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Apr 04, 2016Comments: 6 · Posts: 1249 · Topics: 93
I haven't thought about my cancer ex much until the past couple of days. I found out he's been seeing a girl and even flew from the south to NYC just to see her. We broke up in March and has been plenty of time to grieve... But why am I feeling so down about this suddenly? I wouldn't say that I was entirely over him but I've just been miserable this week.
I've isolated myself the past month or so while going through this. During the rough part my best friend was kinda there but I ended the friendship not too long after. I don't know if they're actually deceitful or I'm just pushing them away.
No only that I feel lost as far as my career goals. I made a foolish move and quit going to school during the semester because I took on extra payments and it was overwhelming juggling work and school.
I don't know if I'm being hard on myself or what but these past few months have been torturous and especially this week. I keep reminiscing the past and feels like I have no control over my feelings. Parts of me are craving affection but other parts are rejecting it. Heeeelpppp.