What do we do now? Question about my libra guy

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Sjmusic22 on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 2 replies.
Why must us Leo's play so dangerously??

Soooo... I'm lady Leo, 18 y/o and my birthday is August 22nd... I am dealing with a Libra guy who is 20 years of age. It's been a long road between the two of us.

We met when I was 15, he 17. We quickly submerged ourselves in a relationship that was nothing short of wonderful for a little more than a year. From the first day that we met there was something so different about him and I knew I really wanted to be with him from the first date. I and many others would agree that I was the happiest when we were together.

We went through a rough patch when he decided it was best we be friends.. how furious I was with him, especially since he would get upset with me if I decided to move on. It was a lot of back and forth and the reality of the situation was that we didn't want to let each other go. So all this time we've been off and on as "friends".
But last winter he came home for break after going away to college. I arranged it so that we saw each other. When me and him get together our chemistry and attraction toward each other is through the roof, so I knew what I was in for but what I did not know is that he had a girlfriend waiting for him back at school. So that night we tumble around and two days after that I find out via social media about this girlfriend because she friend requests me! I confront him about it and he tells me he's in love with this girl ( can you say ouch!?) so me being young, immature, and highly spiteful I tell her and she wants to know everything. Looking back on it I feel really bad. Karma got me, it's fine.
After that we hadn't talked in months and I really don't know how we reconnected but we did. Despite whoever we've dated we find our way back to each other.
It's been very tough because no one I've dated or liked could ever compare to this libra and I've tried to downplay it but it's the truth. He will text me about how much he misses me and thinks of us and getting back together but he's so flighty!! Then I won't hear from him for days and when I do it's like those conversations never happened!
Last night he calls me and tells me to come outside. He's outside and he hugs me so tightly. We hang out and drive around. We talk for hours about everything and we kiss and all that. WOW! At that point I didn't realize how much I missed him being we haven't seen each other in a year. But it doesn't feel like we've been apart. We were so comfortable with each. It felt like I was talking to my bestfriend and arguing with my spouse. The kiss was still electric. So after all that he texts me and tells me he's still in love with me.

He wanted me to change my schedule so we could hand out tonight. I texted him about 3 times throughout the day for tonight.. Nothing. I call after 6 hours and he doesn't pick up and then he texts me and says he can't talk right now. What's going on? It's so frustrating!! I feel I've accepted that we may not be together right now but I hate this
Lack of communication. Whenever I've poured out my feelings to him in the first past all he says is "okay" and I never know how he's feeling or what he's thinking or where we're going. Today he seems so distant and it's agrivating. I'm still young so I know it's not the end of the world but everything I've been wanting is within reach and I still can't have it. Maybe it's the chase but I'm tired... I know he knows how to communicate and express himself. What should I do or say, please help...