Its a very stupid question but just want to be clear on this. some one very important told me that she wants to getback with me.I know the meaning of the word but i just want to be clear on this.By gettin back what could one mean-is it generally getting b
A scorp male friend of mine admited something to me that didnt make sense to me atall.He said he likes to hurt those he love.Every body sees his good part but the one he love had to deal with bad him,he said he has been meanest to the girl he loved most.<
Any thoughts on the combination of a February Pisces male with a March Pisces female? We get along GREAT,we can definitely see a lot of each other's traits,strengths & weaknesses in each other,though. Anyone had any experience with this oh so fish
hen the Sun Falls in the First House Sun in the first house makes person be anger-prone and lazy. The main native's challenge is to develop a fully individualized identity. Nothing else is more important than
how do you stop loving someone? how do you tell your heart to stop beating? and would that not be the same thing in magnitude? i want to forget about the only boy i could never have but it's like i'm fated to keep wanting him. Everytime i see him i want h