Taurus Man Disappearing Act

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by MzDiana on Saturday, June 15, 2013 and has 6 replies.
Tues. Met online/made the phone call - found out he was in town visiting his mother, same neighborhood even Spent the whole day together into the night- went to 2 parks and lunch
Weds. Went shopping with me, then to my house and spent the night- up most of the night talking. No sex.
Thurs. Spent the day doing my yard. Spent the night together...yes, all was well. Very romantic.
Friday. Left to go back to his family's house. Kissed me bye and said I will see you in two weeks. Asked me to come over to eat with them, but I was stuck at the auto mechanic.
Saturday..have heard nothing from him. No text or call. I did send him 2 texts (one last night and one today) Not a peep.
Why do Taurus men have a knack for doing this? What did I do wrong? Did it piss him off because I did not come to his family's dinner?
He is 44 and I am 42 - He born April 21, me October 5.
Posted by BikerCh1ck
Tues-Fri he was with you. He must have also other things to do than being with you and thinking about you. You just met! Why are you keep texting? Are you trying to make sure he doesn't do any chase?

No! Not even about the chase. The first text was to wish him safe travels, he was up early and moving equipment. The second text, this afternoon, because I am curious why no reply. Then I started to think maybe he was mad at me because I did not come over...he already introduced me to all of the family and his mother especially. I am not chasing him, but I do like a quick text of some sort back.
OK, I will take your advice. No more contact until he contacts me. I am use to Cancer and Scorpio men. They want and need constant contact, at least the ones I have been with. Thanks for the insight.
Posted by MzDiana
Tues. Met online/made the phone call - found out he was in town visiting his mother, same neighborhood even Spent the whole day together into the night- went to 2 parks and lunch
Weds. Went shopping with me, then to my house and spent the night- up most of the night talking. No sex.
Thurs. Spent the day doing my yard. Spent the night together...yes, all was well. Very romantic.
Friday. Left to go back to his family's house. Kissed me bye and said I will see you in two weeks. Asked me to come over to eat with them, but I was stuck at the auto mechanic.
Saturday..have heard nothing from him. No text or call. I did send him 2 texts (one last night and one today) Not a peep.
Why do Taurus men have a knack for doing this? What did I do wrong? Did it piss him off because I did not come to his family's dinner?
He is 44 and I am 42 - He born April 21, me October 5.

The little insight I have in Taurus men is to now just relax. He's not angry at you or avoiding your on purpose. He's just busy with other things now, things he didn't do as he was with you for a few days on end. He spend time with you, treated you well, no sex (sex isn't the only way to show affection or interest, not rushing into it is a sign too.. ask about that here) and plenty of personal questions about you. Wanting to know YOU.
Just continue with your own life now, let him do his thing and he'll be back sooner than you think.
This isn't a disappearing act honey, this is just two days now and you're both adults with responsibilities no doubt.
If he wasn't interested he wouldn't ask questions or spend that much time with you. Breathe, relax and let him come to you. If you blow up his phone with calls and texts, it'll scare him off (any many of any sign really) and THEN you'll get a disappearing act.
Posted by Ormas
Posted by MzDiana

The little insight I have in Taurus men is to now just relax.
If he wasn't interested he wouldn't ask questions or spend that much time with you. Breathe, relax and let him come to you.

Thanks for your wonderful insight. As a Libra, I am constantly accused of not showing enough interest and emotion. Even he state once while together, that "You're just going to keep ignoring me, huh?" And I guess that is the real reason I am freaking out a bit. I know that I am content and can be a little selfish. I do really like this man and want to keep seeing him. I need to find a happy medium in how people perceive me, but I don't know how.
Again, thanks.
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