Vision Board

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by sweethearts on Saturday, November 23, 2013 and has 15 replies.
My sister in law gave me this idea and I like it so I'm going with it, She feels if you want something you meditate on it and will into your life Big Grin She makes me laugh with her optimism so this is my Vision Board for my new man:
He has to have dark hair and be athletic and conscious of his health and appearance
Be smart in either business or overall knowledge
Funny and easy going
full of energy and happy
enjoy sports and competition
love entertaining or being entertained and have lots of friends and be family orientated
enjoy life and reward themselves for hard work and have a desire to travel
Most importantly know how to communicate and express himself and not run from issues
like alone time and can relax with nothing to do
Is not scared of physical work and knows how to maintain a home
and Give me butterflies
This is the man I wish to meet...I'm happy to overlook some qualities but most of these are important to me smile
Your turn
The law of attraction
I read about this from the book, "The Secret." It says that if you 100% trust & believe that you want/deserve something & if you can imagine yourself as if you already have that person, the universe will have to give it to you.
The theory is that your thoughts control everything that you get/don't get. The minute you start to doubt that it will happen/come, the universe will listen to your energy & withhold it from you. It's hard to call this false in a world full of people with insecurities, fears, & doubts. The people who have unwavering faith in something, usually get what they want, exactly as they picture it.
But how many people can have faith in 1 single thing forever w/o once having fears or doubts that they'll never get it? It's very very very hard, BUT possible if you learn mind control.
Many people, including myself believe in this philosophy. Anyone who's ever had anything they cherish most, once sat at home & imagined themselves having it.
The key is to not only imagine that you deserve it and will have it. The key is to live your life as if you ALREADY have it. For example, if you dream of having a good husband, sleep on 1 side of the bed at night as if you already have him.
The only loophole in this theory is that there's no telling when you will receive what you want. Some people have made a life style out of this teaching & DID get what they wanted/imagine, BUT got it much later or sooner than they expected. That's why a lot of people try this teaching but end up giving up. If they don't get the results they want when they want it, they lose faith in the theory altogether, w/o realizing that their loss of faith is the reason they don't have it
It's some pretty deep stuff!
Well that stands to reason, optimistic people get what they want because they believe they will. I've always been like this and I make things happen, set them as this works when the subject is achievable with money or hard work but to will a person into your life...or is it a matter of wanting it so your eyes are wider open and looking for it?
I admit, I spend days seeing people but not really seeing them, I talk to loads of people everyday but not really fully take that person in because I am otherwise preoccupied with other matters at work etc. This is why, I forget peoples names and faces all the time. My work mate on the other hand remembers every single person by name and face, this blows me away as currently she is holding more than 500 peoples names in her head!!!
Well time will tell, I do believe it as the last time I did something similar to this I met the guy I spent the next year and a half with...but I've definitely changed what I am asking for this time lol
Haha, sis you notice I got specific in a couple points?? lol
While this topic isn't harmful in anyway, it reminded me of something someone recently told me. 'When you stop expecting things - that is when the universe will give you what you want and things will start falling in to place.' Pretty much the opposite view point of this topic. I believe there's a lot more psychology behind things going right when you aren't expecting anything, though. You can get easily discouraged if you think you deserve something and it doesn't happen. If you don't think about what you're missing often and just go about your life not worrying or thinking about when you get it then it will seem like a lot less time has passed when you finally do get something or someone good.
In theory if I don't expect anything nothing happens! It's when I set my mind to something that things start to happen Winking think I like this way of thinking and going to see where it goes.
well it's called "High expectations"
my sister's sister-in-law is still single in her 30s, and she is very successful, but lives with parents so she can save money. She dresses nicely and is educated, but her expectations of men, are in the form of Darcy from Jane Austen.
If it works for you, then good.
In my opinion, being positive helps attract good things, but expecting things to happen can be somewhat detrimental. In other ways too, than what I mentioned previously. Say you are pining for a good solid relationship and all you've encountered in the past are ones that last a week. You meet a guy and he starts talking to you. You immediately think, see, it's working! The universe has set this guy my way. When you start thinking that, you can't put it out of your mind. So, you go for this guy even though you barely know him yet. Meanwhile, a few days later another guy comes up to you and you're already mentally unavailable. You end up with the first guy you talked to and you make yourself believe that this is what you wanted because it was delivered to you. He turns out to be an alcoholic, but you ignore that. Meanwhile that guy you looked past had a lot more in common with you and you two could have ended up a whole lot closer than you will ever be to that guy. While it might not play itself out like that, having expectations and having that consume your thinking and beliefs could distract you from what is actually good for you. I can't explain it well but I hope that came across clear enough.
Expectations that you deserve something can lead to: jumping into things that aren't going to be successful because you think this is how the universe wanted you to play it out. Expectations lead to disappointment when things don't work out.
Expectations may lead to things happening, but maybe not the right things. You can alter your view point to make these 'things' fit into what you want, but maybe they originally didn't fit that mold. Maybe nothing happens when you don't have expectations because your mind doesn't alter things like that. That guy you went for when you had expectations may seem unappealing to you when you don't expect it. Maybe you would have eventually met that second guy who you would have an awesome relationship with and while not expecting anything, you turned your head and something lit up in you. But people are impatient so they can't wait for what's truly meant for them...they can't sit there and wait for 'nothing', when actually something just takes time to appear.
But, honestly, like I said, if what works for you works, then go for it. I just wanted to express my views on this issue in general and it's nothing against you. My thoughts sometimes can't contain themselves. : (
No, that's a fair call Scenic and I totally understand where you are coming from.
However how can you not have any expectations on a potential partner?? Are you happy to go with someone that doesn't fit into your life the way you live it? Not me. There will always be expectations, I've defined mine but of course it's in theory and a lot may not be as important as I think right now when I do meet someone "real"
regardless of whether I'm expecting it or not, I've learnt a lot from past experiences and my eyes will be wider open, trust me as you get older things change in the way you look at everything and you're not as desperate to find that someone, especially if you have fulfilled your "family" life. But more looking for a companion.
I personally think that common sense has to come into play at some stage!
As far as expectations I meant more that you expect to find that person at all rather than expecting certain qualities. Expecting things to appear in your life can be detrimental. I suppose as you get more specific, it's less so...such as people with certain qualities or life style s. But then again, both can lead to disappointment and perhaps some not well thought out decisions. Both forms of expectation were incorporated into your topic, but I only really commented on the one half of it. And if I were to state personally, my expectations are slim. Though, maybe I really have none at all. I never wanted to date a smoker....then I did. I never wanted to date someone with kids...then I did. So, whatever I expect is really a fickle attempt to outline someone even though I really throw all that away when it comes down to it.
And hey, things may have changed for you as you got older, but not everyone fits into that mold! Stuff like that and 'you'll understand when you'll get older' really has created an age complex for me. Heck, in person, I'm a lot more mature than many adults I've come across. Age doesn't automatically mean more experience, change, wisdom, etc. : ( I suppose for me, I don't even want a 'family' so I can skip that step altogether! ; )
The not wanting a family is an expectation then isn't it? You might meet the perfect person that wants a family...then what do you do?
In my case age is about experience and wisdom. I also didn't want a smoker with the last and excepted it that he was but I overlooked things I shouldn't have in his case and it turned and bit I have to heed my own warnings next time around.
I suppose that's one, but I did say I have a few. But once again, that goes back to the other kind of expectation that I originally did not bring up in this thread. I don't expect that a guy who doesn't want a family will walk into my life. I don't expect a guy will walk into my life at all. (Well, right now I wouldn't need that anyway!)
Was it the smoking itself that hurt you? I know it can be a health concern.
No not the smoking, he gave up himself anyway with no persuasion from me. Just wanted to and did. But my family weren't sure of him and I against my better judgement allowed him to moved in, in a short period and I also never wanted step children and I grew to love his two and they were ripped away without as much as a goodbye...there were a lot of little things and I blindly closed my eyes which is why next time around I will be looking to my friends and family to take in all their thoughts right in the beginning.

But I think we all have expectations or a list per-sa that we feel we don't want, and it all goes out the window at some point.
My problem with making these sorts of wish lists is that we are wishing for idle characters. Anyone can fit the bill at any instance of time but will he/she stay that way forever more? Not in every way no. Some things will stick and some things will come and go.
But can we all accept that? Can we accept that maybe we'll gain a lot weight down the road, become more irritable, lazy, draining, sad, or boring for a time?
I don't know about you guys but I don't want to look at people and compare them to base desires. I want to look at someone, feel, and spark new desires that can be fulfilled without effort simply by being. That is all.
Anyone who has anything once imagined that they'd have it! There's no successful person that didn't ever think about being successful. There's no happily married person who didn't ever think about being happily married before they met that person. There's no person living in their dream home that didn't ever think about their ideal dream home before it was built!
The same goes for the negatives! There's not 1 person who's ever been cheated on that hasn't ever feared or thought about being cheated on. The imagination is a wild thing. Even if you've never imagined being raped, or murdered or something horrific, that doesn't mean that the thought of being violated or taken for granted hasn't been a fear of yours!
The universe has to give you what you believe you deserve, whether it's good or bad! According to the Law Of Attraction, the universe assumes that if you think about any 1 thing over & over again, that it must be something that you want! The universe is not biased & will not say, "Well why would ya want that?" lol It gives you what you want & it assumes you must "want" it by the intensity of thought you give to the specific place, person, thing, etc. you want
There's obviously something to it!

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