Texting question for men

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Jkats on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 10 replies.
Hey, just wondering, is it normal for y'all to not reply back to Thanksgiving or Christmas texts? Note they are coming from someone you supposedly love.

Don't mind my own grammatical corrections, i'm a Virgo lol! Big Grin
WOW, ok! Well I feel dumb, always making excuses for this dude. Smh.
Yes LuckyLibra979, but damn it's a hard pill to swallow when you realize you've been used. Sad
Lol Arielle83, you commented on my other post about my Cancer guy. I don't call him because he never picks up the damn phone. My opinion is that he could give a shit about me, so that's why he didn't respond.
Lol LuckyLibra979, well i'm not crazy or a liar! I had just seen him the day before, given him a present and we had made love. I guess all that lovey dovey, I Love You shit was to keep me keep me pacified for the time being.
MizLeo, no. I sent him a break up text last night (he was at work, and he hates talking on the phone anyway), no response. He could care less obviously.
Haha thanks KinglyCrab! Winking
Ya, leave this one alone. He obviously has no manners or a real liking for you.
Posted by Jkats
Hey, just wondering, is it normal for y'all to not reply back to Thanksgiving or Christmas texts? Note they are coming from someone you supposedly love.

Only if he/she is marriedsmile