The age in which men really mature

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by rockyroadicecream on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 and has 6 replies.

A British study has identified the age at which men finally grow up -- and it's 43.
That's 11 years later than their female counterparts, according to research commissioned by Nickelodeon UK.
Men demonstrate their immaturity by being amused at farts and burps and playing video games, among other things, said women who participated in the survey.
Not being able to cook simple meals, re-telling the same old stories and jokes when out with the boys, and owning a skateboard or BMX were also high on the list.
Nickelodeon UK released the results in support of its launch of a new program called Wendell and Vinnie, which features a 30-year-old bachelor who suddenly becomes the legal guardian of his precocious 12-year-old nephew.
"As a man, especially one who works for a children's channel, the question if men ever reach maturity is one I am well accustomed to," said Tim Patterson, Nickelodeon's director of programming. "However, as the characters Wendell and Vinnie show in our new program, a difference in maturity between two people definitely makes for an amusing partnership."
Men don't dispute their immaturity. A quarter of the men surveyed described themselves as actively immature, and both mean and women agreed that women mature much, much sooner.
Three in 10 women surveyed said they and ended a relationship because they found a man too immature, and eight in 10 believed men "never stop being childish."
On the bright side, almost one-third of those surveyed believed a little immaturity can be an asset when bonding with children.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by kalin
how about, never?

That's the plan smile
click to expand

Forever young?
Oh dear, god knows what the woman would do with you.
Mother the boy or tame the man?...hmm smile
Posted by Snaeky
That's marketing at best and propaganda at worst.
I think nickelodeon has a vested interest in telling the adult community that it is okay to watch nickelodeon when you're 43 because their own study showed that one 30 year old guy is involved in its productions. I like how the multi billion video game industries that men created from scratch is a sign of the immaturity of men. Its an odd coincidence that video gaming and tv are natural competitors. Even where the article showed up; in the entertainment section of some website, not a news outlet or a scientific journal. It also tells women that its okay to be involved with an immature man cause that is what most men are up to the age of 43.
Some people will just do anything for a quick buck.

Yeah, as soon as I saw "Nickelodeon" I loled. You can tell a lot from the results of any study just by who funds/conducts it. Just the source alone will tell you the bias involved.
and yet men rule the world
why does the cloud with curly horns go oink
Contrary to popular belief the most males and females finally mature around the same age. Sorry ladies you aren't so special. I mean just look around dxp ffs Tongue