Would you tell? Or not...?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by LadyNeptune on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 and has 33 replies.
So you have a friend whose kinda a ho. More power to them. And you bring this friend to a Halloween party your fav client invited you too.

And your friend exchanges numbers at the party and then hooks up with your clients husband. What do you do?

Do you blow up the hubbies game? Do you tell your friend to cut all contact? Or do you just leave it alone and play dumb when it all implodes.
If there is a chance youll loose the client in an emo rage hissy fit ("you brought this to my house, you" *points fingers, throws wine glass at you) when the thing blows....

The problem is now that it has happened how do you make it stop? Theyre both adults, if you go all stern mommy consternation on the friendho it might just backfire and she continues out of spite.

Id say if it was one time, let it go, but if it continues the probability of it blowing up increases every time and if its an important client ( im guessing it is dince you were invited to a party) some part of your future cash flow might be at stake.

Id do it like this if it continues......first talk to the friendho, if unsuccesful or you just think it might be, ie she wont listen, go to the hubby and tell him how the friend has this crazy boyfriend that she cheated on numerous times before and he swore he will kill her and the guy she is messing around with the next time he has a hunch he was cheated on. Find some crazy man photos of a gorilla sized gymcel to back your insinuations visually. Also tell him how she is a fucked in the head ho-bag with a lusting for dick so strong she will deny all of this if he confronts her with it.

Aint no rich guy gonna risk mutilation or worse for pussy he doesnt love.

Posted by edgelord
since this is work related KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. if it was friends/family i would tell you to throw them under the bus. but your job is your money. i'd play dumb all day long.
I just finished their front yard. We are talking side and backyard. I just want to avoid awkward cringe worthy moments.
Posted by norelationshipgoals
Tell the friend and console her during this dark time by getting more work from her

She is a he. I don't think he'll appreciate that I brought the ho who wrecked his happy home into their lives. If I tell its almost 100% likely I never see them again.
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Client ≠ Friend

I'm minding my business.
True. He's so sweet tho, I could see us being friends.

I don't like being in this position.

On one hand my morals are like 'fuck no, tell him...he needs to know the truth". But on the other hand my loyalty should be to my friend and I should stay out of it from a business perspective.

Could be they have an open relationship...could be they have an existing understanding. I'm telling myself that so I feel better.
Hire LadyNeptune, swap your marriage for an exquisitely designed garden.

Posted by bittercupcake

I honestly wouldn’t even be friends with someone like that... and actually don’t. But given your situation, I’d pribably ask the friend to cut all ties with the clients spouse. Try and rectify whatever’s fixable because this might not turn well in the end either way. Might as well take a chance and hope the husband never finds out who it is.
Its a tough situation because everyone was in costume and my friend didn't realize that that he was married. They exchanged numbers under the pretense that he would help my friend with a legal matter. They met up today and ended up hooking up. I just found out a few hours ago.

When I told my friend this dude is married he seemed really shocked.

I guess I feel kinda guilty that I unknowingly facilitated this...fml.

Posted by Mr_Pinchy
Hire LadyNeptune, swap your marriage for an exquisitely designed garden.

No hubby to hug? Hug your new gorgeous olive tree instead. LOL
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Mr_Pinchy
Hire LadyNeptune, swap your marriage for an exquisitely designed garden.

No hubby to hug? Hug your new gorgeous olive tree instead. LOL
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My thoughts exactly and if theres kids in the mix make sure to create a playcorner up to high standards so they dont miss da-da 😂😂😂

Play dumb :/
Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by GC02
I agree with edgelord, you aren’t getting paid for marriage counseling.

I would play dumb all day long.

I would kick the ho friend's ass though...they would no longer be a friend.

That takes some nerve and is disrespectful towards you.

She can ho....who cares....but if it affects me....gloves come off.
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I feel you on that.

Problem is it was a costume party and everyone was drinking. In his defense he didn't know this dude was married, or even what he looked like under the face paint. I didn't see them talking at all at the party, I would've remembered that.They met up for coffee today and legal advice...things snowballed.

I only figured out it was my clients hubby after he described him in detail. Light bulb/oh-shit moment.
Posted by LadyNeptune
So you have a friend whose kinda a ho. More power to them. And you bring this friend to a Halloween party your fav client invited you too.

And your friend exchanges numbers at the party and then hooks up with your clients husband. What do you do?

Do you blow up the hubbies game? Do you tell your friend to cut all contact? Or do you just leave it alone and play dumb when it all implodes.

I would not be friends with someone like that ...and not bring them to a work thing

Posted by GC02
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by norelationshipgoals
Tell the friend and console her during this dark time by getting more work from her

She is a he. I don't think he'll appreciate that I brought the ho who wrecked his happy home into their lives. If I tell its almost 100% likely I never see them again.
Probably not. If I was in your clients shoes, I’d want to keep me and my man as far away as possible from all that, and that would probably include cutting ties with you because of association.

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Potentially much worse ...people lose their minds when it comes to this shit.

Posted by Terramine
Posted by LadyNeptune
So you have a friend whose kinda a ho. More power to them.

No? Not more power to them? Not when they cross legitimately immoral lines. Consensual promiscuity is one thing, you can't say "more power to you" in regards them being a cheater or the other person in an affair.

Especially when YOU specifically sat there ragging endlessly on me for fucking breaking up with Mena in a less than straightforward way. You're a complete hypocritical cunt, you CLEARLY only have a problem with it in regards to YOU being cheated. Because you don't want to be cheated on. But you literally have an explicit bias to where you're more empathetic of your friends?.

Do you blow up the hubbies game? Do you tell your friend to cut all contact? Or do you just leave it alone and play dumb when it all implodes.



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Nobody cares. Please vacate my thread keyboard warrior.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by norelationshipgoals
Tell the friend and console her during this dark time by getting more work from her

She is a he. I don't think he'll appreciate that I brought the ho who wrecked his happy home into their lives. If I tell its almost 100% likely I never see them again.
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keep quiet

your client most likely knows ..maybe even has an open relationship

and maybe is joining in on the fun

you probably deserve a bonus actually

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by norelationshipgoals
Tell the friend and console her during this dark time by getting more work from her

She is a he. I don't think he'll appreciate that I brought the ho who wrecked his happy home into their lives. If I tell its almost 100% likely I never see them again.
keep quiet

your client most likely knows ..maybe even has an open relationship

and maybe is joining in on the fun

you probably deserve a bonus actually

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Good points. All the gay couples I know (save for one) have fluid rules when it comes to monogamy. If he asks me out right then I gotta be truthful. Until then I think I'll just ride out this awkwardness.
Since it's work related your best option is probably to tell you friend to cut all ties (also stop taking your ho friend to work functions). Let your friend know that this can seriously affect your business/career if something goes wrong, so you need to keep personal and professional matters separate.

Make sure your friend isn't the vindictive type though if you do this. Is he/she is, they may bring your name into things and suddenly the situation involves you for no reason. If that's the case, don't say anything.

Unfortunately you can't fix the problems in your client's marriage. Your relationship with your client will determine what's appropriate. If your client is a close friend, then you may want to tip him/her off in some way just so that he/she doesn't get hurt in the future. Cheating can not only bring about hurt feelings, but STDs if people aren't careful.

I just wrote a response in another topic that may be relevant to this situation: https://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/relationships/if-your-lover-cheated-on-you-9330408/?p=6
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by norelationshipgoals
Tell the friend and console her during this dark time by getting more work from her

She is a he. I don't think he'll appreciate that I brought the ho who wrecked his happy home into their lives. If I tell its almost 100% likely I never see them again.
keep quiet

your client most likely knows ..maybe even has an open relationship

and maybe is joining in on the fun

you probably deserve a bonus actually

Good points. All the gay couples I know (save for one) have fluid rules when it comes to monogamy. If he asks me out right then I gotta be truthful. Until then I think I'll just ride out this awkwardness.
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yeah i think most gay men have it right when it comes to this

sex and love are two very different things

i don't feel i'm exactly polyamorous but at the same time even if i was deeply in love in a committed relationship i wouldn't want any restrictions placed on myself or my partner as long as their was honest communication from the get go

life throws you curve balls sometimes it would be cool to experience more people even if i had already found "the one"

Posted by Prince_Pisces
I ignore it, but keep it as ammo if we ever have a falling out.

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I would pretend I never heard it or was told. Nunya.
Posted by GC02
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by norelationshipgoals
Tell the friend and console her during this dark time by getting more work from her

She is a he. I don't think he'll appreciate that I brought the ho who wrecked his happy home into their lives. If I tell its almost 100% likely I never see them again.
Probably not. If I was in your clients shoes, I’d want to keep me and my man as far away as possible from all that, and that would probably include cutting ties with you because of association.

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one of the best answers. i wouldnt even have any association with women who are disrespectful of other people's partners. i want them to be loyal to their man/woman.

maybe it's idealistic but no amount of "business" is worth that.

$ $ $ is the downfall sometimes, which leads to sexual promiscuity.

look at Harvey Weinstein's legacy.

MYOB, a hoe will be a hoe a cheater will always be a cheater his wife knows he's one.
If yawl think this one "hoe" messed up this so-called "happy home" yawl are naïve he didn't get a wondering eye when she came to the party. I doubt that the first party he been too since he been married or the first piece of temptation.
And FYI there is a time and a place for everything a work party wasn't the place for your hoe friend.
Posted by PayMeek_NoMind
MYOB, a hoe will be a hoe a cheater will always be a cheater his wife knows he's one.
No wife in this senerio.
Posted by Distilled
What the friend did is disrespectful to you and your job. Taking that into consideration, I would back off contact with said friend and lay low.
Agreed she had no business and you should check her on it for sure. She is grown she should've known better like hey this is my friends business let me not mix it with pleasure.
Posted by Supes
She’s a ho. I’m pretty sure she’s discrete.
She is a he. Can no one read??
Posted by PayMeek_NoMind
Posted by Distilled
What the friend did is disrespectful to you and your job. Taking that into consideration, I would back off contact with said friend and lay low.
Agreed she had no business and you should check her on it for sure. She is grown she should've known better like hey this is my friends business let me not mix it with pleasure.
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It was not disrespectful.

This was not a stuffy work function. This was a Halloween costume party. When we got there people were turnt.

They exchanged numbers at the party and met up AFTER.

Only disrespect that happened was the clients hubby hooking up with my friend. That's assuming they don't have an open relationship.
Posted by meh
It's interesting seeing gender roles play out.

Like the initial assumption that some have, thinking that "ho" and "Halloween party" is a woman trying to seduce a married man.

Posted by LadyNeptune

Good points. All the gay couples I know (save for one) have fluid rules when it comes to monogamy. If he asks me out right then I gotta be truthful. Until then I think I'll just ride out this awkwardness.
Afaik, gay couples do tend to be more open in terms of monogamy in romantic relationships. (But idk how that would be in married relationships.) I would probably ride it out too, and be truthful if asked.

Would probably talk to the friend to see if he has intentions to see the client's husband again though. A well-intentioned friend probably wouldn't want to jeopardize your business relationship.
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Yeah this thread is old news.

Once we figured out it was the hubby we were both kinda horrified. He deleted his number and isn't trying to continue anything there.

He's a good friend and a good person. It was an honest mistake. Not even mistake, a weird combo of events and coincidence.
Okay so he wasn't a typo for hoe sorry about that, so I guess I don't understand why it is a question if you don't feel your friend did anything disrespectful why you worried about your clients hubby's affair? I guess I don't see what the big deal is if you don't really feel a way about it.
Posted by PayMeek_NoMind
Posted by Distilled
What the friend did is disrespectful to you and your job. Taking that into consideration, I would back off contact with said friend and lay low.
Agreed she had no business and you should check her on it for sure. She is grown she should've known better like hey this is my friends business let me not mix it with pleasure.
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Holy fuck you people are blind.

She is a he. Business function was all about pleasure. My friend is not in the wrong here, the hubby is. Sheesh.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by PayMeek_NoMind
Posted by Distilled
What the friend did is disrespectful to you and your job. Taking that into consideration, I would back off contact with said friend and lay low.
Agreed she had no business and you should check her on it for sure. She is grown she should've known better like hey this is my friends business let me not mix it with pleasure.
Holy fuck you people are blind.

She is a he. Business function was all about pleasure. My friend is not in the wrong here, the hubby is. Sheesh.
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No actually I am not blind as I said previously on page 4, I though he was a typo for hoe oops shoot me. Either way I still don't get why its a question of telling when A. they hooked up after a party and B. your friend ended it and C. you don't think your friend did anything wrong.

What are you trying to accomplish by going to your client and telling them hey, your hubby hooked up with my friend after the party? I just don't get why it's even a question at this point if it's all said and done but maybe I missed something.
Posted by meh
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by meh
It's interesting seeing gender roles play out.

Like the initial assumption that some have, thinking that "ho" and "Halloween party" is a woman trying to seduce a married man.

Posted by LadyNeptune

Good points. All the gay couples I know (save for one) have fluid rules when it comes to monogamy. If he asks me out right then I gotta be truthful. Until then I think I'll just ride out this awkwardness.
Afaik, gay couples do tend to be more open in terms of monogamy in romantic relationships. (But idk how that would be in married relationships.) I would probably ride it out too, and be truthful if asked.

Would probably talk to the friend to see if he has intentions to see the client's husband again though. A well-intentioned friend probably wouldn't want to jeopardize your business relationship.
Yeah this thread is old news.

Once we figured out it was the hubby we were both kinda horrified. He deleted his number and isn't trying to continue anything there.

He's a good friend and a good person. It was an honest mistake. Not even mistake, a weird combo of events and coincidence.
Yeah. Sometimes people can be quick to judge.

That's good. It's great to have a friend like that. Glad it worked out in a way.

If anything, it sounds more like the husband was the ho, since he's the one knowingly in a relationship sleeping around.
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Yeah idk why people flip their shit when they read ho. Everyone automatically assumes that the friend is female and a home wrecker...smh. Just goes to show you the blatant double standard.