Why does a man date an unattractive woman, after he's been in a relationship with a very attractive

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by pooface222 on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 and has 38 replies.
Now this could be applied to women too.

For example you sometimes see attractive female celebrities in relationships with not so attractive men.


I've been noticing that when a man has been in a relationship with a rather attractive woman for a number of years, the next woman is the complete opposite and not so attractive.

Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.

And yes ok...Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder x

Anyone else notice this..?
I also have been surprised by the friends I've seen that date 'less prettier' women.

I think it's because they are less shallow and don't need a pretty woman to make them feel better about themselves - because they already feel good about themselves. They simply don't give a fuck, and that's something I admire and want to reach.
is it your case?
🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe she just wears less makeup and gives a flying shit about „nails/eyebrows on fleek“, maybe she is more natural and would still look bomb once style d up for a night out?

Imo most „hot“ girls are pasted with tons of makeup and the latest sculpting/contouring technique 🙄 most of them even fail at applying it without looking cakey 🙄

Many guys love more natural girls who are pretty but just not „instagram pretty“ lol understandable
Because oftentimes, "beautiful women" feel entitled and giving or thinking beyond themselves is a foreign concept.

I've dated men that were highly desired in society; either due to their physical appearance, wealth, social status, and even a couple of "celebrities". But...their personalities or value systems were shit. That makes them repulsive to me. Hard pass.

Decency, a sense of humor, and being caring/thoughtful makes you far more attractive in my book. A big booty and lack of debt helps too.
Posted by Ellygant

Sometimes it’s an over correction. If they dated someone pretty but demanding and an emotional vampire, you want someone with more substance.

Maybe what they thought was pretty changed.

Maybe the mental or emotional connection was way on point and that makes it hotter.

Maybe they’re a little insecure and want someone they perceive as a safer less high risk partner.

Maybe the first partner wasn’t actually that pretty she just had great make up skills and a grade a stylist. I know a few dudes that get hungry for an insta model stereotype, date one or two, then realize that they’re more attractive in pictures than irl.

Sexuality is more fluid than we realize. For men too.
You did a good job at making your astrological chart positions sound tasty.
Posted by Neno2

Posted by pooface222

Now this could be applied to women too.

For example you sometimes see attractive female celebrities in relationships with not so attractive men.


I've been noticing that when a man has been in a relationship with a rather attractive woman for a number of years, the next woman is the complete opposite and not so attractive.

Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.

And yes ok...Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder x

Anyone else notice this..?

Do i know whos more attractive than the 10 u were dating,the 6 u didn't see naked yet.Because "new is always better" Barney Stinson

😂😂😂himym,love that show
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Legendary, wait for it... Dary.

I was "dating" a smoking hot guy and I learned that all that glitters is not gold.

I will take nice, sweet, honest over looks any day after that experience.

Some of the best looking people are trash on the insides.

I used to look at status, cars, etc but now I'm like....hows your spirit?
everyone's going philosophical here, so....

Id say is because she can take it on the butt.
Posted by Pandora101

is it your case?
No. It's my friend. She's going through a break up.
Posted by Skeleton

Ariesangel92 is that you?
No. Pooface is been on and off here for a while.
Posted by seraph

He might actually find her equally if not more attractive. You can’t know for sure, you’re only projecting your ideas on to what you’re seeing. Your senses relay information to your brain and then your conditioning handles the interpretation.

The only way to find out is to gather

evidence—that is, ask the person. Even then, you’re still just getting their own conditioning speaking through them. But at least you’ll get an idea about their preferences. It’s superficial but you’ll have something with which to compare.

Even if someone appears wholly unattractive from what might be an objective standpoint, he might have zeroed in on a certain physical attribute that in his estimation supersedes her other features. Ya never know.

So, not a very useful discussion without that bit of a legwork.
Cool. Point taken. My friend is going through a break up right now.
Posted by RooSagicorn

Maybe she’s convenient & he’s lazy about finding a new one.. she pays attention to him and that’s what he needs at the moment. She’s opposite of something that irritated or hurt him in the last relationship. She’s just there. An emotional connection instead of physical.

Maybe x

Lets hope a man like that would not Use a woman just because she's There. Just because she Miss 'Right Now.'
I used to date quirky looking guys in my youth and were picking them from the crowd and had been happy. I wanted memorable faces and great personalities.

I knew they weren’t gorgeous but something draw me to those types.

And I knew also they were pretty much wanted by others.

So...being not so pretty doesn’t mean shit! Somebody always want them as much as you do.

Nowadays I prefer gorgeous men.

I am finding pleasure in looking at their faces and knowing that they are with me and we are such an attractive couple. I am having kick if coming to a party and showing him off and having everybody go ‘wow! Where did you find THAT?’ Lol
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I loled at your example. There are no ugly celebrities.
Beauty is only skin deep.
Posted by pooface222

Now this could be applied to women too.

For example you sometimes see attractive female celebrities in relationships with not so attractive men.


I've been noticing that when a man has been in a relationship with a rather attractive woman for a number of years, the next woman is the complete opposite and not so attractive.

Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.

And yes ok...Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder x

Anyone else notice this..?
The allure physical beauty dies of pretty quickly in a relationship. So I guess the not so attractive woman has very appealing traits. Guys who dated hot woman are not easily impressed by beauty anymore.

Its like eating your favorite food everyday. After a while the wow effect is gone

I used dump beautiful women because I thought they didn't deserve me. I thought they would be loved by someone better than me. I also used to think hot women are boring and ugly women were fun. As I grew older I found out its all the same. But somehow I still find them boring.

Its like going after a race or some Championship (like UEFA Champions League). After winning her heart I usually loose interest because there is no more thrills, there are no more challenges to overcome. With average girls there is nothing like that. It just happens naturally. Like having deep mental conversations and intellectual conversations. That's why I kind of like Gemini, Aqua and Virgo women.
Posted by seraph

He might actually find her equally if not more attractive. You can’t know for sure, you’re only projecting your ideas on to what you’re seeing. Your senses relay information to your brain and then your conditioning handles the interpretation.

The only way to find out is to gather

evidence—that is, ask the person. Even then, you’re still just getting their own conditioning speaking through them. But at least you’ll get an idea about their preferences. It’s superficial but you’ll have something with which to compare.

Even if someone appears wholly unattractive from what might be an objective standpoint, he might have zeroed in on a certain physical attribute that in his estimation supersedes her other features. Ya never know.

So, not a very useful discussion without that bit of legwork.
Synastry is sooo important.

Posted by Parkourler

Posted by pooface222

Now this could be applied to women too.

For example you sometimes see attractive female celebrities in relationships with not so attractive men.


I've been noticing that when a man has been in a relationship with a rather attractive woman for a number of years, the next woman is the complete opposite and not so attractive.

Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.

And yes ok...Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder x

Anyone else notice this..?
The allure physical beauty dies of pretty quickly in a relationship. So I guess the not so attractive woman has very appealing traits. Guys who dated hot woman are not easily impressed by beauty anymore.

Its like eating your favorite food everyday. After a while the wow effect is gone

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What about women who are attractive but are not aware of it because they have brains and personality too.

I've met women like this who are intelligent successful women but they seem unaware of their looks x
Posted by LadyNeptune

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I loled at your example. There are no ugly celebrities.
I meant attractive celebrities dating unnatractive men who are not well known etc. I seem to remember Cindy Crawford dating a guy years ago who's name I cant remember but there was an article about why she was dating him.
Posted by RooSagicorn

Posted by pooface222

Posted by RooSagicorn

Maybe she’s convenient & he’s lazy about finding a new one.. she pays attention to him and that’s what he needs at the moment. She’s opposite of something that irritated or hurt him in the last relationship. She’s just there. An emotional connection instead of physical.

Maybe x

Lets hope a man like that would not Use a woman just because she's There. Just because she Miss 'Right Now.'
Well sometimes she becomes more. Because she was there & was what he needed.

A lot of this applies to my ex btw. It took him 4 years to say I love you where it took 4 months with me. Chemistry with me & a life he wanted.. I don’t see it as the same to him but he seems to be getting what he needs. And no they still don’t live together but who the hell knows what life brings. He also says he’ll never marry again but look she allows that.. and stays. I personally wouldn’t want to be her. We had 20 years together it’s tough to compete with that bond. So I wouldn’t worry about it all so much lol A friend of mine met her when we dropped off my daughter at her house one day.. as we drove away she says yikes he went from you to that... I laughed and said I don’t know.. but ya know it’s okay he needs to have whatever lfe he desires at this point. Choices. I hope he’s happy.
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Exactly x

My friend is going through a break up and maybe I'm biased but when I saw her ex boyfriends new woman I also thought Yikes he from you to That!? Lol x
Posted by Arielle83

Maybe she’s cool and they have the same hobbies and interests. It’s deeper maybe.

Emotional connection.

Mental connection.

Sometimes it’s also something sexual. Like an animalistic pheromone connection.

A lot of chicks that think they’re really “hot” are usually starfish or expect the guy to make the moves.

Down to earth chicks seem to be about something else.


My boyfriend dated a super hot blonde before me. Makeup, dressed nice the whole nine yards...

Imma scrub in comparison.

I asked him why me...

He said she was shollow and a terrible person.

Also he has an inate and primal attraction to me, he loves that our sex is exactly what he likes, without having to Ask or initiate.

He used the term starfish when describing her also.

So i think you are onto something...
Posted by pooface222

Posted by Parkourler

Posted by pooface222

Now this could be applied to women too.

For example you sometimes see attractive female celebrities in relationships with not so attractive men.


I've been noticing that when a man has been in a relationship with a rather attractive woman for a number of years, the next woman is the complete opposite and not so attractive.

Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.

And yes ok...Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder x

Anyone else notice this..?
The allure physical beauty dies of pretty quickly in a relationship. So I guess the not so attractive woman has very appealing traits. Guys who dated hot woman are not easily impressed by beauty anymore.

Its like eating your favorite food everyday. After a while the wow effect is gone

What about women who are attractive but are not aware of it because they have brains and personality too.

I've met women like this who are intelligent successful women but they seem unaware of their looks x
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They are a dream come true. They are hot, that is not enough for a relationship, if they have but other traits like kindness and loyalty they are suitable dir a relationship.

Beautiful woman attract high status guys, they get favored, so I dont think its possible that they are unaware of their beauty.

Posted by LadyNeptune

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I loled at your example. There are no ugly celebrities.
What about my MCM...Steve Buscemi?
Posted by BlindedByLove

You lost me at “Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.“
LOL. Seconded.
Posted by HeartofTopazz

Because attractive and unattractive women all have one thing in common.....

A vagina
A warm hole is a warm hole is a warm hole.
You all are making a lot of assumptions about good looking people. I know stunning women who don’t wear makeup and are great partners and they don’t have shitty attitudes. I mean just gorgeous. If anything theyre too giving and nice.
Some of them wear make up too but look good either way.

I think it’s insecurity on the mans part. He cant handle competition.
slutty girl maybe... just attention etc. ugly girls try harder
Posted by pooface222

Now this could be applied to women too.

For example you sometimes see attractive female celebrities in relationships with not so attractive men.


I've been noticing that when a man has been in a relationship with a rather attractive woman for a number of years, the next woman is the complete opposite and not so attractive.

Especially when you know what kind of woman your man likes.

And yes ok...Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder x

Anyone else notice this..?
Ah but you might think they are ugly, but everyone is different. I know it makes you feel better to believe this. But you wont be the better one to everyone. Bitter pill indeed but ive had to swallow it a few times, shit happens. Also personality comes in also. Not just looks alone.
Posted by Pandora101

is it your case?
Posted by Endless

everyone's going philosophical here, so....

Id say is because she can take it on the butt.
I’ve seen that happen lol
I was dating a less attractive guy a while ago. He was nerdy-looking but the kissing, the physical affection and the sex was 🔥🔥🔥. I was so attracted to him. Now, I'm kinda dating a guy who literally is my type to a T. He is tall, dark, handsome and has a big dick. Plus we are much more compatible personality wise. But ngl nerdy guy still had better sex game. I feel like now that I have dated my ideal type, if I date again, I'll be less picky about looks. I love a hot guy but I now realize there's more that plays into my attraction to someone. I think once you date your physical ideal type is when you have this realization bc otherwise you are always wondering what it would be like to date your ideal type.
I dont think I explained myself properly. I didnt mean some make-up covered Barbie doll with no personality compared to say some troll.

I meant a girl who is pretty but with a friendly personality, and a brain, and is everything her partner likes in a woman.

BUT he then goes for a woman who is everything he said he doesnt like in a woman Including her looks, her body!

I'm asking this question for a girl at work who is upset over this.
Posted by bkbella86

Some of them wear make up too but look good either way.

I think it’s insecurity on the mans part. He cant handle competition.
I think you're very right there. Especially if he knows other men find the pretty girl attractive.
This topic is shallow as fuck. Maybe because first time around - they used "hormones as guidance" and 2nd time or 3rd around - they wanted more than pretty girl to fuck with. Relationships that are mainly based on lust (sexual/physical attraction) - rarely stand the test of time. As proven by the high number of single moms - even if a child resulted from their lustful union - that wasn't enough for them to put up with each-other - if lust/sex is the main thing that kept them together. While beyond that... their relationship was meh - or quite miserable to say the least (fighting over every little thing like mad dogs and hating each other's guts).

I guess you misunderstood the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - when it comes to relationships. Cause it's not just about personal views (i see x as good looking - while others do not). It's also about feelings and the way you vibe with a given person. Even when it comes to sexual attraction - there's men/women which objectively - are less attractive than others - yet you happen to have a better sexual chemistry with the former. Still, to have a good relationship with someone (to enjoy their presence long term) - you have to be compatible with that person in more ways than just one (be it sexual or mental).

If the guys you mentioned above are part of a functional relationship - i bet they they enjoy each other's company (have a good time together in most aspects of their lives). While adopting such a shallow perspective - you might perceive his GF as being less attractive than his ex. But in his eyes - she probably glows brighter than Miss Universe. If you're so confused about men who matured from this point of view - I presume you were never truly in love before (same goes for your friend). Since you don't seem to understand - what it's like to be in love someone. You only understand what it means to lust over someone (to chose people based on their looks).