Stud Him Out??

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by DyarStra?e on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 and has 15 replies.

Could you stud your man out?
Imagine that your best female friend is single, but she desperately wants to be a Mom. She doesn't want to adopt, and she doesn't want to use a sperm bank - wants her baby to know the father was more than an anonymous donor....
If she asked you, and your man was okay with it, would you let him provide the sperm? If so, would you want it to be aritificial insemination, or the old-fashioned sperm delivery system?
Would you agree to father a child under these circumstances? (And forget the Free Sex part of the equation!)
Absolutely not.
i would knock his ass out as to where he wouldnt even remember what she had
No bloody way. I would kick the shit out of her and him!
Would you agree to father a child under these circumstances? (And forget the Free Sex part of the equation!)"
I think that situation is disrespectful to everyone really. A child shouldn't be born under these circumstances. Second of all, no child of mine will grow without a father, while I am alive and well.
Never. Too much potential drama. No friendship is worth that
absolutely no.
1. a true friend would NEVER ask that of anyone.
2. if the man was willing he would be outa my life for good.
3. it all condones cheating in one way or the other.
4. if you did go through with it, it will be a disaster.
it would cause fighting over a man with both sides thinking they lay claim to him. and not to mention, what if he likes it and leaves you for her?
in my opinion, it sounds like someone is asking permission to have an affair with their friends man, thinking that they are nieve enough to say yes. but that's just my opinion.

So... the movie The Big Chill is a complete fantasy? Crap! I really like that film!
Seriously: In some ancient cultures, a childless widow had the right to demand any surviving brothers-in-law father a child with her -- since a woman's worth was based mostly on her child-bearing capability -- and the extended family had an interest in preserving the bloodline - and any property of the deceased...
I could imagine a woman finding a sperm bank too cold & clinical for something as personal as conception. Yes, I realize a woman can pick up a guy just about anywhere for a quick fuck -- but what does she know about him? Yes, lesbian couples are using sperm banks, but the pregnant half of the couple has a loving partner to support her during her travail... Wouldn't a single woman derive a small bit of comfort from knowing a good man knocked her up??
I actually thought about writing a humorous story where the two women agree, but the guy has major hangups with it -- as I would...

Okay, Guys: Have you donated sperm to a sperm bank?
Aren't there lots of potential (and similar) issues with leaving a load there that any woman (or, lots of women!) can use?
Example: Your own biological child could wind up marrying the child of a woman who used the sperm bank...

... and, would you ever wonder how many "little you's" there are running around??
Um no.
If he even hesitated on saying no I'd send his ass packing to go live with wanna-be-momma and rid them both of my life. Let them make babies together but I'd done with them.

VGM: Dy, what the hell were you drinking today?
Uh... Mother's Milk - can't ya tell??
About Motherhood: Would any of your DXP Ladies use a Sperm Bank?
ihave no problems having kids lol. if i couldn't have kids, i wouldn't go to a sperm bank either.

VGM: I'm curious...what does deb say?
Well, we were watching The Big Chill, and I asked her if she'd be willing to help her best friend like in the movie...
"No! I never would. But I can see you offering to stud yourself out - and making it sound like being helpful..."
We didn't talk about it any more - she wanted to see the rest of the movie. But typical Debra, she got a jibe in later about me "making something immoral look noble" - words to that effect, and I knew what she meant...
No doubt about where she stands: She would never be a surrogate mother, or let me be a surrogate father.

Archer: I know exactly what she means ...
Actually, you're being too kind with your interpretation...
What Debra meant was that I can rationalize anything I do to make it seem noble when it's really self-serving...
I thought more guys would chime in on this topic - dang it!
I can't say absolutely that I wouldn't play the surrogate, but the odds are heavily against it - even if Debra was not a factor.
But, quite a few guys "donate" to the sperm banks - thought we'd hear their point of view...