Posted by xxoommmxxoo
R u pisco?
Posted by CluelessCancer
My Libra coworker swears by it.
Posted by Crustacea
I don't believe in the law of attraction within relationships.
When it comes to people I noticed people tend to go towards who they admire and want to be like not actual like-minded individuals. It tends to take a conscious effort to find and be amongst people on the same level with self.
Leaders tend to attract followers not a group of other leaders.
It's possible to but that will actually take more "work".
Posted by xxoommmxxooPosted by MissD312Posted by xxoommmxxoo
R u pisco?
Yes I am a Pisces and I saw the magic when i picked up the secret. I am in love with this Libra but we arent on good terms. Hoping to be soon!
I think the magic would be better for relationships. For honoring your partner and,practicing gratitude for themclick to expand
Posted by CluelessCancer
Hold up, you want a Libra? I'm out of this thread.
c ya.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Damn I feel like a total buzz kill tonight. But I'm sorry people the law of attraction is bullshit. Try it out for yourselves. It sounds good but that's about it.
Posted by JenLove
I love the Secret and I definitely believe in the law of attraction! I didn't finish reading the book but, I absolutely love the documentary! Ever since I became aware of it a few years ago I've practiced it and I must say it does work, with relationships and with everything else. It has changed my perspective and my life in such a positive way.
Always remember that your negative thoughts also become a reality if you don't know how to block them out. It's a bit harder with relationships because the both of you have to be on the same frequency which is not the easiest thing of course because you're dealing with two different individuals. The best thing you can do is visualize, that is by far the most effective way to manifest anything. Sometimes things take a long time to happen and sometimes it only takes a few minutes. It works for me all the time. Goodluck
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFishPosted by MissD312Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Damn I feel like a total buzz kill tonight. But I'm sorry people the law of attraction is bullshit. Try it out for yourselves. It sounds good but that's about it.
No buzz kill Lol.. But I kind of believe in it. Still learning about it though
Definitely worth a try. I hope it works better for you. I tried it with all my little heart. You ever seen "Bedazzle" with Brandon Frasier? I think the law of attraction works similarly. You get what you want, but its always in some messed up way. The gurus of the Secret...research them. o_Oclick to expand
Posted by starlover
It works for me. I find you have to be very clear as to what you want (be careful of what you ask for). If you are unsure, it wont come to you
Posted by chopstickcharmerPosted by MissD312
I have just read the book The Secret! Hummmm very interesting.. I would like to know has anyone experienced the law of attraction? And do you think it works on relationships?
i wish i wrote this book! it's like peddling those worms that are pulled by a nylon string to children!click to expand
Posted by chopstickcharmer
i'm just not into visualization. what's your jupiter?
u know that furry worm a guy at the mall sells? it's attached to a piece of nylon so it's like he moves in and out of a glass and thru his hand? ...and u buy one and realize that yeah there is a string attached to that worm and u can't make it move as good as him so u have a crap toy now?
Posted by starloverPosted by MissD312Posted by starlover
It works for me. I find you have to be very clear as to what you want (be careful of what you ask for). If you are unsure, it wont come to you
I am clear that I want him but when I feel sad that things aren't how they use to be. I get frustrated and try to forget about him. So I am hoping im not sending mixed signals out in the universe.
Hmmm i think you need to take some time out and become very clear before you can attract anything very positive in your life. Also it's about timing. It wont come to you unless its ready to. I had a one year hiatus from r/ships before i got involved in a functional one
Visualisation is effective but only if you are able to see *clearly*click to expand
Posted by starlover
...after the year was up, i wrote a wish list and slept with it under my took about 7 days or so to meet him
Posted by MissD312Posted by xxoommmxxoo
R u pisco?
Yes I am a Pisces and I saw the magic when i picked up the secret. I am in love with this Libra but we arent on good terms. Hoping to be soon!click to expand
Posted by chopstickcharmerPosted by MissD312Posted by chopstickcharmer
i'm just not into visualization. what's your jupiter?
u know that furry worm a guy at the mall sells? it's attached to a piece of nylon so it's like he moves in and out of a glass and thru his hand? ...and u buy one and realize that yeah there is a string attached to that worm and u can't make it move as good as him so u have a crap toy now?
Oh ok! I get it lol wow at the way your mind works! I am sorry to say I really don't know my Jupiter. I know i am a March 12th Pisces thats all I know about signs pretty much
oh ur a pisces. figures. my mom buys these chocolate gold bars and she like to keep them on her desk. when i go to her office i eat them and throw away the box and she's like that was for my visualization lulz! do u have pinterest?click to expand
Posted by virgosagscorpio
It's a series of books from Rhonda Byrnes, The power, The magic and The secret.
got the secret but I just can't finish the 28 days whatever, I suck on that! Some say I should read the power first then magic last is the secret, I can't finish the the secret book so how can I read all 3?!? I found it good though, teaches me to be more grateful for everything
Try The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
Posted by starloverPosted by MissD312Posted by starlover
...after the year was up, i wrote a wish list and slept with it under my took about 7 days or so to meet him
Wow 7days! You are giving me hopeI can't wait for my heart to soon heal so that I may move on.
*Healing* is the key and also not to be too desperate to meet someone ~ start to have a relationship with yourself before even thinking of engaging with others ~ it doesnt work else?click to expand
Posted by chopstickcharmer
i am more likely to read outliers.
Posted by starlover
^^ Did you ever read *Noddy* ?
Posted by P-AngelPosted by MissD312Posted by xxoommmxxoo
R u pisco?
Yes I am a Pisces and I saw the magic when i picked up the secret. I am in love with this Libra but we arent on good terms. Hoping to be soon!
MissD ... you weren't being asked if you are a Pisces ... you were being asked if you are a former member here who deleted, named Pisco
On Topic ..... yes, I believe in LOAclick to expand
Posted by Dafna79
If you think about it the ONE thing they say is key to turn yourvlife aroundv is LOVE, in order to love others you have to work on your self love, that would make a huge difference in your life, the other thing that has always worked for me is being GRATEFUL. When you are focused on all the good things you have in your life instead of complaining about everything, your outllook and attitude change and you start attracting positive people and experiences to your life.
Posted by CapriLady
No. Never keep anyone around in any capacity who would steal from you. Those people need to be released back to the universe.
I also like this one from StarLover "*Healing* is the key and also not to be too desperate to meet someone ~ start to have a relationship with yourself before even thinking of engaging with others ~"
Apparently, I had a few more things to heal. I literally allowed a serious negativity out of my life today. It was physically releasing. I hope it stays gone. I hadn't realized I had to work on that before the start of the last relationship, which no matter what happens next was motivated by love and healing.
I am going to re-read those books too. I may have missed something the first time around. They're deceptively simple...
Posted by starloverPosted by MissD312Posted by starlover
^^ Did you ever read *Noddy* ?
What's that about?? Never heard of this book.
Noddy ~ One of my greatest healers lol. I used to read the books to my lad. As he grew older he would say *Noddy is shit* haha and recently when i found a little soft toy of Noddy and asked would i keep it, he said *Noddy is so gay*
Noddy is my best kept *secret* till now ~~~ sharing ~~~
< width="420" height="315" ="http:click to expand
Posted by starlover
Stunning looking lady!!
Glad to acquaint you with Noddy Cappy
Dull here, but i am happppy!!!
Fun weekend!!
Posted by TaureanAries
Yes I believe in Law of Attraction...and yes I believe you can attract the right person to yourself. I said to the universe on day that I was ready to meet the right man after spending months saying "no relationships"...I even had a little list of a few things I wanted. It was about a week later I started conversing with this guy I met at a birthday party a few months before (and had disliked him then) over Facebook (yeah I know - ugh!) and the rest is history.
He is everything I wrote on my list right down to his beautiful brown eyes.