Im at one of my downest lows thinking how cruel it is not to be able to have a conversation with my ex since the breakul. He immediately stopped contact since he informed that he wants to breakup. His reasons were he had severe anxiety and depression. Found out 2.5 months after the breakup that i was a cictim of black magic made by a man i rejected- which i know most of u here dont beleive in it or me but i dont know any of u and im not lying thats why im here seeking help, advise, motivation, anything that could help me out if this sorrow..
I thought he was a victim of black magic too or his depression coincided with the black magic thing on me but i didnt know because he refused to wven tell me how hes doing, and i insisted on helping him and contacting, reminding him how loved, important and beautiful he is and that i do love him with all my heart but im not after him for a relationship rather than there for him to help him- since his last words to me were: im scared, overwhelmed, its against my nature and condition that i want to isolate myself from people. I dont want to see or to talk with any kind of people..
I ended up being thought of as desperate for him, harassing, and sent me a message recently through a mutual friend that he doesnt want any contact with me.
Its unfair that he left me with those words and never answered checking out on him.. i thought i was motivating him during his bad time while he wasn't answering me. There was a time he said he didn't want me to text him but didnt mention why.
Im so sad that he used to call me his walking dream and now asks his friend to deal with this shit- which is me..
i dont know anyone of u here and i assure u the reason of breakup was black magic. It exists, i experienced it, i was terrorized, i lived it and I suffered it after threats of a guy I rejected.. so please dont tell me im in denial if breakup im here with a truth asking dor help.
I know i might be selfish to think this way but i suffered 2 things, the agony of healing from the spell and the breakup that was so silent from his end, and would heal and would be able to move on if he only listens to why i insisted on contacting him, motivating him and all i did was only because I thought i was trying to save his life from something he neither beleives in nor understands.. and i wasnt neither a stalker nor a psycho..
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Nov 03, 2013Comments: 6652 · Posts: 25221 · Topics: 78
Sometimes you will never get closure. Just move on.
I realllllly don't understand people who have to pick and send messages to the point of getting blocked. Do you really not give a fuck and don't respect him or yourself enough to just leave it alone. It's beyond selfish. Just leave them alone.
Signed Up:
Mar 13, 2017Comments: 1573 · Posts: 1153 · Topics: 3
Op, your username means "pubic hair" in Filipino.