Hello, I have decided this forum is a comfortable place to embed this topic. How much does control affect a relation
I'm going on my first date with a Saggy...ever!!! And I'm really excited :) He seems like a really nice, genuine guy.
I am one of those people who read and believed the good, kind, humanitarian, eclectic and fun side of Aquarius for so lo
I don't know about anyone else ....but I just freakin love peanut butter. I swear I am in love when I am eating peanut b
I've known a Leo man for about 8 months now. recently about 3 weeks ago we started talking over the phone, last week I
I don't see how we're this confusing honestly. We're just simple if the end result is simple. Seriously. We don't lik
I just had this dream.. me and this girl that I knew (witch I am developing feelings for) were in some sort of party bc
Im in love with a Pisces Woman and she tells me she loves me also, but she doesn't want to be my girl. I think she just
An aquarian friend of mine had some sort of mental episode a few weeks ago. I wasn't around to see any of it so I can't