Jesus? Physical Body Ascension Method

This topic was created in the Religion forum by sunera on Friday, June 2, 2006 and has 2 replies.

Jesus gave each of his Inner Circle of Male and Female Disciples, a Priceless Pearl of Wisdom, his ?Physical Body Ascension Method? for the time of Rapture.

Our ancestor?s wondrous information for Ascension during Rapture has been updated into today?s language, (just like other recent discoveries in our informational releases). Jesus? True Knowledge of Ascension means this amazing document contains ancient secrets and advanced spiritual wisdom.

A copy of this recently translated document ?Jesus? Physical Body Ascension Method for Rapture? is now posted at under Recent Discoveries.

Like our ancestors, we, the 21st century descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, walk our talk and practice what we preach. Now, we also share this priceless wisdom from our ancestors with you.

A 99th Generation Descendant
You're kidding... Did you get this from the Da Vinci Code? You do realize that it's just fiction right?