Posted by sweetpea2977
Why not just ask him? 🤔
Posted by Dreamy007You have him blocked but he still shows up uninvited AND you don't want him in your life, but you allow him to still pay your bills?Posted by sweetpea2977
Why not just ask him? 🤔
I have him blocked and I don’t want him in my life. I feel like he’s doing it so I will reach out to himclick to expand
Posted by Wolfine😂😂
And your complain is about...? Lmao
Posted by Reciprocity8
Yes, what sign is he? I need to know what my future ex is going to be.
Posted by GC07Yeah, like I wouldnt even ask this type of questions, he is paying her bills bc it is good to have someone to save you money and you dont have to pay them yourself. duh! lol.Posted by Onimusha01I’m guessing this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 is why he’s doing it.
Can he pay mines too ?... he can come uninvited, If he pays my rent I can also give him a copy of my keys
click to expand
Posted by GC07Yea he’s very controlling. So I’m thinking it’s a control issue. He had full control over me until I forced him to go away. Yea it’s cool to have my bills paid but the feeling behind it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a good place.
I think he’s doing it to have access to your home and or keep tabs on you. 🔑
Posted by STILL
Because you allow it.
What's your sign?
Posted by generation_xyPosted by Black-MambaPosted by generation_xyNot reallyPosted by Dreamy007So hard to believe with those placements 😶
We lived in this house together before he moved out so he knows how to pay the bills here. And I don’t answer the door when comes. He still pays my bills and I haven’t talked to him since November. He’s a libra with a Pisces moon mars in aquaris and Venus and Pluto in Scorpio
Pisces moon and aqua mars
He acts like a Scorpio. His Mars is square to expand
Posted by generation_xyI haven’t talked to him at all since this started. I feel like he’s paying my bills so that will force me to reach out to say thank you. It’s controlling to mePosted by Dreamy007What do you tell him?Posted by generation_xyPosted by Black-MambaPosted by generation_xyNot reallyPosted by Dreamy007So hard to believe with those placements 😶
We lived in this house together before he moved out so he knows how to pay the bills here. And I don’t answer the door when comes. He still pays my bills and I haven’t talked to him since November. He’s a libra with a Pisces moon mars in aquaris and Venus and Pluto in Scorpio
Pisces moon and aqua mars
He acts like a Scorpio. His Mars is square to expand
Posted by Dreamy007Change the lock. I bet you are trolling or lying. He has the keys and you don’t open the door because you know he has keys and he will get in and pay the bills.
We lived in this house together before he moved out so he knows how to pay the bills here. And I don’t answer the door when comes. He still pays my bills and I haven’t talked to him since November. He’s a libra with a Pisces moon mars in aquaris and Venus and Pluto in Scorpio
Posted by generation_xyPosted by Dreamy007Your thoughts are in control more than your reality.Posted by generation_xyI haven’t talked to him at all since this started. I feel like he’s paying my bills so that will force me to reach out to say thank you. It’s controlling to mePosted by Dreamy007What do you tell him?Posted by generation_xyPosted by Black-MambaPosted by generation_xyNot reallyPosted by Dreamy007So hard to believe with those placements 😶
We lived in this house together before he moved out so he knows how to pay the bills here. And I don’t answer the door when comes. He still pays my bills and I haven’t talked to him since November. He’s a libra with a Pisces moon mars in aquaris and Venus and Pluto in Scorpio
Pisces moon and aqua mars
He acts like a Scorpio. His Mars is square Pluto.
In this situation anyway
Do you think he’s playing mind games?click to expand
Posted by Prince_PiscesHow else will she brag about it?
Why question it? LOL!
Posted by PurplePassion38The libra sun is his personality to the tee.Posted by Black-MambaPosted by generation_xyNot reallyPosted by Dreamy007So hard to believe with those placements 😶
We lived in this house together before he moved out so he knows how to pay the bills here. And I don’t answer the door when comes. He still pays my bills and I haven’t talked to him since November. He’s a libra with a Pisces moon mars in aquaris and Venus and Pluto in Scorpio
Pisces moon and aqua mars
Nah this is all Libra sun. Cardinal controlling. It's not done until he says to expand
Posted by PurplePassion38Right??! LolPosted by LostinmyMind11
You can send him my way so he can pay my bills.... kthanks.
How is he paying your bills? Does he come steal your mail? Does he have the info to all your online accts? Does he call them in? Or is he handing you money?
I have these same questions. How is he getting access to pay these bills against her to expand
Posted by Dreamy007Why do you let him?
He still comes to my house uninvited and pays my bills. Why would he do this if he wanted to break up??
Posted by NotmyrealnameHe won’t talk about it really ending but will yell we are broke up so he could do whatever he wanted. He thought he could just come back.
If you lived together and he moved out suddenly he might feel bad leaving you with half the rent still? Maybe once you get a lodger or something it’ll stop?
Or maybe he just doesn’t think it’s totally over yet?
Would have thought you’d have talked about it?
Posted by DreamyboyYes one time I pulled up at home and he pulled in right behind me like he had been following me from somwhere. I’m not bragging. It’s so confusing because one day he hates me verbally cuts me down but Trent will turn around and follow me and do nice things like pay my bills. I’m just really confused and can’t tell if it’s because he cares or is doing it to control me
Low key humble brag?
So what does he do when he pays your rent? Does he come inside and chill a bit? Or often? Any other boyfriend things he do?
Edit saw more details
He’s keeping tabs on you definitely. Stop him and take care of yourself
Posted by ImpulsvIf I were her I'd be embarassed about having my ex pay my bills so I didn't really figure it for a brag thread lolPosted by enfant_terriblePosted by Dreamy007
He still comes to my house uninvited and pays my bills. Why would he do this if he wanted to break up??
Brag thread?
Why do you let him?click to expand
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxXI think that too. He would tell me when we arguing about breaking up that I would always need him and he can’t stand that I don’t really need him. He treated me like a child and in a way he’s trying to reinforce I can’t do anything on my own.
Wants you to see you "need" him.
Posted by enfant_terriblePosted by ImpulsvIf I were her I'd be embarassed about having my ex pay my bills so I didn't really figure it for a brag thread lolPosted by enfant_terriblePosted by Dreamy007
He still comes to my house uninvited and pays my bills. Why would he do this if he wanted to break up??
Brag thread?
Why do you let him?click to expand
Posted by enfant_terriblePosted by ImpulsvIf I were her I'd be embarassed about having my ex pay my bills so I didn't really figure itPosted by enfant_terriblePosted by Dreamy007
He still comes to my house uninvited and pays my bills. Why would he do this if he wanted to break up??
Brag thread?
Why do you let him?
I can pay my own bills. I don’t need it. Idk it just feels weird when I go to pay my bill and there’s money already applied. Lolclick to expand
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischargePosted by Dreamy007Do you think he might be dangerous?Posted by GC07Yea he’s very controlling. So I’m thinking it’s a control issue. He had full control over me until I forced him to go away. Yea it’s cool to have my bills paid but the feeling behind it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a good place.
I think he’s doing it to have access to your home and or keep tabs on you. 🔑click to expand
Posted by LethalFantasia
I don't know but that's hot.
How do you not seduce him after exuding such sexy behavior tho?