Would you want this as a wedding/graduation gift?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by truecap on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 and has 19 replies.
There are several weddings and graduations coming up and I want some feedback as to whether anyone would appreciate my idea for wedding/grad gifts. I would like to give the book "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey or whatever his newest one is.
For those who aren't familiar with him, he has a financial radio show that talks about money management and how to get and live debt free to achieve wealth. I've read it and his plan really works. It's hardcore to get out of debt, but would be easy to start out a life with his teachings. His philosophy is living debt free and having a plan now so you can live a wealthy life later.
Anyway, I wish I had gotten on his plan 25 years ago. I'd be a very wealthy woman now. So, I thought if these young people could (and would) get educated now, then this plan could help set them up for a life of ease in 20 years.
Although it is a very boring and pratical gift, would you be offended or grateful for a gift like this?
And, yes, its a very capricornish gift. lol!!!
Playing on your state gifts are not free - I guess I'd be giving the gift of financial freedom! lol!!
Thanks yall. I don't feel like such a dork now. smile
People give Bibles so why not?
Doing and to being debt free are two very different things in today's world. The financial system is rigged to get you into a debt spiral. (Think credit score.) You need a good credit score nowadays to get a job. So you much run debt.
Buying a house. A car. That so called "bucket list" (who the hell ever came up with this idea?) I never heard of this until recently and quite frankly there are a lot of things I wanted to do when I was younger that now I could care less to do.
Maybe if I live long enough being able to go to the bathroom by myself might be a goal.
The book is a good idea but the need to leverage our lives is so ingrained into the economy and our social fabric that it might just be better to buy them a gift card and put a note with it saying you should use this money to buy this book.
They can then look at it and then decide if they want to be money secure in twenty years or just make it "rain up in here" for the now.
P. S. Yes it seems I am stalking you today. Big *kiss*
Posted by truecap
And, yes, its a very capricornish gift. lol!!!

Ya think? Lol....Um, I guess it depends on the receiver. As a grad/wedding gift I say, meh??_.
Posted by Ligeia
For a graduation gift I would be cool with.
As a wedding gift I would stab you with a
cake knife lol.

Posted by capgirl69
People give Bibles so why not?

What?????! Oy!
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by capgirl69
People give Bibles so why not?

What?????! Oy!
click to expand

I received 3 Bibles for my wedding.
I married an athiest.
I have been to many lavish weddings that would have benefited from a book like that at the engagement! That said, I would never give a book at a wedding unless it was anonymously done.
For a graduation, uhm they're probably really sick of seeing books ya know!?
Sorry, that's what I think, I know you mean well.
Posted by capgirl69
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by capgirl69
People give Bibles so why not?

What?????! Oy!

I received 3 Bibles for my wedding.
I married an athiest.
click to expand

And this is why I ask for opinions!!
I usually give money and thought about instead of the usual, I'd drop it by $ 20 and give the book, but it is appearing that the majority are saying the book is a bad idea. Oh well, they probably won't read it anyway.
Financial freedom opens a lot of opportunity and I'd like to give the gift of that to someone starting out. Alas, but I think the American people are indoctrinated that debt is good and all it does is enslave you to the system, keeps you from moving upward and leaves you vulnerable to the establishment. Not criticizing anyone here, but so many people are so caught up in the "I want it now" instant gratification philosophy and look what our country has become.
Oh my, I derailed my own thread! That's a conversation for another time! lol!!!
And I'm definitely not giving a Bible! lol!!!
I like the Dave Ramsey idea, maybe give it along with a more exciting gift..very practical. If you are close enough to one of his workshops/classes def take one. Not so good as a gift, but for anyone else its great.
He was bankrupt himself once or twice he learned the hard way now he is wise!
He advocates when two people are living together married or otherwise, live off the one income while using the other income to pay off debt and for savings.
Seriously how many of us do that...but how simple it is...also love his idea of three household accts...a separate one for each adult, and the a third acct for the household expenses, each adult contributes a percentage into the household acct so they can still have the "own" money. No arguing over money!!

Love his radio show too....
I wish I had access to his program in my early 20s. I'd be wealthy by now. Hopefully! Lol
Depending on who is getting married;
as a couple we would give between $ 300 - $ 500
Posted by capgirl69
I married an athiest.

that's ^^^ WHY you got bibles

and same principal with topic ... it makes the insinuation that you think they are financially reckless

Thanks for the tip, though ... I'm gonna read it myself
Good point P-Angel. I didn't even consider that it could make them feel like I thought they were reckless. Thanks for pointing that out.
Grey, As far as gifts go, well, it really depends on how well I know the couple. An acquaintance, probably $ 40-50. A friend or family $ 50-100, depends on the relationship. I'm a single mom, maintaining the same bills and life style as when I was married. I can't always give what I want. How much do you give for gifts?
What if I gave the book with money tucked in the pages and a handwritten note explaining the book and telling them to find the money?
Nah, I'll just give the cash.