What Makes You Fall In Love With Someone

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Dogs on Thursday, February 12, 2009 and has 27 replies.
Id love to know the answer ?
today, it's intelligence, thoughtfulness, understanding, honesty, with a good sense of humor.
tomorrow is a different story. Tongue
it's a good thing i have a versatile libra who can keep up with this gem lol.
I've never been in love but I came close once. We instinctively gave each other what we needed most in a partner. We flowed well, it was very effortless like it was meant to be-only it wasnt. So I hope that maybe I can find it again in my next life.
good conversation, good sex, good food
Great looks, beautiful eye contact, warm feeling when they are standing next to you or touching you, easy to talk to, Mind blowing SEX!!!
And that in itself is a mistake!
looks can kill
looks alone can make me fall in love
nihilist, it just is... a figure of speech.
unless they are your own flesh and blood, i dont think you would love someone more than yourself...you may feel you do cos you'd do amything for them or you are desparate to keep them or you are in the lustful stage but seriously you'd put their life before yours???
Yes I certainly know that...3 years gone this August...
good conversation,beautiful eyes, sense of humour, nice
i can see a beutiful woman naked and will want to spend the rest of my life with her
when the girl u fell in love with loses her physical beauty due to age, then what happens? do you fall out of love?
doggy what makes you fall in love? you're one of those tough, hard to break caps so i'd loooove to know Big Grin
On the outside you need a Hammer to crack my shell!
but on the inside (and it our secret i love ewe) im a pussycat!!
1 How someone conducts themselve's
2 How someone dresses says a lot about them
3 How someone treats other people
4 And the most important thing of all: HUMOUR
im sure there are many other traits i could have included but for me, these are
my top 4
Someone who can repect a person for who they are, Someone who can care and love, who is truthful and sincere, Good humour, Gook looks won't hurt Winking, Understanding, Brave enough to stick by the person who they love and of course good in bed Big Grin
Oh and I do know how less chances there are to find someone like that lol
Maturity, intelligence, mannerism, I like big strong men with some squishy parts. They are easy to cuddle and scare everyone else away Big Grin, Reliability, Sex doesn't have to be great as I'll settle for good personality over sex but if you can get both, dude, I'm there. Oh assertiveness. I love a guy that can stand up for himself and is territorial towards me X3 man I love boys... anyway, even with all of that, I've proven to take years to open up.
Excellent Answer smile
i fall out of love the minute she start naggin me beauty or not yes libras allways looking for the better looking girl keep that in mind
"Liberal and musical and talented and fun and perceptive and mind-reading and games and travel and nature and gadgets and cooking and writing and sisterless and understanding and godless and empathetic and silly and serious and organized and goal-oriented and pretty but not too pretty and messy and funny as hell and a teensy bit twisted, but not too much. Roll that up and stamp it with MINE, because that's what it is."

LOL! That's exactly what I was going to say!
a genuine connection/chemistry,ditto on the flow of the conversation-when it just happens naturally without to much thought or effort, stimulation to my mind/soul,a man that has a intriguing soul and a warm honest smile..excellent sense of humor...and beautiful eyes goes along way with me...and a freak in the bedroom and out of the bedroom..smile
if you can tap into me internally without me knowing beforehand we are *golden*
That is something hard to describe. It could be an illusion made up in one's mind about the object of desire. A certain look, laugh, quiet demeanor, recklessness, aloofness, mystery, tenacity.....I can go on forever. Whatever it may be, it keeps you wanting and coming back for more. You will never tire of it, yet always be in awe of it. It is ageless without bounds.
If they make me a tasty sandwich when I ask. Hehe, just kidding! It depends. Everyone has their good qualities. I'd say my initial attraction is usually based on if they have a sense of humor, the music they listen to (I like a lot of genres), they love movies as much as I do, they play video games, and they're creative. I'm drawn to musicians. If they give back to the community in a positive way and love to travel that's an added bonus. I hate people that are close-minded to new things or people.
friendship,loyalty,ambition,aesthetic,passionate,stabality,not to hard on the eyes,and traditionaland good sex-chemistry..this is what will make me love
humour, humour, humour, humour and............humour.
it is literally all i care about. if you can artfully fall off a chair, you can have my heart.
Being able to make me laugh is a big one, intelligent, sweet and kind, considerate. Traditional gentleman type, but not chauvinistic. Supportive of my goals, and career and education. Has to be sensitive to an extent. Ambition is also very very attractive.