Posted by TXCowboylol yeah they look so much like each other
This woman is like the female version of Ben Shapiro, just going to have to wait a few years for it to fully come out of her.
As for the point she's making, yes.
I spent my prime dating years learning what works and what doesn't. You can chalk it up to my scientist (control freak) mindset when I was younger by evaluating any and all options I had available. And I definitely had plenty.
Now that I'm older, and I've realized what is important in a female partner and I think I've narrowed it down.
Was I really ready at the age of 23? No, I had to settle down and learn how to treat people the right way, and I think I've mastered that.
At 43, there's two ladies whom I would purchase the ring for. Out of all the potential candidates, these two stand out immediately. Ironically, they were the only ones to push back. Everybody else let me walk right over them, which I can do very easily.
The power is with them now, all they can do now is fuck up a good thing developing. 😅
Posted by virgoOPPP“Daily Wired”😖🫨
think about this? 🤔🤔
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy initial loaded" data-="https:" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">
Posted by alexscaries……or 10 🫥Posted by virgoOPPP
think about this? 🤔🤔
My narration skills are retarded, but they're still better than hers. I've complained about YT narration sounding like they're on xanax, hers is what it's like to talk to someone on coke. Fun for 30 to expand
Posted by BasicThey’re available and the light is on? They fit 5 people?
I believe in taxi cab theory
Posted by Basicwhat is that? 🤔🤔
I believe in taxi cab theory
Posted by alexscaries😆😆 maybe coz she's libra? my mars don't have much trouble understanding herPosted by virgoOPPP
think about this? 🤔🤔
My narration skills are retarded, but they're still better than hers. I've complained about YT narration sounding like they're on xanax, hers is what it's like to talk to someone on coke. Fun for 30 to expand
Posted by alexscarieshmm i don't think too much about it coz she's like 21. but surprising that she's had some history in acting but apparently doesn't modulate so well. interesting how most people on this thread commented on how she expressed herself. i just think she talks too fast, like ben shapiro.Posted by virgoOPPPPosted by alexscariesPosted by virgoOPPP
think about this? 🤔🤔
My narration skills are retarded, but they're still better than hers. I've complained about YT narration sounding like they're on xanax, hers is what it's like to talk to someone on coke. Fun for 30 seconds.
😆😆 maybe coz she's libra? my mars don't have much trouble understanding her
I understand. For someone with so many views her craft should really be better, immaculately researched or researched at all even if it is shovelware content, zero pacing - slow it down a bit, way too loud, exaggeration of wrong words that don't require emphasis, poor scripting.
Compare and contrast to YouTubers like Larry Bundy Jr who has a hyper style , but is precise (Taurus), blameitonjorge who is sort of hypnotic (scorpio) or trash theory who is calm and informed (?) And you can see just how bad it is. This is her source of incomeclick to expand
Posted by Walk_on_byi don't think i've ever heard kaia gerber speak
I've had better conversations with chainsaws.
Their marriage probably won't last 10 years.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Idk who she is or why she’s popular but when my husband sent me some video of her my first impression was she’s the total female version of Ben Shapiro 🤢
Posted by virgoOPPPPosted by SassyKiwi
Idk who she is or why she’s popular but when my husband sent me some video of her my first impression was she’s the total female version of Ben Shapiro 🤢
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy loaded" data-="https:" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">click to expand