Totally confused @heart......

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by capricornlove1 on Thursday, September 22, 2011 and has 17 replies.
This is my 1st post not sure if its in the right place but here goes... I'm a Capricorn woman (married but in the divorce process) and I've met a Taurus man and we've been flirting with each other all summer he knows I'm married and he has a friend w/benifits situation on his end. He basically initiates the flirting w/me but hasn't gone any further I've replied positive to his flirts even suggested a few back @him. He always smiles and looks into my eyes when I'm around him always greets ME with a hug and a kiss on my neck or cheek which he does to a lot of females w/a hug (he owns a bar so he is always courtious to all guests) women flock to him because he's the owner and basically a single man regardless of the women around him he makes it a point to keep me in his veiw @all times, when we do make eye contact he makes it a point to hold that eye contact with a I want you look in his eyes. His flirtatious comments have become more frequent and suggestive:0) hugs and kisses from him through the evening, but he also acts very shy around me I'm confused as to whether or not this man is interested in me all the signs are there and he knows that I'm I'm attracted to him his employees knows he's very attracted to me, a friend of mine noticed him watching me all night and sent me a tx message from where she was sitting and ask who is the man sitting across the room, because he's been watching you for the past 3hrs? I told her who he was she said he must like you he hasn't stop watching you .. Where is this situation headed totally confused? I'm totally into this Taurus man....
Girly, you have to get completely out of your previous situation before entertaining this guy. What sign was your soon to be ex?
Anyway, Taurus guys seem to be tricky. Obviously there is some interest, but I think he might be a player, especially having women flock to him and being the owner of a bar. They don't strike me as the type to resist the temptation of it all. The best thing you can do right now is take some time to heal from your divorce. Guys are weird and you don't want him or anyone else to take advantage of you at your most vulnerable moment. Even if you are feeling okay about where you are right now, that doesn't take away from their possible perception of where are. Secondly, the best thing you can probably do with him is build something. He could just be attracted to you physically or sexually, and drop you like a hot potato after he gets what he wants. One thing with us earth signs, we are slow and like to build. All of that flirting says what he wants from you now and probably isn't thinking much more ahead. I'd put him on the back-burner. Whatever he wants, he'll work for. Not to say make him work for it, but look at and see the situation for what it is and proceed, if you decide to, with caution.
He wants sex...Stop allowing him to get so intimate and familiar with you especially if he's doing this kiss hug thing with all the girls which means it's not all that special if he's doing it with you too and it's misleading which can create confusion.
If he's interested he'll not only stare you down but he'll hunt and catch and gobble you up, until that happens it's just him being a man, endlessly flirting and having fun. I can only speak for myself from my own experiences, it means nothing, it only means something when he DEMONSTRATES beyond the staring and endless flirting that he's interested, until that happens don't place any of your mental energy into why he's carrying on like a school boy, have fun and see how it develops.
Yes, I will be closing one chapter of my life before opening up another.
Yes I'm sure he loves the attention from the ladies what man wouldn't I can say that I am not one to flock around him I have friends that hang out there so the flockers I am not part of, I keep to my self that doesn't stop him from flirting w/me no matter who's w/him or who's w/me. Yes he does greet all the ladies w/a hug but not a kiss. This is something my friends male and female noticed when were there I never paid it any attention until they said he hugs everybody(ladies) but hugs and kisses you, anyway I'm not an easy catch and like you said he will have to step up to the plate if he is actually interested. I plan on proceeding with my life with or with out him:O)
Yes I'm quite sure he wants sex(that's not easy w/me). And he hugs all the ladies but he doesn't kiss them and I'm not an easy catch so he will have to show and prove that he is serious about being with me because I don't have time for games. So until then I will continue to enjoy my life and proceed on the path that's gonna lead me to happiness:O)
Posted by capricornlove1
Yes I'm quite sure he wants sex(that's not easy w/me). And he hugs all the ladies but he doesn't kiss them and I'm not an easy catch so he will have to show and prove that he is serious about being with me because I don't have time for games. So until then I will continue to enjoy my life and proceed on the path that's gonna lead me to happiness:O)

Yeah, definitely continue to enjoy you. I'm not sure how Taurus guys are when they want someone, because all I've seen of them is an extremely slow approach, but I still think they'd do more than stare, hug, and give a little kiss. That's enough affection to keep you guessing, which could be also what he wants. Like Tiki said, I would stop that whole kissing thing. It's just putting you in an awkward place on your end, and inching more to what he wants on his. The hugs and kisses is stepping over boundaries, especially if he's not ready to claim you. They are extremely affectionate, especially when they want something from you, and when it comes to their wants it won't always be about you not being easy. They will build it up through affection to where you'll give in before you know it. Yeah, cut that physical contact off. They are sneaky with it.
Is this a joke?

A guy looks at you .. that's it?

Posted by capricornlove1
..... I'm not an easy catch and like you said he will have to step up to the plate if he is actually interested.

People amaze me, really they do .. you 'say' this, while your actions (as you described them) tells he already caught you, just by looking at you.
You'd run to him the moment he made the first indication ... and every person who has a brain reading this, knows it.

People, for the most part, appear to have no real grasp on reality.
I'm curious as to why you are allowing him to hug and kiss on you? What has he done or said to deserve to touch and be intimate with you, he's out of line okay LOL! Inana is very right with her observations about how he's crossing intimate boundaries with you. No wonder you are confused.
I mean this man is getting you all to himself, has done absolutely nothing to demonstrate to you that he wants to be with you beyond "playing" his lil boy forever endless kissy pooh hug flirt stare games. Revel in the attention because yeah it feels good to feel validated and wanted by a man but DO NOT TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY.
He's a player to the core if he has a fan club and you'll be the one ending up hurt because he's not going to throw his fan base and give you his heart just like that, focus on getting through your divorce and healing, this guy is a mere distraction and he'll never be serious with you because he's having too much fun hugging and kissing and being chased and chasing women so it's better that you don't even see him as an option unless your open to be his FWB.
I agree, he might be a player, but I have to say this...
Personally for me...eye contact and holding it for a few minutes does not always mean I want sex, it means interest in the person. I do this as a woman because I think its romantic and locking, making cupcake eyes is fun and a way to flirt.
People that have fallen in love often start this way. Everything is in the eyes. Some men might do it to get sex, but also maybe thats how they have met someone they like...
I have always thought I'll know him (the right one) when we can lock eyes and hold's the "wow factor"
Such skeptics on here...sometimes locking eyes is just locking hidden agendas.
And yes P angel a guy checking out a woman usually does mean "interest" thats how it starts...
I read the most lovely story in the local paper here..
Guy and girl see each other at bus stop everyday...lock eyes, but don't speak...for a long time..somehow finally one gets the courage to say or make move (don't remember the details) and now they are married.
Now isn't it silly to think he only wanted sex because he was looking at her daily at the bus stop? They ended up together....
Just because he knows women from the bar or whatever doesn't mean he should be branded as a player..I hug men all the time at work or wherever and we are just buddies.
Time will tell if he is...but she certainly can fantasize about something happening if she likes and is attracted to him. She should move cautiously though, she is vulnerable right now.
Sorry to be mean..but you two are the biggest wet blankets I have ever encountered on a message board...jeez
oh gosh sunshine and poppy seeds LOL....La La Land is so wonderful
I had this situation except she's the Taurus and looks like Megan Fox. We would have made a beatifuel ass couple but nethier one of us made a move. She would just stare at me even when she thought I wasn't looking. Which is nothing new but then she would lay her head down and sigh almost like she was dreaming. Has he tried to talk to you long conversation wise?
Why are you such an unhappy b*tch? Learn how to be positive....
Im not sure where your from but in my city its common for males to give a hug and kiss when they enter a room and vise versa for the ladies some do some don't and you know who's trying to come on to you just by there approch and body language and who that individual is,maybe you don't get enough hugs in your city. Thanks anyway for your comment:O)
We two probably would make a great couple also, the staring doesn't bother me kinda makes me laugh but thats a whole different topic.Most of our conversations are about business a few personal questions here and there but like most Taurus's they take things slow, jus a little to slow for me. We have a lot in common business wise and that would be what would bridge the gap later verses sooner ....Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for something positive to read yes, there are a lot of skeptics around they probably feed off of there negativity oh well. Yes eye contact is very positive I think basically if he only wanted sex I think he'd be looking at something other than my eyes,like my ass or my breast,or just gropping me but it's nothing like that. He's an observer I've noticed, so keeping an eye on me is just something he does I suppose. Actually I'm not very vulnerable right now my heads on pretty straight even during this divorce process. Thanks for adding some sunshine my post.....
Posted by capricornlove1
We two probably would make a great couple also, the staring doesn't bother me kinda makes me laugh but thats a whole different topic.Most of our conversations are about business a few personal questions here and there but like most Taurus's they take things slow, jus a little to slow for me. We have a lot in common business wise and that would be what would bridge the gap later verses sooner ....Thanks for your comment.

Np ok so what's going on now. Update.