What are the early signs of major incompatibility in a relationship?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by _Dazed on Thursday, September 17, 2020 and has 27 replies.
Or in the dating/courtship phase..
Posted by BlueStar

Not liking ketchup

You find out theyre a scorpio
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

You find out theyre a scorpio
Haha, yes 😂
I think communication is key, and even though you might be opposite if your values don't align then there is a possibility it may be difficult to navigate in the relationship. That and of course sexual incompatibility
They say they can't stand edm and put on country instead.
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by Sith_Rogen

They frequently end tweets or posts with #savethechildren

They have signs in their house that say live laugh love.
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Or any other fucking happy/ motivational quotes
Goals and core values to a extent.

The number 1 sign of incompatibility.....

Lack of respect for the others opinion.

No matter how different you are it's ok. It can be hashed out if it's not too much of a extreme difference. You can exchange ideas and life experience and come to a understanding. This requires respect and willingness to understand and LISTEN to the other.
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by Isolde
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by Sith_Rogen

They frequently end tweets or posts with #savethechildren

They have signs in their house that say live laugh love.


Or any other fucking happy/ motivational quotes

The people who post them constantly on FB get hidden.
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Exactly why I stay away from IG
He's a manlet and your a tomboy. Star crossed lovers.
If you ask me for money

If you ask me for nudes

If you ask me to cook

If you ask me to split the bill

If you don’t pay attention

If you don’t have a job

If you not in the same tax bracket

If you don’t have nice things

If your mama don’t like you

If your carpet is dirty
I have no clue about comtapati ..abitlity or so but I know some tricks

When I eat all her meals, she can't help it anymore, she will fall in love

When I don't leave after midnight, she will fall in love

When I ask how her mom is, she might get suspicious but she will most likely fall in love
Posted by Unwording

- Inconsistent

- Disrespectful

- Hates dogs 🪓

- Likes ketchup 😒
What happens when your dog and his dog don't get along?
When they tell you you’re job is a nightmare and they are a Capricorn

When they tell you, you can’t make a decision and they are a Libra.

When they tell you, you are going to hell because you won’t convert to their religion but oh wait, both Christian religions.. but you are a better person then they are.


Posted by akitu

Obliviousness, lack of awareness, disrespectful to you or others
Differing bed times.
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

Obliviousness, lack of awareness, disrespectful to you or others

Differing bed times.

No normal person goes to bed at 2am
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I've been in bed by 1am every night in the past week.
Posted by Isolde
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by Sith_Rogen

They frequently end tweets or posts with #savethechildren

They have signs in their house that say live laugh love.


Or any other fucking happy/ motivational quotes
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I'm so attacked on here lately.. first my kitchen , now my home filled with positve quotes.

*ugly cries*


They shit in your bed.
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Isolde
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by Sith_Rogen

They frequently end tweets or posts with #savethechildren

They have signs in their house that say live laugh love.


Or any other fucking happy/ motivational quotes

I'm so attacked on here lately.. first my kitchen , now my home filled with positve quotes.

*ugly cries*

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Awe there there... go and read one of those positive quotes on your open plan kitchen 😂 it’ll cheer you up
Gluten free diet with no preexisting conditions.
Posted by Isolde
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Isolde
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by Sith_Rogen

They frequently end tweets or posts with #savethechildren

They have signs in their house that say live laugh love.


Or any other fucking happy/ motivational quotes

I'm so attacked on here lately.. first my kitchen , now my home filled with positve quotes.

*ugly cries*


Awe there there... go and read one of those positive quotes on your open plan kitchen 😂 it’ll cheer you up
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They aren't IN the kitchen LOLOLOLOL
They don’t laugh at your bad jokes

And you feel like you’re walking on egg shells
ever just wanted to have sex with somebody

but they hate your zodiac sign?

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okay but srsly tho,

there are 𝗡𝗢 dealbreakers

you can and 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 manage to make excuses for all their behaviors

are they lying, manipulative aholes plotting genocide?

who cares, he loves me and tries to lovebomb my zodiac sign
Posted by Unwording
Posted by virgoOPPP

okay but srsly tho,

there are 𝗡𝗢 dealbreakers

you can and 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 manage to make excuses for all their behaviors

are they lying, manipulative aholes plotting genocide?

who cares, he loves me and tries to lovebomb my zodiac sign

- Pisces moon
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goes for everyone
When the silence makes you uncomfortable.

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They like pineapple on their pizza