Would you move for your significant other?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Sag89 on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and has 12 replies.
I was thinking about this the other day. If so why? If not, why? Or maybe?
Maybe but most likely not. Too lazy.
Totally! When I find that someone I've chosen them! As corny as it sounds I WOULD goto the ends of the earth for them and that includes moving! Plus it'll be a whole new experience!
When I was married, I followed him across the country twice. He wanted to apply for a job in Germany once though and I told him no way I'd move. So that was a lost opportunity.
Now, I'm not in a position to travel because of my son. It will be 9 years before I could move, without uprooting him or making major changes.
yes i would!
If I was married, and if I trusted my husband and his decisions 110% . If its a relationship where I wore the pants, then no.
Yes I definitely would!
I would only if it's an already solid relationship.
Posted by Caplove
Posted by geminicandlelight
Sadly, I was asked to move twice by 2 different men, both whom I considered love of my lives...and both time I took too long to think and at the end I said no. I was too young, too busy, too not ready, too scared, listened to everyone else but myself. I bet if I did move with them, either one of them, I'd be a married woman by now.
I regret it, and I hope I get a third chance with someone else.
Sag, don't wait too long, life certainly doesn't wait on us...it keeps moving on, with or without us. One advice I can give you as a woman 10 years your senior, is, just TRY. Try it all! To hell with it, I wish I was more daring when I was younger.

I hope I get another chance, too!
click to expand

Solid advice!
Posted by Sag89
I was thinking about this the other day. If so why? If not, why? Or maybe?

Depends on where I have to move.
For instance I don't want to move to
a war-torn country or some underdeveloped region
where you have to walk many miles just to get some clean water.
I have to be able to find a job and live safely.