something longterm. But that can always change. If/when it does, I'll holler at you and we can go prowling for Aqua/Sag mooners! We might learn something.

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Posted by black773

You sound like a virgin. How old are you?
773... south side of Chicago? AYYYYY. sorry if my assumption is wrong also. That’s just an area code there, and I miss home. Well I’m not from the city itself, but I miss the midwest I should say. Not missing that snow though lol

*nothing relevant to the actual thread sorry*
Posted by degenerate_ingenue

Posted by black773

You sound like a virgin. How old are you?
773... south side of Chicago? AYYYYY. sorry if my assumption is wrong also. That’s just an area code there, and I miss home. Well I’m not from the city itself, but I miss the midwest I should say. Not missing that snow though lol

*nothing relevant to the actual thread sorry*
click to expand

You’re the first person to recognize that lol. I moved away as well. I miss the snow actually. 🙁

Virgo Moon? Yep if I didnt interact with you on DXP and met you in real life not knowing who you are, I would probably be attracted to you, provided you are a female of course LOL The life of being a sag moon...

Out of all the moon signs, Virgo Moon is the most common for attraction for me. With Cap moon and cancer coming in close behind.

Good for you as far as being faithful. Just make sure you communicate with your so about your needs intimately. I've seen when people dont,and it goes south with either the person scamming that everything is ok while looking for an exit strategy or they have a side piece to take care of what their so isnt doing well.

Im kind of emotionally drained and burnt out on the whole lovey-dovy thing myself. As I just am not financially stable enough to be in a relationship. Also, it is hard to find someone whose work schedule is compatible with mine.

I am not committing to someone I hardly ever see. This isnt coming out of emotional neediness per se, but the neediness of chopping down that morning wood.

Bottom line, if i am not getting any at least 2-3 times a week (unless of course person is ill, pms, personal crisis, then I'll happily be celibate since these situations are out of their control), but otherwise I have to terminate the contract and look for a new organization.

I am done with sexless relationships. Just kissing and holding hands isnt for me.

@stillstillwater - I am not specifically looking for them but wouldnt say no. Aries mooners in my experience are a little more cut to the chase when it comes to bedroom sheningans. Granted you may no longer be considered a challenge after having an orgazmofest. But who says I am looking for anything serious anyway?

About Aquarius men maybe
I’m a Libra, but never been with a Libra. Maybe? 🤷🏼‍♀️
@purplepassion38 -

I'm not so sure it's about their sign as far as why scorps dont approach you. I have a lot of sag in my chart and am a flirt however, cold approaching women can come with a lot of risk meaning have your social status destroyed ala being called "creepy"

Before anyone goes on the warpath, I get there are legit creepy guys. But I have seen friends of mine cold approach women that they thought were interested in a friendly way. But were rejected and then I would over hear them call my friends "creepy"

Signs of interest from women can be ambigious at times where a lot are just friendly and social. And a lot of guys dont want to misread and approach and then get called creepy.

Most of the girls Ive ever met that were attracted to me approached or I was introduced through mutual friends. The other times I have approached was because the women gave definitive no mistake, signs of interest.

There are lot of men out there that dont want the risk of being called creepy. So I wouldnt take it as that being an astrology thing. But that is just my opinion.

I'm not saying what my astrological sign is, but I'll give you this insight. if he keeps looking at you then looking away when you catch him he might be interested.

I did that all the way till I was 20. Then finally got it knocked into my head that smiling back when you meet a girls glance would probably help a little lol.

At that point I felt if I did that and am not getting a definative sign of interest, then I just keep it moving.

I will say this - that it is much easier to approach girls at coffeeshops or bookstores when you and them are regulars That was where I met most women when I lived in Texas.

And live shows too make it much easier.

Right now the women I meet are mainly in coffeehouses.

Posted by slowdive80


if I didnt interact with you on DXP and met you in real life not knowing who you are, I would probably be attracted to you

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Are you telling me my account isn't attractive?? That you wouldn't wanna roll around with my account on red satin sheets and run your tongue down its spine?? Huh??

You know what happens when you don't like me?? Huh? You know what happens when you try to shade me?? Hmm??

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Lucky for you I also have an Aries stellium, which means my indignation dissipates after a minute (or two). So having said that:

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@heavyentertainmentshow -

LMAO I know you say it in jest but the shade was not intentional. I meant in the context of you being under exclusive contract with someone else and me not knowing what you look like

Actually you seem to be really fun and as such probably have loads of guys waiting in to break as Chris Rock once famously put it, their "di-k in a glass"

You seem more relaxed for a virgo moon. Most of the time, virg mooners I encounter are super high strung and not the easiest to be around at times. But i guess it depends what sun a person has.

My current roommate / frenemy is a pisces sun virgo mooner. He is very bipolar, meaning he can be hilarious in terms of hanging out but then he will get self-righteous and talk down to you. He is also a control freak and has huge trust issues with people.

But cant see how hypocritical he is in expecting others to prove their trust worthiness when he lies to his girlfriend about me living there and then not telling me him and our older roommate were enemies before I moved in. Had to find out from the older roommate even though he is no saint himself.

Gah, I cant wait to escape from this living situation in two months. And hopefully never have to deal with my frenemy and the creepy scummy older roommate again.