What the heck is going on with her?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by LDM90 on Thursday, September 15, 2016 and has 3 replies.
Sounds like she still cares about you but that's it.
Posted by lagyaal
I made a huge mistake and kind of sort of broke up with my aqua a few weeks ago. I apologized to him a week later, he said everything was all fine, though he wasn't all that receptive. I asked if he waned to get together and he sent me the emoji wearing sunglasses (w/e that means). Anyways he just really cold and distant and we haven't spoken in weeks. He would would watch all my snaps on Snapchat though. I recently ran into his roommate and he told me that he had stopped working at the clubs (which I knew he wanted to do just not so soon), that he hasn't been going out, just staying in. He kind of made it seem like he's just been out of it. He was trying to find the words to describe how he's been acting, so I tried to find the right words for him. I said, "he's just in a weird space huh?". Before that conversation I figured something was up because he hadn't used social media in weeks which is unlike him, but this kind of confirmed my suspicions.

After hearing this from his roommate I decided to put together a small, but cute little bag of goodies for him just a pick me up. I figured I would just be a good friend to him. I went by his place and just left the bag at his door then sent a text to him after saying I left some stuff for him by the door. He sent me a text a few hours later saying 'ok cool thanks'. Then a few minutes later he sent another text saying that Charlie (his roommate) just let him know (I guess that there was something for my ex?) and that he's LA (my city~we live 2 hrs apart).

Did he tell me he's in my city for a reason?

My friends said they think he told me he's in LA for a reason because he could've just said he wasn't at home/out of town/left it at ok thanks. Thoughts?
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