Why are women shallow?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by HouseCleaning on Saturday, June 8, 2013 and has 32 replies.
Today it got me thinking again about this question, i haven't put thought into this for a while. i was at a festival for some town anniversary today. the town is full of snobs where they buy their kids brand new SUVs for their birthdays(etc.), the big houses, the moms with the giant SUVs for the concrete jungle or the DINKS(Double Income No Kids). i wasn't dressed for the occasion because i stumbled upon it and i was laid back for saturday. i said hi to 5 women there, they all ignored me, yours truly. it brought me back to the time when i was a little over weight, flimsy, and i didn't really take care of my appearance, of course women would naturally ignore me. Before I use think women were victims tricked into this trouble by guys in their lives, you poor women. After witnessing what my few lady friends go through and hearing the stories from other friends to the point where the woman is killed by the guy and the friends have to be dragged into the misery of going to the funeral. Yeah, no. Women invite the trouble into their lives with open arms. Women are terrible, they look for the guy they want, not the guy they need.
i got myself into a better shape and i cleaned myself up a little. thanks oxiclean for your shit makes whites whiter. Now i do get the time of day from women but I just use women like condoms.
what makes women so shallow? is it some need to satisfy their ego, impress strangers, satisfy their own blind want, emotions, vagina? if you want a guy who is neglecting, a constant drunk, cheats on you, abuses you. you got exactly what you wanted. so don't bother going around crying about the misery you created for yourself because you were impressed by the buckle on his belt, the watch on his wrist, the shirt on his back, the key in his pocket. your brain couldn't look beyond to how he presented his character.
I don't want to see women leaving stupid comments saying something along the lines of you don't know what you're talking about, cat pictures, or some sort of stupid counter post. its like stfu
Posted by HouseCleaning
or some sort of stupid counter post. its like stfu

< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Posted by HouseCleaning
thanks oxiclean for your shit makes whites whiter.

I legit ♥ you
so what are you asking?

what you attract is a reflexion of yourself
everyone is so vengeful or retribution?
Posted by kalin
Lots of guys are crazy about fucked up girls.

Hell to the NO on that one, Dear.
A crazy woman is the LAST thing I want.
You're just mad you can't get your dick wet so easily.
Boo to the fucking hoo.
Posted by djbuck1
My friend, you are generalizing about and seriously underestimating women. A very large pothole is looming ahead of you.

you think?
Posted by djbuck1
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by djbuck1
My friend, you are generalizing about and seriously underestimating women. A very large pothole is looming ahead of you.

you think?

I am being uncharacteristically nice.
click to expand

I thought so -- but whyyyy lol
most of the ones who are doing the bashing are the ones who spend a half hour every morning putting on make up
I don't wear makeup, sweetcheeks.
Troll is trolling.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by aquapiscescusp
what you attract is a reflexion of yourself

Not always. Ive attracted some gross people before LOL!
click to expand

LOL, there is always the exception, maybe you were confused about who you were....
damn, no one has any good answers yet
ok lets see if i can answer my first question with answers from another question. what draws women toward men? it can't be character traits or so much on personality, thats something you find out later
a moment of self righteousness for some
Seriously though, HC, your whole attitude that you radiate (women are shallow so therefore I use them like condoms) makes you very unattractive, and women can probably sense it. The ones who don't sense it? Well you're busy "using them like condoms."
Get it?
You're one of those guys who have emotional issues and take it out on women by getting angry at the ones who don't want to sleep with you, and then using/rejecting the ones who will.
Basically you're setting up women to lose with you. Why do you think you deserve anything?
In my experience, men are very shallow and love my tits or my legs or something, want to touch my hair, want to have sex with me...and trust me when I say I've spent YEARS (literally years, no joke) getting to know someone and getting close to someone...only to have him push me away.
So here I am, I could have any man I wanted if I just wanted sex (and I do date) but in my experience it's often men who are only concerned with whether or not a woman is their physical type, and sometimes that's all she is to him.
I'm kind of annoyed with men who push away the women who want them and then cry and bitch and complain because they're alone.
The clue is that you're alone because of what you're doing, not because of what they're doing.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Some girls set their standards way too high and they are blind to reality.
i can't let this compelling topic get away
Posted by RockinLibra
Some girls set their standards way too high and they are blind to reality.

i think this will go some where
it is a building block
Marmotini, too much focus
calling all women
I used to be around a lot of girls in my elementary years and they were great. So from my own experience I don't think females are naturally shallow. I believe shallowness is acquired once girls and boys begin to exclusively hang out with their own gender. Because of the segregation we are left with only the ideas the media show us and our own thoughts and we begin to build fantasies based on them. And so when we finally come in contact with the other gender there is a lot of room for disappointment.

Perhaps this is something that could be countered effectively in our children if we encourage them to foster real friendship with the other gender. The problem of course is the hormones and the imbalances and awkwardness that comes with it once they come of age.
But as I said I had been around girls a lot as a child before desiring to seek male companionship to balance that and as a result I never wish for more than what anyone is willing to give me.
im not sure where the shallowness begins, too bad the victims who bashed me don't want to comment any further
the answer i've come to is their shallow ego
Posted by robyn808
Their story, is probably very similar to yours.
Neglected, insecure. Just using different things to fill that hole in their soul.

I agree!
If a few rejections & mind games changed your perception about women & changed the way you go about things, then you shouldn't at all be surprised that women who experience the same things with men would also change how they go about things
Some women figure this...
...They've tried being the 'good girl' too but they got overlooked & rejected for the 'bad girl.'
...They've tried only wanting a man's heart, not his wallet, but those guys kept trying to 'buy her love' or call more attention to THEIR money, cars & status, therefore she finally gave in & decided to prioritize the very things men do!

Not to say that any of it is fair, but come on let's no pretend like we don't know why some women are shallow! They're shallow for the exact SAME reasons men are. And since both genders are equally shallow (maybe just about different things), it's not even a rational argue to target/attack just 1 gender for it.
An old friend of mine who was a hopeless romantic, turned gold digger lol...She said this a long time ago & as much as I wanted to disagree, I kind of see where she's coming from!
She said: All men will cheat. And all women will at some point give their heart to them. Since you're gonna get cheated on anyways, would you rather come out of it with a mansion, designer clothes & dollar bills OR come out of it with a broken heart & nothing to show for it?"
Sounds extremely shallow but it's true! The only major difference b/w a woman whose a gold digger & a woman whose not is that the gold digger doesn't pretend like she's the only one sleeping around with guy to get SOMETHING (love, money, status,) out of it.
There's nothing wrong with liking nice things either on yourself or others
There's nothing wrong with a woman saying, hey I like guys with nice cars, nice clothing, & nice faces & nice bodies! Guys damn sure don't apologize for feeling that way!!!
The problem comes when you forget that there are OTHER qualities about a person that are just as important as things on the outside.
Some women like me remember that & don't allow the shallowness to get too far. But just like there are some guys who would rather look at & talk to the girl with the best body, shortest skirt & biggest butt/boobs, there's always gonna be that gil that would prefer the guy with the biggest wallet, biggest peen, etc.
oh please spare me, robyn808's answer is from someone with a shallow ego