Women Will Try to Put You in a Weaker Position if You Live With Them

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Emhendo on Saturday, March 9, 2019 and has 2 replies.
Cuz they the real control freaks...

I'm living with a woman now and we aren't even in a relationship.

Since the day I established we gonna live together, my strength has been tested every fuckin day...

And if I was to lash-out, I risk me getting kicked out. Paying rent or not. If it's 3 of ya'll and 2 vote you out - then you gotta go... Now if I had this apartment in my name, I wouldn't let nobody make me feel like my living situation is threatened.. But this is her mom's old crib, and it was signed over to my friend.

I'm not about to let any woman dangle shit over my head, and why I should be on best behavior - like if I don't act right, she's taking this, she's making me leave, and etc.

I say fuck that.

I just stay out her way, I enjoy my own company and I have shit to do DAILY. Sometimes we drink together and party a little... But that's SOMETIMES.

She's the one always got something to say... I respond the best way I can keep it the fuck moving.. But I just feel myself about blow up at this naggy ass chick.

She has many moodswings, an attitude problem sometimes, she gets very loud over shit that's not that funny or entertaining.. She might even feel like she don't need my company cuz she got other friends to hang with, her boyfriend is here, and her mom and dad visits... I'm just seeing the fickle behavior that women usually have.

I love my friend, but she's annoying.

I've had enough and I'm moving out pretty soon. This was just to get me touch base back in Chicago. Me and my brothers own a home in Michigan City. I think after I graduate, I will move back to Indiana with my brothers... I just needed more time here at home.

But anyways,

women will try to control you if you make an investment with them.

If you decide to live with a woman, she will dangle so much shit over your head.

If you have a child with her, she'll threaten you with not seeing your kids or paying child support.

If you put a car in her name or co-sign on one together, she will take the car from you.

If you guys got a DOG together, she will take the dog or threaten to let it run away while you are at work (personal experience)

I lived with one of my girlfriend's from the ages of 18-19.. In her father's house. When she thought that living in a home with her wasn't enough of an investment - she bought me a DOG.. Because she wanted me to INVEST in her. She thought this dog would keep me on lock and she can be less submissive and more controlling over our relationship.

Controlling in ways like "don't drink so much", "you can't go here or stay out that late".. Or else.

Even just simply getting me fight with her, because turmoil is satisfying to women - even just a fight to get me to talk to her is enough.

She use to control me with I can't get any ass or lay in the bed with her.. (We had separate bedrooms).. But either she liked the sex or she just saw that I didn't give a fuck.

Me and Lillian had a very toxic relationship. It was full of emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. Domestic violence... She had issues and she didn't want me to leave.

What I'm saying is... If you are currently/or ever living with a woman and things aren't going great... You gotta leave. It will make her very bitter and she will try to do things to hurt you while your gone, but you gotta keep moving.

I took my dog with me while she was out of town in Michigan to meet some fat broad that was her new lover. She 100% still loved me at the time, that was just her sorry attempt to make me angry or jealous.. I was just disgusted and left.. Like have fun fat scissoring each other.. Couple of fat bitches in the bed.. Reminds me of a busted can of raw biscuits.

She has tried in many ways to sabotage me. Making my dog run down the street, letting her friend rummage through my room while I was at work, locking me out the house - and whole lot of other shit..

I moved to Indiana and got rid of the dog like 5 months later to come back to Chicago.

You can't always do what I did.. Cuz I got lucky to spend 5 more months with my pup. Had she given a problem about my dog while I was moving out, I woulda left his ass.. I woulda let her try to get him to runaway down the street, or throw away all his leashes and bowls... I just couldn't of let her control me any longer.

If you got a kid, leave them fuckin kids... If she threatens you with child support or not seeing your kid, try to beat her ass to court first and get some custody.. If you gotta pay child support, then oh fuckin well.. Also the best thing you can do is run far far away and she can't do shit about it to even contact you to get you to court. If she won't let you see your kid, you just won't see the little motherfucker then.

If you got a car in her name or she bought you a car, and she's trynna claim it during the break-up... Leave that fuckin car.

Even the crib ya'll got together... Leave the crib.. Let her have it. Bitch.

Women do all this, just to contact you about 2 or 3 months later.. And all because you showed strength.

If you don't walk away, she will keep disrespecting you or whatever it is she is doing.

You have to be willing to walk away, no matter what. Women don't respect a scarcity mindset. You have to have an abundance mindset... Be willing to lose it all, to gain it all.

I was much happier when I left my old girl, when I use to think I would be sick without her.