I have the sun, the moon, mer. and venus all in the 12th house which encompasses a sliver of Pisces, all of Aries and a sliver of Taurus as according to Placidus. So what is a thwelth house stellium good for? I wish I had this in the 10th, the 2nd, or e
Hi beatiful people! I need your help and advice. I was born on 18.7 so therefore belong with my star sign into Cancer. But there is a problem. I am nothing like them. I have people in my family and friends Cancerians and I am totally different. I am stron
After my break up, my cap apologized today? am I keeper? Do they still care? I heard its rare when a cap apologizes, especially after their done with you.
How important is it in a person's chart?
In new relationships it seems the more intense it gets the more I take and need.. Like I've heard a lot of men say "the more I give the more you take." To me... Idk what my deal is.. Insecurities, and negative thoughts and worried just flood my mind. I st
This might seem like nothing to anyone else but for me this is huge and what is even more surprising is that my aqua man actually wants to spend a whole damn week with me. I get the feeling though that this is also an "experiment" of his. House sitting
I know there is a lot more to a person and they way they act than astrology and their signs.. i get it.. BUT. I have noticed a lot of people talk about Cancer men being confusing.. and I am SO confused. as always. We've been on and off for many many y
Ever been so in love with someone that it hurts? I mean literally u feel the sesnsation of your heart hurting and anything that u see, hear, etc that reminds u of them makes your heartache? Well in addition to my pevious post,this Virgo decided to break.
I've read that Nessus usually indicates abuse and it usually described as something negative. Some even say that if it's prominent in the natal chart (any aspect to the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, mars) that this person will abuse. The same goes for Dejani