What just happened here?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Supergyrl on Friday, March 10, 2017 and has 1 replies.
So... I met this Taurus guy in 2015. Our relationship didn't really start changing towards a more romantic one until January 2016. When we met, he had been separated for three years, but not yet divorced. I was in the process of dissolving my own marriage, but it still hasn't happened. Long story short, we've been carrying on as if we're in a relationship, even though we're not. Since 1/16, I have separated and he has apparently divorced. There has been no conversation about our status and I'm not really sure what the deal is. Long story short, I have made the visit to the attorney's office and have gotten the ball rolling in my divorce proceedings. It's not a reconcilable situation. Just didn't work out. Nonetheless, my Taurus guy has been going through something for the past week or so. He basically blew up at me for being insensitive about something that I didn't know existed. I didn't know what it is then, and I still don't know. Regardless, I have advised him that I would give him his space. He thinks I'm pushing him to open up. I'm not. He will talk to me when he gets ready I suppose. What in the world is going on here?! Btw, I'm Capricorn, if that matters. I know that we're supposed to be one of the best matches that exists. Still, I'm concerned. I am not divorcing my husband because of Mr. T. (Taurus guy), nor am I with Mr. T. because of my soon-to-be ex husband. They are two totally separate entities. Does anyone have any helpful insight? Please don't be rude. Thanks so much.