Virgo men, rubbish at sex.

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Kityyyyyyy on Monday, August 14, 2017 and has 82 replies.
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In my experience, virgo men are the worst in the zodiac, when it comes to sex. Well in my experience anyway. Thoughts?.?
Interesting, no one would touch this . I couldn't possibly be alone on this one?.
Posted by FknNerd
You were the only person willing to have sex with a virgo.
Very good ?
Posted by MiZLeo
The 2 Virgos I've had sex with have been good. One was better than the other but they were both good. No complaints other than one refused to perform oral on me.
You must of won the virgo lottery. ?
I don't think so, they're really kinky/nasty so I like that about them.
You're lucky, the ones I've been privy to, must have been defective.
I'm a Virgo male, and I can honestly say that I'm the best man I've ever been with.

Of course, I'm straight and the ONLY man I've been with, so... lol

Seriously, though, I was going to post in an earlier thread that I've only been with a handful of women (mostly Pisces, one Sag, one unknown but I think Scorpio), and I thought they were all boring. They were all multi-orgasmic and kept coming back, so I don't THINK that I was the problem... but they all just lay there and acted like their presence was all that was really necessary.

But, how do I know that the problem isn't ME? It's not like there's a class on this kind of thing.

I'm open to solving this, once and for all. Let's get together and see if I'm bad, too... and if so, take the opportunity to show me what's wrong Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Uh huhhhhhhh......

Did they lay there acting as a mirror to see if you'd participate or?.

Have you ever asked your exes about your performance and how you can make improvements?. I do it all the time, it's called positive, open dialogue. Its really healthy.

I'm friends with all of my exes, with the exception of the Sag (who, years and years later, acts like I'm the worst man in the world... no idea why). I've had a conversation like that with 3 of them.

Two said that our sex was great, and it was clear that they thought that, by asking, I was going for a do-over. But to them, that would mean getting back together, not just sex, so no do-over was had.

The third wasn't particularly clear... she had said before that it was "incredible", but when I tried to have a frank conversation she just went on to explain why she had felt like she had to go back to the father of her kids (the reason we broke up). So she didn't really understand the point of the question; she, too, thought that I was trying to get back together.

But literally very girl I've been with did the same things, in the same order... I go down on her, she goes down on me, we start missionary, she orgasms a few times. We switch to doggy (my least favorite position, truth be told), and she orgasms a few more times. But the penetration part is only like 5 minutes before she's gotten off a bunch and is pretty much done, but I've just gotten started. So they go back to missionary, and more or less wait for me to finish.

One would get on top after doggy, but she didn't get off or anything and it felt like she thought it was obligatory.

I'm a pretty open minded guy, I'll try anything once. I've always HEARD of girls that were in to kinkier things, but in all my years I've never actually been with one. It's like, every girl I've ever dated has watched the same bad movie on Cinemax and took it as a how-to lesson.
Posted by Mutabull
Yeahhh, I'd have to agree. 0 for 3 when it comes to Virgos, but they make awesome friends!
They absolutely do make fabulous friends.?

Or maybe you've got trash pussy

Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway
Erm.... I was talking about their passion, drive, technique or lack there of. Just my personal opinion .
Selfish AF, prudish, wouldnt do oral, made no noise AT ALL, got annoyed when i didnt cum.

I don't know about the selfish part, but I do know this from the other Virgos I know:

1. Feminine shaving is a rule, not a guideline. We're a tidy people.

2. I make little to no noise, I'm focused on your enjoyment rather than my own. Which can lead to...

3. Yeah, it'd be very frustrating if we're making all this effort and you're not getting off. I've only been in that position once... it was sort of a group thing, and I was going down on her while she was going down on another girl. She had no reaction at all to my efforts, so I felt more or less unwanted and stopped wasting my energy pretty soon.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
Erm.... I was talking about their passion, drive, technique or lack there of. Just my personal opinion .
Maybe he just wasn't into you.

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Maybe, but there was more than one. None of them made an effort so.
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
Uh huhhhhhhh......

Did they lay there acting as a mirror to see if you'd participate or?.

Have you ever asked your exes about your performance and how you can make improvements?. I do it all the time, it's called positive, open dialogue. Its really healthy.

haha whenever i have asked a woman this (several) they never answer you. never ever. though i can tell you for me in the past (too long actually) it depends on your sexual compatibility. few women i know for sure loved me in bed and a couple we didnt click right at all. same as kissing. generally i am known as a great kisser almost all the time like over 80% but couple girls def wanna kiss in such a dif way it doesnt work out well
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
Erm.... I was talking about their passion, drive, technique or lack there of. Just my personal opinion .
Maybe he just wasn't into you.

Maybe, but there was more than one. None of them made an effort so.
I had sex with a sag once out of pity. I didn't try at all. Now he tells ppl we hadbad sex. I just say ya because I was never attracted to you.

You're the common denominator?

How are u approaching them?
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Well, I am a Scorpio, enough said.?????
I don't need a book for validation. And I was in loving long term relationships with all the Virgos I speak of. Again, just my personal perspective. Nothing personal.
There are Virgents who are dreadful and there are those who are incredible.

It truly depends on your chemistry with them, and what they are willing to do.

Although I must say, they are not the most emotional sort of men during sex. They are often seemingly stoic, constantly observing your reactions, and utterly focused on your pleasure. It is uncomfortable and unnerving, to have a man so concentrated on pleasing you technically, so much so that it creates a wall.

At least, for Stingers like I, a greater part of sex is letting go, to feel, to not only have one 'serve' me in pleasure, but to pleasure one another. For certain Virgents, they may not be comfortable with that idea, and for I, I find it slightly uncomfortable, to simply lay back, letting go, and allowing him to pleasure me to the best of his capabilities.

However, the important thing is to learn this - allowing them to pleasure us gives them great pleasure ... or so I have been told. If the woman does not learn to bask in his endeavour, both parties will leave unsatisfied.
He had the smallest dick I've ever fucked but ironically it was the most painful sex.
In all honesty, I never once said that I wasn't part of the problem, or that I wasn't rubbish myself.

I'm sorry, but I don't like to divulge my intimate details online. Some things are sacred. I will say however, I did and went above and beyong the parameters of intimacy. And to that end, in my defense , when one does most of the work, sadly the other party gets used to it and over time fails

to reciprocate in kind. I hope that does suffice?.
This is all people

Talk about on this site it seems... whoever the new fuck boy is...

Welcome to America... and independent women that just want to have fun.

I am sorry you slept with someone you obviously did not love... just another one to add to the count I guess... only natural as the animal you are. Make

Sure to move on really quickly Mercury retro grade is not over yet still room

For many more mistakes

My intent was not to vent, yet, get other people's perspectives and experiences , that is all.
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
My intent was not to vent, yet, get other people's perspectives and experiences , that is all.
I am

Sorry he did not love you and f you the right way to get you off. Try to find a meaninful relationship is my advise.

Posted by piscesmoon2
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
My intent was not to vent, yet, get other people's perspectives and experiences , that is all.
I am

Sorry he did not love you and f you the right way to get you off. Try to find a meaninful relationship is my advise.

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Thank you. We did have a whole lot of love. There is no right or wrong in intimacy. I most certainty am heading down that path.

Posted by Kityyyyyyy
In my experience, virgo men are the worst in the zodiac, when it comes to sex. Well in my experience anyway.

User Submitted Image
Posted by Whorpio
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
In my experience, virgo men are the worst in the zodiac, when it comes to sex. Well in my experience anyway.

User Submitted Image
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Posted by Drogan
I'm a virgo, and I get complimented before and after sex every time. I'm ascended Taurus and have others in taurus and scorpio, so maybe that has more pull over it. I do a lot of kinky shit, and a lot of different positions, have stamina (woman usually cum 6-12 times before I do), and I'm well endowed. I'm also fairly muscular/strong so I can do a lot of the standing positions and flipping women around if they're the type that like to just lay there and do nothing but scream and moan... Which I do hate. That is probably my only pet peeve... Woman who don't do shit. I like when they try and struggle for dominance... Slapping, choking, scratching, and biting or talking dirty. Like I said, kinky... Kind of a masochist. None of that is BS for the sake of trying to make Virgos look good. Other then that, I'd do probably anything with/to a woman just as long as it doesn't involve my anus ?
Posted by SpreadLies

Or maybe you've got trash pussy

Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway
Own experience?
I dunno how they actually are in bed...but they have very very ... I mean like extreeemely kinky thoughts...things I wouldn't imagine otherwise in general lol. Never seen any other signs being that kinky.. I mean it may all be just words coz idk how they'd all do it for real..but still it was interesting to know.
Why is my text slant ??
Posted by ItsMeRoman
There are no bad lovers. Only bad teachers.

A partner doesn't just automatically become what you want from a lover. It takes communication and time and also trust in one another to reach that point of mutual satisfaction.

Being selfish and expecting only your needs or desires to be met was prolly frustrating for him as well.

McVirgos are great imo. Most consistent and pleasing lovers whom just keep giving and trying.
I agree with all you have written however, I am selfless and place my partners happiness above mine hence, feel this works against me, and causes them to become lazy and ambivalent. Again, this is my experience with Virgos I've been with.
Posted by drunkghost
you're picking the wrong virgos you need the ripe ones
Yup, you're probably right. ?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by SpreadLies

Or maybe you've got trash pussy

Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway
Own experience?
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Limited experience

Posted by TurquoiseArrow
Posted by Teena
I dunno how they actually are in bed...but they have very very ... I mean like extreeemely kinky thoughts...things I wouldn't imagine otherwise in general lol. Never seen any other signs being that kinky.. I mean it may all be just words coz idk how they'd all do it for real..but still it was interesting to know.
virgos words can come into reality.
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Haha.. I can believe that. N if they do, I don't think they're rubbish at sex. They are super creative I must say.

Posted by csdude55
I'm friends with all of my exes, with the exception of the Sag (who, years and years later, acts like I'm the worst man in the world... no idea why). I've had a conversation like that with 3 of them.

Two said that our sex was great, and it was clear that they thought that, by asking, I was going for a do-over. But to them, that would mean getting back together, not just sex, so no do-over was had.

The third wasn't particularly clear... she had said before that it was "incredible", but when I tried to have a frank conversation she just went on to explain why she had felt like she had to go back to the father of her kids (the reason we broke up). So she didn't really understand the point of the question; she, too, thought that I was trying to get back together.

But literally very girl I've been with did the same things, in the same order... I go down on her, she goes down on me, we start missionary, she orgasms a few times. We switch to doggy (my least favorite position, truth be told), and she orgasms a few more times. But the penetration part is only like 5 minutes before she's gotten off a bunch and is pretty much done, but I've just gotten started. So they go back to missionary, and more or less wait for me to finish.

One would get on top after doggy, but she didn't get off or anything and it felt like she thought it was obligatory.

I'm a pretty open minded guy, I'll try anything once. I've always HEARD of girls that were in to kinkier things, but in all my years I've never actually been with one. It's like, every girl I've ever dated has watched the same bad movie on Cinemax and took it as a how-to lesson.
is why you take control

and make them perform

lively and correctly in bed.

such boring angering sex.

all of you are very boring.

sounds like no one truly

is into the sexy moment,

but doing it just because.

take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
OP, how many Virgo men have you been with to come to this conclusion?

Six relationships with Virgo men over the years.
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
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if inner slut comes out

then it is outer slut now.

do work on your insults.

for him yes, as he likes.

he is my slut too always.

we belong to eachother.

now, where is your mate?

make sure you dont die

all bitter and alone with

your hand in your pants.
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
click to expand
cant hear you now.

taurus hubby said

do not be jealous,

mr. unskilled penis
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
cant hear you now.

taurus hubby said

do not be jealous,

mr. unskilled penis
click to expand
Yea sure, I'm so jealous of the Japanese when it comes to sex game

even at your worst sex

someone is bound to

fake like you one day.
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
cant hear you now.

taurus hubby said

do not be jealous,

mr. unskilled penis
Yea sure, I'm so jealous of the Japanese when it comes to sex game

click to expand
because all Japanese

have same sex game.

we are all tiny in body.

fufufufufufu. hilarious.

keep showing stupidity.

mind you, i never said

ALL virgos are bad sex.

i blame only my ex, ne.

but you so hurt over my

comments so must be

true for you as well. hm.
some of you need to

stop wearing shoes

if they do not fit you.

sensitive for what??

does post have name?

were you called out, ne?

easy to see who fits a

label by how they act.
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
cant hear you now.

taurus hubby said

do not be jealous,

mr. unskilled penis
Yea sure, I'm so jealous of the Japanese when it comes to sex game

because all Japanese

have same sex game.

we are all tiny in body.

fufufufufufu. hilarious.

keep showing stupidity.

mind you, i never said

ALL virgos are bad sex.

i blame only my ex, ne.

but you so hurt over my

comments so must be

true for you as well. hm.
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Trust me, my penetration alone would crush all 3 of your g spots ?

The only question you'd have to worry about is whether you want me to leave it in or pull it out ????

Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
cant hear you now.

taurus hubby said

do not be jealous,

mr. unskilled penis
Yea sure, I'm so jealous of the Japanese when it comes to sex game

because all Japanese

have same sex game.

we are all tiny in body.

fufufufufufu. hilarious.

keep showing stupidity.

mind you, i never said

ALL virgos are bad sex.

i blame only my ex, ne.

but you so hurt over my

comments so must be

true for you as well. hm.
Trust me, my penetration alone would crush all 3 of your g spots ?

The only question you'd have to worry about is whether you want me to leave it in or pull it out ????

click to expand
fufufu, more joking i see.

my husband looks at me

all of my spots obey him.

he doesnt need any talk.

you dont have to prove.

take your tiny penis and

non skills elsewhere now.

it is sad that you even try.
prove something to

unfortunate woman

who has to sex you.

dont prove to me, ne.
Y'all are reaching w bashing Virgos

But I'll let it slide
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
Posted by SpreadLies
Posted by TachibanaSan
take notes from

your bull brothers.

taurus brings out an

inner slut in women.
In your case it would be your outer slut
cant hear you now.

taurus hubby said

do not be jealous,

mr. unskilled penis
Yea sure, I'm so jealous of the Japanese when it comes to sex game

because all Japanese

have same sex game.

we are all tiny in body.

fufufufufufu. hilarious.

keep showing stupidity.

mind you, i never said

ALL virgos are bad sex.

i blame only my ex, ne.

but you so hurt over my

comments so must be

true for you as well. hm.
Trust me, my penetration alone would crush all 3 of your g spots ?

The only question you'd have to worry about is whether you want me to leave it in or pull it out ????

fufufu, more joking i see.

my husband looks at me

all of my spots obey him.

he doesnt need any talk.

you dont have to prove.

take your tiny penis and

non skills elsewhere now.

it is sad that you even try.
Your obsession with your husband is dull & dry.

If you spent less time trying to overcompensate with your words you'd might be able to get physical with my dick

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the true example of

over compensation.

yet so stupid to see.

yes sure come over.

i will gladly perform

transexual surgery

on you, half priced.

now your body match

your inner bytch too.

come on over, we say.

Posted by Sunsetvirgo
Y'all are reaching w bashing Virgos

But I'll let it slide
Very mature
